I have been living out herefor along time now and this is very racist ,why ,because it can be,
they dont even like the Russians with a bit of a tan and the turkish are the lowest of the low, its not racism,its what they like and prefer,just like anywhere,if your not the whitest of whites,go to Asia, you will have a great time for shore !
ok about racism. but I think a bigger point is missed here.
I having been trying my luck with eastern european women for the last 10 years, which includes a failed 5 year marriage with a girl from belarus.
the truth is, in 1998, if you ventured over to russia, you could arrange dates with super models and actually get farther than a first date...much farther!
now its a whole new ball game.
Now, IF i can arrange a date, AND she shows up, I usually don't get a second date. I attribute this to three things:
lack of chemistry
MUCH more competition meaning she doesn't have to lower her standards
corruption of marriage agences where girls are not even writing to you or worse, getting paid to meet with you.
If someone else has experiences of then and now, I'd sure like to hear from them
Well I started in 1998 and pretty much agree with all you say, I'd be buggered, with hindsight, if I'd bother embarking upon the process now though, it has become way too commercialised.
But, the more competion and the more, particularly corrupt, agencies has all been brought about by the invention of the internet.
Agencies, corrupt or othwerwise, can set up a website very easily, put a few ladies on it and the money starts coming in, no other start-up or advertising costs etc.
Likewise, when I started, much of it was snail mail, write a letter, enclose a pic, put in envelope, go to post office etc. Now guys, ladies and agencies sit behind a PC, a bit of copying & pasting etc. then click a button!
What a mess this conversation is. Apersons preference has nothing to do with racism. I am looking at Eastern Europe as a place to find a white,traditional woman. Period... Thats what I prefer. Not Asians ,not blacks,Not Moslim. And yes I am white caucasion with European Ancestry, kinda fits doesn't it.
If I am racist I guess the world expects me to go for something that doesnot turn me on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey dude, I am brown, & I have posted my profile in Elena's models also, nothing so far yet. They told me to intitiate the contact first. If you want attention simply check out Anastasia International & you will get a lot of intro letters, but it won't mean they are interested in you! I have created many profiles, one REAL one for me, one for a black guy & one for a white model. The response are the same. It's also a good way to see which girls are still corresponding with you seriously versus with others at the smae time. So if you really want attention go this website, of course do your research as it requires hell of a lot of money.
A traditional woman is one from the 1950's, who's sole purpose in life is to ensure her mans slippers are warmed at the fire when he comes home from work.
She will have learned home cooking from her mother and will be able to drop a kid or two at will, while carrying on cooking a good vegetable stew.
Traditional Russian women do all of the above in a mini-skirt
Kirkland dude:
In conjunction with a mini-skirt maybe with a little apron!
Is the site racist? No. Are people racist? Mostly yes.
I think he knew that before he asked the question.
Can mixed relationships work? Yes.
Why would one look to a site that would not be conducive to that type of relationship?
You've made a valid point but to what end?
I dont think a little competition is a bad thing, afterall if you cant handle a bit of competition before you marry a girl and bring her home, what makes you think you are going to be able to do so afterwards ?.
The main problem at the moment is that girls are happy to let you come and visit them even if they have nothing to gain financially from doing so, presumably on the off chance that they might actually like you, which is all very well but I dont really want to travel thousads of miles at great expense on the "off chance". Of course you can weed out the ones who arent that interested by talking on the phone, but thats not an option for non-english speaking girls.
Realistically this means sticking to enlish speaking girls on direct contact sites like elenas and club10 (or the non-agengy girls on fiance), but there is alot of competition for the nice looking girls on these sites. Having said that my ratio of positive EOI's on elenas is much higher now that it was a year ago, I think the economic stuation is definately working in the favour of those of us who are pepared to stick it out.
One trend I have noticed is that I've chatted to a few ladies recently who used to be with agencies but decided to spend a year or two teaching themselves english specifically so they could bypass the agencies and communicate diretly with foreign men so these ladies are very serious.
Quote: “The main problem at the moment is that girls are happy to let you come and visit them even if they have nothing to gain financially from doing so,”
It is a problem that a girl will have you visit when she doesn’t have a financial agenda? The logic escapes me.
Quote: “presumably on the off chance that they might actually like you,”
It is only ever an “Off Chance” when chasing skirt half way around the world. It is an “Off Chance” when you walk into a local bar not knowing anyone, it is a much more “Offish” chance when you know little or nothing of the culture, country or language. Anyone who boards a plane to the FSU with expectations of any more than slim chance of finding their life mate is deluding themselves regardless of how many telephone calls and letters have crossed before.
