Pedro! are you joking with me? Sorry I can’t help you!..
¿Por qué usted no consigue una calidad de miembro en fiance? No es
costosa y usted puede escribir a cualquier señora que usted desee.
Buena suerte amigo
What I think is interesting is that I never said that Olesya wrote me the following which I have taken from her post and placed it below. (Nor have I seen anyone accuse her of making such comments in any of the Scammer Alert post)
"I went to work on the border of
Finland and Sweden as model and everybody was pleased with my
"Maybe you invite me to come to your house soon. I will show you all the things a model can offer
(if you want too) and you will not be disappointed."
"I like how it touches my skin, like you will if you want to try my services.
You know darling "My name" I am a wildcat waiting for you to come and
get me. So what do you say cowboy?"
........................................................................... ...........................................................
So.. I have no idea what she is talking about.
Here are the facts
A. She was sending out the cut and paste letters to many different men. When I asked her about this she made a statement which eluded to the fact that she was not doing this.
B. Many guys replied to the Scammer post and said that they received the exact same letter.
C. These are traits that you would see in a scammer and this is why I posted the alert.
She was obviously playing a game and what her intentions were may never be discovered. It is one thing to send the same introduction letter to many different people but when one continues to send out cut and paste letters, only a fool would not question the persons motives. In her reply message to the forum regarding this whole subject, she tried to paint me as some idiot that has too much time on my hands. My answer to her is that she obviously she has more time on her hands than I do or she wouldn't be sending out all of these cut and paste letters, telling men how she had a romantic dream about walking on the beach with them and them giving her their heart.
Granted she never asked me for money.. I never said that she did. One doesn't have to ask for money to be a scammer and who knows what her motives were.. All I can say is that my suspicions were correct in the fact that she was telling many different men the same exact thing. True love and relationships are not based on cut and paste letters but on genuine, sincere dialogue between two people. (this was not occurring in her letters)
As I said before, who knows what her motives were. I did a service to all the other men of this forum by alerting them to the fact that (they were not the only ones that she was dreaming gave her their heart.) If anyone wants to continue correspondence with her that's their business. My message to the people that are taking up for her and running to her defense- you are precisely the type that will get burned in this process if you are not careful.
One does not have to ask for money to be a scammer.
My closing comments are this... Does this girl just fall in love with anyone?? My answer to that question is probably (only the ones stupid enough to fall for her insincere letters")
Tom, C'mon, admit you talk to several women too! I know that we can only marry 1 person, but it takes some time to know them, and there will be a time when the pre written letters run out. Maybe ask to call her or something?
I wouldn't call her with as many factors you listed, but that was intended just as something to your factor "A". I hear several complaints about ladies e-mailing several people, but we e-mail several girls too. They e-mail to choose 1 eventually, and so do we. Just because someone is e-mailing with several, it does not mean that she is a scammer.
Hello Everyone
I came here to check out a girl that I have questions about and read this form. I want to say to everyone that this is a big decision for both. I can understand both men and women writing a number of people because no matter how you feel about each others letters you never know until you meet face to face. I am assuming that everyone is looking for a mate for life and as I said this is a big decision because that’s a long time. The only thing is you should not pledge undying love unless you mean it and you cannot mean it if you are doing it with others.
Web, truer words were never spoken........but.........with all the uncertainties (see some previous threads) i feel it is ok to correspond with several people at once. I am not saying throw them all rings, but it is ok to talk. When it comes time for the serious "i love you's" then yes, it should be to 1 person