Oldman, I am trying to prove that there are a huge surpluss of women in Ukraine and they are not scammers. I think I am succeeding. I am surprised it is 1 in 12 women ages 15-64 cannot find mates, and not 1-5.
Bowhunter, I have not been to Sumy, but you observed the same thing I did. Most of people walking the streets of Ukraine are women in their twenties.
I am 51. I could not believe the amount of women that met eyes with me. It was not my imagination. Naturally, you look away when that happens. I always look again, and they did also. This included women holding hands with their man.
Playing with statistics isn't going to find you, or anyone, a woman.
Regardless of percentages or how many thousands of women there may be in Ukraine only a small percentage of those will be looking to leave Ukraine and of those a smaller percentage will be attractive in looks and personality etc.
But, all these idiots, since Ukraine dropped it's visa requirement a few years back, only talk of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, as if FSU stands for Former Soviet Ukraine. This forum alone bears testomy to that, all these guys travelling like soldier ants, one after another, to Ukraine to date, often, the same ladies. Such idiots have made these women a commercial commodity and don't these women know it, they are playing these guys and all you can do is play around with statistics.
here is the oficcial statistics from Ukrainian governmental website about the population in Ukraine:
2008 - total about 46.192.000
- male about 21.297.000
- female about 24.894.000
Morover, there are obout 5 million Ukrainian women outside Ukraine working as prostitutes or something like that.
So we have in Ukraine more than 3.5 million women that don't have a local male partner.
Are you for yeal,
5 million Ukrainian prostitutes or similar?
Phucking hell, what nonsense, of the 5 million Ukrainian women outside of Ukraine the vast majority of them will be married to and living with foreign guys like ourselves!
Oops, I almost forgot, if a woman leaves Ukraine then by armin's law she must be a prostitute or similar!
Oldman: The birth rate for males in both Russia and Ukraine is slightly higher than female.
RB: Where have the men gone? Earlier death rate of males seems to be the answer. Why? Maybe they die young as a result of too much humping of hot women?
Your figure suggests 25 million women in Ukraine, how many of those may be of 'prostitute' ages, perhaps 5 to 10 million, many of those will be unsightly or overweight etc. thus your figure suggests, something like, that every other eligible lady in Ukraine is a prostitute!
What is also ridiculous is the claim of reliable figures for prostitution.
There have never been figures published for the number of prostitues outside Ukraine who are Ukrainian....citing figures in any uncontrolled practice is guesswork.
Also in any country the number of pros increases during summer as the tourist season kicks in.
Most fsu pros in Europe are there illegally therefore not registered and unaccountable (or un-countable).
Using your quoted stats from goverment website
2008 - total about 46.192.000
- male about 21.297.000
- female about 24.894.000
Leaves 3.5 million females. Not elligable women unless you consider a 5 year old or a 75 year old elligable.
I once heard that a most of the hookers in Russia are Ukrainian....a bullshit statement from a woman from St Petes and a few others.
I'm no expert but common sense would tell me that main reason for this is that Ukraine has a large population of women who can easily enter Russia and do so...mainly to find work.
Also Russian women don't like Ukrainians and will always say a Ukrainian girl in Russia is a hooker.
The greater majority of Russian hookers are Russian.
Danny you're such an asswipe. You couldn't get pussy in a Thai whore house that's how pathetic you are. You're paying for it now. Most losers go to Thailand, was you're Russian bimbo working out of a whore house in Krabi? You're too stupid, too ignorant and too damn ugly for any real Russian woman to put up with you. Nup you're a fantasy life.