Quote: “which is all very well but I dont really want to travel thousads of miles at great expense on the "off chance".
Then stay home. You’ll never have anything more than an “Off Chance” and believing anything else is simply buying into agency hype. If you aren’t prepared to or can’t afford to risk gaining nothing at all from visiting, maybe several times, you’d be better advised to dump the idea. Locking oneself into needing to succeed is a sure fire recipe for ending up married to someone who doesn’t love you or you don’t know or love.
Quote: “The main problem at the moment is that girls are happy to let you come and visit them even if they have nothing to gain financially from doing so,”
It is a problem that a girl will have you visit when she doesn’t have a financial agenda? The logic escapes me.
Quote: “presumably on the off chance that they might actually like you,”
It is only ever an “Off Chance” when chasing skirt half way around the world. It is an “Off Chance” when you walk into a local bar not knowing anyone, it is a much more “Offish” chance when you know little or nothing of the culture, country or language. Anyone who boards a plane to the FSU with expectations of any more than slim chance of finding their life mate is deluding themselves regardless of how many telephone calls and letters have crossed before.
Quote: “which is all very well but I dont really want to travel thousads of miles at great expense on the "off chance".
Then stay home. You’ll never have anything more than an “Off Chance” and believing anything else is simply buying into agency hype. If you aren’t prepared to or can’t afford to risk gaining nothing at all from visiting, maybe several times, you’d be better advised to dump the idea. Locking oneself into needing to succeed is a sure fire recipe for ending up married to someone who doesn’t love you or you don’t know or love.
Quote: “Of course you can weed out the ones who arent that interested by talking on the phone, but thats not an option for non-english speaking girls.”
For the most part, I’ve long thought most English speaking guys are far better off staying away from the Non English speakers altogether. Sure, you’ll hear all the arguments about limiting choice and so forth. Also, I met and ultimately married someone who didn’t speak English when we met. It took several years and umpteen visits back and forth for us to really figure out if we could believe in ourselves and each other enough to make a serious attempt at making a marriage work. For sure, we knew the attraction and the affection from early on, but the fundamentals or holding a marriage together long term are a very ‘nother issue and definitely require extensive communication. Translators can NOT do that for anyone. Common language is the only thing and if she doesn’t speak yours, nor you hers, you’re simply rolling the dice to proceed to marriage. Vegas offers far safer investments on the Black Jack tables.
As for the guys who want a “Traditional” wife, whatever that may be, one can only assume this so called loyal, family oriented, loving, somewhat subservient, homemaking woman, they would be well advised to avoid Russian or Ukrainian or many other FSU Women. They are not going to find what they want in the FSU. These girls are a tough breed and they won’t cop this “You should be a traditional wife” crap.
Call it what you will. but everyone who has been to Ukraine and Chicago will see one similarity. You may call them "Soviets" in the FSU or in Chicago the "Projects" but the women are leaving to find a man that is attentive and works or she would stay where she is. If you are a "Player" in the FSU or America you will hang out in front of the apartment with your 40 oz-er instead of TCB. Only you and your confederates can collectively can change the statistics. If you are a decent guy your chances are better in America they've been taught to be not only color blind, but blind. The reason that a woman is leaving her home country is because she is predjudiced against her own people, she certainly isn't going to jump out of the frying pan into the fire. So understand that there is an element of truth in predjudice, but it isn't racial, it is experience and you just aren't part of the dream and that is all it is,,, until it becomes a reality. If you want a white woman stick to American women, they have have their "Sensitivity Training" and are easy prey because they are spoiled. Sorry aout you luck, but a fish can't breath air either when it is out of his element.
Dunromin, sorry if logic escaped you :-), what I'm trying say is that amoungst the genuine girls there are two camps: those that will meet you if they think there is some genuine potential because they are mindful of the time and expense involved for us, and those that seem to want to meet with anyone because even if the potential is remote its no skin off thier nose that youve put yourself out.
In terms of "off chance" I think that its possible to raise the odds from single figures % into double figures but I realise the odds are never going to better than that.
(The reason that a woman is leaving her home country is because she is predjudiced against her own people)
What a load of bollox!
All over the European Union there are nationals leaving their own EU countries to live and/or work in other EU countries where most, if not all, EU passport holders are free to do so, I did it myself 6 5 years or so.
