Addy...Ukraine is divided, as I have been told, into areas that language is preferred. Eastern and southern ukraine are dominated by russian language, northern and western ukraine you may hear more ukrainian language. I don't really know difference if spoken to but I do know the vowels are different and sound different. I was told by a girl, to learn russian because I would be understood by more people, so I take it not many know ukrainian laguage.
I have never heard anyone in Ukraine refer to it as 'The Ukraine'.
They are politically divided too, cities such as Kharkov in Eastern Ukraine, the voter feeling is far more aligned to Russia, in Kiev, its aligned to the West and in far West such as Lvov, very aligned to the EU and the West, as Kiev, central parts and West are more populated voter numbers favoured the "orange revolution" and Yushencko with his Western ideals but the reality is Ukraine is politically split 60/40, 60% in favour of the EU and the West and 40% aligned with Russia and its politics...the politics can shift anytime and its to unstable...admission to the EU won't even be considered to 2015 provided things remain pro-west, many Ukrainians still think in the old communist ways.
A women from Kiev I wrote to ( an Elena ) refered to me as "a greedy capitalist" because I would not send her anymore things.( no money was ever sent..never sent money!)...they have crappy salaries, live o.k and like Western men for the money and gifts they can get out of us..other than that, they think we are clowns and jerks to be used up and tossed!
I agree with Beemer some places in Ukraine they do not like Russian but my lady does not like Ukrainian and hates the fact that they teach more of it to he son in school than they do Russian. She says Russian is a beautiful language and Ukrainian is not.
Im sure your right beemer and Ukrainians can all speak Russian.
They do seem to be becoming very nationalistic now though. Ive been told that in West Ukraine they do not teach Russian in schools any more and there is a big push to cut all ties with Russia.
Russia is considered by many as the big oppressor that captured their country, so the Russian language is the language of the oppressor.
You see it with how Ukraine sided against Russia in the Georgian conflect. Ukraine did everything they could to make it difficult for Russia.
Unless there is big political change, it would seem Russian will be spoken a lot less in Ukraine in the next few years.
Ukrainians speaking Ukrainian. Who would have thought? )
Its the winds of change and many do not like change.
My lady comes from West Ukraine so I get a bias from there.
She was telling me that 6 years ago her ex was missing out on good jobs because he could not speak fluent Ukrainian. Its more so now.
Ukraine wants to join the West but, while Putin is alive alienating Russia from the West; I can not see any Russian speaking country joining the EU.
Big incentive to continue the change.
Addy...I do think there will be a time that russian language will only be spoken by the old timers.
I know that in Latvia, where russian is still mostly spoken, when dealing with any government offices, you need to speak latvian. What is funny, is a girl I was writing to told me they had to get an interpreter to translate for them because the officials would only deal with them speaking latvian. My friends girlfriend from Estonia told me she doesn't know much russian. In fact I have an article from the Moscow Times dated Oct 25, 2006 that says while russian currently is 4th most spoken language in world, in 10-15 years it is projected to be 10th place. In fact, the russian population each year shrinks almost 1 million people. Also, by 2025, the number of people speaking russian language will be equal to that of early 20th century. I know this is dry...but I thought this was very interesting article. www.THEMOSCOWTIMES.COM
Its not a "hoax" I think the point is you have to undertstand what it is that they want, they DO NOT want a rich guy, they want someone who loves them, its very important probably more so than most guys realize, and yes they definately test you, but look at it from their point of view, they are going to leave their family, friends, and career to go live with someone in a foreign country, would you do that? If you were doing that would you not want to make sure the person is going to treat you right? That you won't become someone's maid? I think some people on here think its like going to some market and picking out the "wife" you want.
I've been speaking to a girl for about 8 weeks now, and she has not asked for a penny, she really does not care what I do for a living, her questions are things like "What do you think help people to love forever" and similiar questions.
Its real, you just can't be a jerk and expect to get anywhere. And yes she is very hot, I had a hard time believing it myself at first.
Well O-Big-Ed has given us a history lesson that many of us had been aware of anyway, in history there was a country of The Ukraine but only in history, I guess he refers to Istanbul as Constantinople in that case!
The biggest Hoax in Ukraine is the Political scene and its farcical Government.
This is in melt down again, Yushchenko is threatening to dissolve the coalition parliament – yet again !!!!!
Yulia Tymoshenko – who did not stand with Victor Yushchenko on his opposition stance against Russia for the Georgian conflict, has upset Yushchenko's Pro Western and directional plan.
