Danny, you raise an interesting issue. The Australian Embassy in Moscow makes this sound difficult while you have "a migration application" in place (see the bottom of http://www.russia.embassy.gov.au/mscw/PartnerMigra.html ) But I've also heard reports that this is changing. I would really like to get her out here asap and spend more time with her, and she would come ... if what you say is true was true.
We use DHL from NZ to Kiev, less than Fedex.
Have not sent in reverse though. M-Inlaw sends unimportant things like key board Cyrillic labels etc via ordinary post and every time the items arrive in less than a week. But in your case you need T&T and assurance of delivery.
QUOTE: “Dunromin, there's nothing "hilarious" about this. Have you ever supported a partner or prospective partner? Millions of people around the world do it everyday. It's just that mine happens to be in the Ukraine.”
You’re right, my apology, it is not funny, it is utterly ridiculous and plain sad that guys are still desperate enough to try this as means to retain the affection of some woman they don’t know and have probably met once or twice at the most. I’ve supported a partner for several years, she is legally and practically my wife and lives with me as such. She certainly never received a monthly stipend from me prior to being my wife, in fact she would have been insulted at the suggestion. Millions of people piss their hard earned money up against the wall on all sorts of BS. Yours doesn’t just “Happen” to be in Ukraine. You deliberately went searching her out in Ukraine.
Chris, where did you get this idea she needs to send all these documents to you? The applicant (Your GF) sends nothing, ZERO to Australia for either a prospective marriage visa (SC300) or any other visa including a visitor visa. You send documents to her and she lodges the application, it is her application, not yours. $150 for Fed Ex or DHL out of Uki is BS..!! The figure is $78 USD for 5KG or less and if you send it surface freight, it is $32.00 USD. You’re having your chain yanked here by someone you are teaching to yank your chain by sending her money. How do you think she survived before generous you arrived to the rescue?
The oldest literature known to man advises “A fool and his money are easily parted” and if I have learned nothing else over the years of travelling in and out of various parts of the FSU, take the above and by that definition, many FSU women are not fools and most Western Men who go looking there are.
OK, I'm thinking seriously about applying for her to come here (Australia) for just a few weeks on a tourist visa while we wait for the fiance visa, which is still months off. I think this would be good for lots of reasons. First, I want to see her but don't fancy the Ukraine in February (I've been there in February before). Secondly, my fiance has a teenage daughter who wouldn't be coming on this initial trip -- this fact, I hope, would convince the authorities she has good reason to go back and not try to overstay as a tourist. Plus, I'll draw up a travel itinerary. Good idea, Danny. Hopefully there is nothing to loose in at least applying.
"she is legally and practically my wife....."
"from me prior to being my wife,....."
I am confused Dunromin....I thought it was a black/white issue, your wife or not your wife, married or not married.....there is no grey area. Did I miss something??
As far as sending money, a fool is someone that is expecting to get something from giving something. If you care about someone, do as you please with your money but don't come back here and try to explain how someone scammed you.
The "Just Home" post has nothing to do with anything you twit. A visit doesn't even conjure up the reality of living in a place permanently. You can visit and still have the situation that Colin is having and which I think he's handling it quite well. Since you have no real experience in this type of situation you can only opine without any real substance then assume this one particular situation is the rule and not the exception. Typical response by someone who can't think in a cognizant fashion and uses someones difficult times as an example of their biases.
Beemer: Yes I think you did miss something or I didn’t explain it clearly enough. My wife has been under good financial care since ever since we married but she never received a regular financial benefit from me prior to our marriage. In other words, when she was first my G/F and later my fiancé and still living in Russia, she paddled her own boat financially. When she moved here, we married very shortly after and of course, at that time she came under my financial care, not before.
Chris: She is entitled to a visitor visa whilst she has an active application for a prospective marriage visa active. She is entitled to lodge both concurrently although she must be outside Au when the PMV is issued. IMO there is no downside to having her visit once, twice or more prior to the PMV being issued. I would urge you to pursue that avenue vigorously. A prospective marriage visa or any other form of fiancé visa is not designed as a “Trial Marriage Visa”. I fail to understand how anyone could make a life altering decision such as a decision to be married whilst under the pressure of such a time line. That decision, IMO should be made long before the application is lodged.
Danny the only desperate one is you. If you only knew half as much as you think you do then you would only be a complete fool. You just admitted in your above post that you get homesick. If you think the culture is not that different then you really miss the boat totally.
Your anal attempts to insult Americans fall on deaf ears. Why would you refer to it as the promised land if it wasn't? You guess too much and know way too little to make an assumption on a persons relationship. Though you consistently make idiotic assumptions. When a person makes a decision to expatriate themselves, it is a difficult decision, especially for one who has lived their lives behind the iron curtain. To say that the lifestyle and culture is not that different just shows me what you really know about life in the FSU.
You try to validate your relationship by insinuating others here are doing it wrong. You're a self admitted mooch. A dimestore millionaire who's relationship is based on money. Talk about buying a wife/partner, it's exactly what you accuse others of doing. If you go back and read I would bet over 85% of your posts are insulting the person posting in one regard or another.
You've made the remark that Russians are a sneaky race of people. I bet that goes over well with your partner. Though I'm sure she's the exception to the rule. Misery loves company and you can try to BS this board that you hope it really works for someone, when it's the demise of relationships that you revel in, or you wouldn't slam guys ladies if you even had the remotest idea of their relationship. Guys like you are cowardly and lack any ability to make their argument in the arena of ideas. That's why you stoop so low to insult innocent women here. It just shows your ignorance how diametrically opposite the Russian/Ukrainian lifestyle is compared to the Western Culture.
It's easy for a misfit to leave their homeland, that doesn't take any particular skill since the new people know very little about your background. No your are the desperate one here. So desperate that you have to leave your homeland to make your so called relationship work. The baloney here is if push came to shove your partner would tell you to tell your story walking if she had to make the decision between you and living in Australia. Nup danny you're the desperate one, always trying to compare and elevate your relationship as better than others, when in the end, she would tell you to take a hike if you told her she had to live in Australia. Keep them cards and letters coming danny boy, the waters fine here in the promised land. See we don't have to make empty promises like a house for our partners to entice them tolerate us. So who is the deperate one???????
Well folks iKobo -- the original subject of this discussion, is back in business. It has been taken over by M2 Global Ltd. See http://ecommerce-journal.com/news/11405_m2_global_aquires_ikobos_assests_to_offe r_the_better_services?drgn=1 But for us Australians, the fact there is a dual conversion from AUD to US to UAH means we always lose more money in the transfer process than just the commission. I still think a bank account debit card is the best option.