And they don't do it because they are prejudice against their own people, it's called moving with the times, people, including FSU nationals, have far more opportunities to travel these days, to broaden their experiences, to improve their lives, for a sense of adventure, because they can earn more money, or achieve a better job, to learn a foreign language etc. etc. etc.
They only do it because they are prejudice? What a load of bollox!
Hey Action, I give you the same advise I have passed on to many of the members here...check out Costa Rica. It is close ($200 from Miami), it is cheap, it is warm, it is much more beautiful then Ukraine, the women are beautiful (www.costaricaticas.com) and sweet and a lot of them speak some English. Since Nicaragua is close and the north east coast near Puerto Limon is settled by Jamicians, they have no problem with black, white, brown, whatever. Just a suggestion.
Quote: “those that will meet you if they think there is some genuine potential because they are mindful of the time and expense involved for us, and those that seem to want to meet with anyone because even if the potential is remote its no skin off thier nose that youve put yourself out”
The reality is there is and always has been far more among the latter of those groups. No woman is under any obligation whatsoever because you chose to travel 7000 miles. Mrs was under no obligation to me even after I’d travelled 1000 miles several times to see her, nor was I under any obligation because she travelled the same distance to spend time with me several times. (We met long before we started tripping back and forth to see each other)
The reality is, if you expect an FSU woman to pay some tribute to your “Manly” efforts of travelling half way around the world, going to some expense and using your vacation time, you are looking up a skunks arse. In other words, you’ll be most unlikely to hear or smell anything soothing. FSU and in particular, Russian Women may well respect you for your efforts and IME probably brag to their mates about Romeo-in-flight, but 99.9% certainly won’t tell you that and will almost never thank you verbally for your effort. Regardless, the majority will meet you more from curiosity than anything else.
Double figures in % terms? That’s a minimum of 1 in 10 according to the formula. Try telling a young Russian buck that he is likely to end up married to 1 out of every 10 women he lays and you can be certain the virginity retention rate in Russia will start to increase overnight. Perhaps you can raise the odds to 10% but I wouldn’t count on it.
Dunromin is mostly dead on. He clearly has a lot of experience.
Martin FFC. I'm sorry to say that you are wrong. Most Ukrainian girls who are looking to leave are not having good lives in ukraine. For whatever reason. I think most of the girls who are leaving don't have a large circle of CLOSE friends and family.
I certainly don't have many close friends. If I did I probably would be too embarrassed to admit that I am looking in fsu for a wife. I mean, we all know what our friends would think of us.
Some are girls are super ambitious. They are navigators and they want the best possible life. If one of these girls falls in love with you, it could be great. the scary thing though is this type of girl has the capability to use someone to meet her objectives.
There is the girls who have bad experiences with local men. perhaps these are best choice. they were in long relationship and their boyfriend/husband either died or dumped them. life had humbled them a little bit. they want to start anew with something different. hey, lets face it, they are just like us. i think these girls represent the best chance at relationship. and if she has a young child, you can be certain she is serious. so don't look at that kid as a problem. look at it as the reason she wrote back to you in the first place!
i hope this information helps. i hate to see good guys waste their money.
He didn't say that the reason that UKRAINIAN 'girls' leave UKRAINE is because they are prejudice against UKRAINIANS, he made a generalised statement of:
(The reason that a woman is leaving her home country is because she is predjudiced against her own people)
Indeed you seem to be agreeing with my revoke of his 'one reason' generalisation, you say they leave to improve their lives etc. That's one of the reasons I gave, it has nothing to do with being prejudice!
I'm kind of split on the last two posts. I agree with Dun that too many guys go over with the savior mentality and think that these ladies should get down on bended knee because we are there. Then when a guy gets rebuffed he's pissed. I don't know why too many guys think just by showing up we are doing something. I spent over two years dating my wife and convincing her to come live with me in the states. Why is dating a woman in the FSU any different than at home?? It's not, if you find the real one.
The reality is, yeah we did travel far, but in the long run if she comes to live with you she's giving up more than we ever did by just traveling 10-20 times to the FSU.
I don't know about most cases, but my wife's social network was large. I can just look at her skype list. It took a lot of convincing for her to move here. I've met all her friends. It was scary for her to relocate and understandibly so.
So check the mentality at the door that you are doing something no one else would do for these ladies. Giving them a better life fincancially etc. Maybe or maybe not. In the long run she's giving more in return than we are and I am so grateful to my wife for that.