But the beautiful Yulia has plans of her own. Being President after 2009 or 2010 elections. Polls show her having a significant lead as preferred leader, and this dispute could free her from a pledge to Yushchenko, re: not to challenge the president's re-election bid in 2010.
Yushchenko’s actions today are possibly timed for “tricky Dicks” arrival tomorrow. Doesn’t want to look like another idiot, similar to the Georgian President “Syco – savilli”
Give it a rest on Shaskalavili LOL!! It seems you're trying to make Putin look like some choir boy.
Larissa and I have discussed Ukraine Politics for a few years, she has now come to an understanding that Yuschenko, Yankovich or Tymoshenko are not good for Ukraine, they need a patriot like Lech Walesa to step in.
Though I did like that Yuschenko pretty much gave Putin the high hard one.
well... my olya pretty much only speaks russian. she is from lugansk (well close to) and now in kyiv. but she *can* speak ukrainian. most of her friends only speak russian, so that is what i am learning.
i have a profile on but only because she does! mostly facebook... lol
Lena agrees with you on Walesa, I know very little about him.
It just piss’s me off, that a beautiful country with great agriculture and tourism opportunities etc – is “ball and chained” by a group of self centred – show ponies. I know corruption will be a drag for a long time yet, but someone sure needs to get in and sort at least the political scene out ?????
Re Saakashvili – sorry no can do. I wont lighten up on that manic clown, I will stand by my earlier call – gone b4 Xmas – hopefully via a wooden box !!!!!!!!
Yuschenko's election was bought and paid for by George Soros in Budapest Hungary. Who else could have financed the Tent City and orange revolution. It was funny to me that Yuschenko was the anti corruption candidate. When he was the banking minister of probably the most corrupt party of Kuchma. Though the idea was sold to the young people and my friend Ptichka here was a believer. Yuschenko never pursued the murderer of Gyorgi Gongadze, which they have tapes of Kuchma planning his demise.
Yanokovich was nothing more than a puppet for the Kremlin and Sweet Yulia is a backstabbing opportunist. Willing now to cut the throat of the person who gave her power. It will take time, though I'm sure Vlad (Putin) the invader will try to meddle in the process, maybe to support Tymoshenko, which will cause a huge dilemma for the eastern Ukrainians.
It will take a patriot like Walesa to stand up to both the EU and Russia. Ukraine could be the strongest country out of the FSU but it has no soul or political direction at this time. A strong indepenent Ukraine could really stabilize the area there and be a great ally to all concerned especially with the Islamic invasion happening in Europe.
Lena's a smart lady, how in the hell did she end up with you LOL! Though Larissa asks herself that same question!
Lena knows about him too – yes, she is definably smarter than me. She said Soros tried it on in Belarus too, but got the heave ho out of there.
Yulia has another scheduled appointment with Vlad later this month, we don’t understand why you say that Eastern Ukraine will be in dilemma. They are Pro Russian, perhaps we might have to get Russian Visa’s soon to visit the Crimea Black Sea in the near future ???
Problem with eastern Ukraine is that mostly they can't stand Tymoshenko and are avid supporters of Yanokovich. Most the people in the Donbass region I met hate Yulia.They don't trust her, like Vlad the invader is a trust worthy soul. Yulia will prostitute herself for the Presidency of Ukraine. Even after attacking Yanokovich for being a Kremlin Puppet. They know both devils. It's funny at times my wifes heart still lies towards Russia. I just don't get it. Just don't drink the tea Col. Litvenenko likes.
Funny story in Crimea, Soros landed his plane in Simferopol, they wouldn't let him debark there either and shortly there after left.
The Ukraine is not a hoax..its real..its us western men who get conned or go there with illusions of grandeur and belief we can sweep a Ukrainian girl off her feet and take her home and marry her like some white knight riding in to rescue her from the poverty of her country and evil,no good Ukrainian men...well bull!...the reality bites you hard and the failed personal visit stories, cons and scams pour out of forums like a never ending hail storm...wake up and taste the coffee..its really bitter and don't be a dreamer!
Aussieman, that's your opinion, I never looked at it as sweeping someone away from poverty. It isn't poverty to them, It's life, only arrogant idiots consider it saving them from poverty and those are the ones that get scammed. They think the money will overcome their shortcomings as men.
You are the dreamer. Never one trip, not for any reason. There are more reasons to visit the FSU besides the women. though guys like you will never learn that.
You are worse than a bloody Virus !!!!
Just because you have obviously had a bad run, don’t put everyone else into your misery ridden dribble.
Myself and the Poster just above – have been married to Ukraine women (yes women – not girls) for 3 years and – I know I can say this on behalf of Mike, incredibly happy – all 4 of us.
I don’t have a big wallet or Dick – so throws your criteria (stated in another Post) for success out the window, I wont speculate on the other mans credentials :-))))
That's Okay Maxi, you can! My wallets normal and I'm no John Holmes.
It's just like in another thread. Oz exposes this guys for listing a woman on a blacklist some months ago and now this clown is in the forum hammering on this girl. Aussieman is the same way. He reminds me of another forum member. Who is now a big advocate of the treasures of Thailand. Aussieman failed, without even making on trip now he's going to spread his great knowledge about the women of the FSU for us.
Peter you came from the same group guys, Think of all the guys who were writing then and all that are married. It's pretty phenonmenal. According to Aussieman it's a dismal failure. Aussieman will always have this life, because he isn't willing to take a chance. Worried too much about his money. When I started this my income was around 50K annually, so I don't want to hear his BS that it can't be done on less than 60K. That's another example of his that just doesn't past the Lithmus test. It can be done if you're willing to try. That's the difference between the constant whiners and the successful guys. We took the chance and most of us knew in the beginning the odds were against success. Though if you sit behind your keyboard and do nothing at all, nothing is going to happen.
One time IdiotDetector, who used to post here commented to me, he didn't believe I didn't have a backup plan when I went. He asked me if my meeting failed, what was I going to do sit in my hotel room until my plane departed? No, if it failed Ukraine is a big country, I could rebound find another lady with a couple of phone calls or I could tour the country just like any other visitor. There's more to Ukraine than just the women. I never used a backup plan because it was in my head, I didn't have to. I thought it was pretty disengenuous to the lady I was going to meet. I had prepared ahead of time, knowing throughout the year of communication with Larissa, the odds became more in my favor of success. One because I was honest, I told her about my financial background, I was a middle class American. It didn't matter to her because she had no concept what middle class America was.
The idiots that go around tossing how much money they have, the cars they drive what they own become the lawful prey of the scammers. The scammers understand that smart guys don't go about talking what their assests are. Trying to impress women with this approach is fatal indeed. The smart guys won't send money or gifts without meeting first. They won't try to influence a relationship on buying someones affection. The only difference, and I know this is simplistic, between dating a woman from the FSU and the one across the street is distance.
If you meet a woman in your own home town, do you open up with, well here's my spredsheet of all my assests does that impress you now dear? Of course not! Then why would you do it with a woman from Ukraine.
One of my favorite storys here and it's from a guy I have met personally and his wife. He didn't even tell his lady what he did for a living until the very end. He could have came on with much bravado and bragged about being a Dentist and where he lived etc, etc. He didn't he didn't want to corrupt his relationship with the dollar. He wanted it to come naturally and it did. Today they are very good friends of ours and we are on about the opposite of the financial spectrum as you can get. Larissa communicates with his wife almost daily, we had a hell of a time over New Years with them in Florida. Just great people. Money is not an issue in our lives, there are more important things.
Being an ex football player, Let me clarify that, not Euro football, I was a great Admirer of the Late Vince Lombardi, now I'm time stamping myself. He had a quote that has stuck with me for life and it works in all aspects of life not just sports. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Simple words with outstanding truth behind it.It works here also. If you don't prepare and don't assemble all the knowledge you can, you will fail.
These are not some mystic creatures from a story book. They are women, they have some cultural differences that I admire, where my country has taken a turn for the worse. It has been an outstanding experience for me with a reward of a lifetime. A real loving, extremely beautiful, decent and intelligent woman. I've never had anyone put me first in their life, it's a hell of a feeling along with it a huge responsibility for me. I don't want to fail her in any aspect of life because how much she gives to me on a daily basis. She gave up everything in her life for the quest of love. She has more courage in her little finger than many guys here. Just sit back for a moment and think. Tomorrow I'm going to leave everything I know, family, friends, job way of life and culture for the opportunity of true love with no guarantees? That's the difference!!!!! She gave up way more to be with me than I will ever give back. You know all she is asking in return? Love and fidelity. Guys here spend a few bucks and think they should have a guarantee. Life doesn't work that way.
So you will have your naysayers, oddsmakers, spurned idiots. Don't let that be the determining factor in making one trip!! Nothing happens until you make that one trip.