One thing you might remember about quote from ragingbull:"It went on to say that most failures were because the woman was abused. " is that if you wound up married to a woman who just wants a green card she will probably know that claiming abuse and getting asylum is the second best plan to remain in the states to staying married. Not that abuse does not happen but it may be over used in this case.
Good point, Oz. Approximately half of all marriages in the US end up in divorce. Assuming you do not abuse, and the article I read is true, there is a better success in marriage with an FSU woman than an American woman. I wonder how true that is.
"As far as divorces, I don't know. About a year or so ago, I read that success in marriage with an FSU woman is just a litte bit better than with another American. It went on to say that most failures were because the woman was abused. That was written by a dating website, so make your judgment.
Couple of sites that speak about marriage/divorce between west and russian women with a few reasons why!!!! When it is spoken about higher success rate between west/russian women than west/west marriages it is when difference in ages is LESS than 10 how many men can say that? Always goes back to the premise, guys looking for girls well out of their league( not only age difference but sans common interests)money is thrown around and when girl does not come around she is a SCAMMER...jez..............
Another point to consider is that my fiance told me that in Ukraine their divorce rate was very high as well. So I pulled some stats. Please note the data below. Looks to me like the worst divoce rates are in America and FSU...
World Top 10 - Countries by Highest Divorce Rate
Country Divorce Rate Per 1000
Maldives 10.97
Belarus 4.65
USA 4.19
Panama 3.82
Russia 3.66
Estonia 3.65
Puerto Rico 3.61
Ukraine 3.59
Costa Rica 3.58
Cuba 3.54
Approximately half of all marriages in the US end up in divorce.
22.08.2009 14:54:03
I read that success in marriage with an FSU woman is just a litte bit better than with another American.
So what might the common denominator be in tose above statistics:
FSU ladies: Score 1 fault
USA ladies: Score 1 fault
USA Men: Score 2 faults
Sorry but I just couldn't resist, it's all too easy for FSU ladies to blame relationship breakdowns on their men, USA guys have a tendandcy to blame it on their ladies, but these statistics appear to be speaking for themselves!
If I blamed the woman or the man for the divorce, it was not intended.
Failed marriages when the age difference is more than 10 years can have other causes. According to the divorce rate goes down considerably if the bride and groom are over the age of 25 when married. Only 24% of marriages fail then. If there is a 10 year difference or more in the ages of an FSU – westerner marriage, the chances are, the woman is 25 and under. Then there are those who simply wants a younger woman and throws money around, as Beemer says.
If you take out those two instances in an FSU – westerner marriage, and really try to find one who is compatible, I wonder how the success of marriages over 10 years would do?
I think the statistics are for the US only. But I think it makes sense. Before the age of 25, men and women are still looking for their identity.
RB, I did not read anything in that site you gave that mentioned about marriage between westerner and FSU women. Seems you are looking for something or anything that will advocate your chances of succeeding in marriage to an fsu women. My sites did give info on that subject, isn't THAT what would interest guys/girls here? Sorry but info I gathered here gave your chances of succeeding in having long/happy marriage very low. Maybe you should increase your chances and find an older women in the states and have a 76% chance of utter bliss!!!!
The only actual data (as opposed to opinion not supported by data) I saw about age difference was that the average for the "cross-cultural" marriages was about 9 years, which by itself doesn't tell how divorce rates vary with age difference. Was there more data in there that I missed?
Probably, the question of international marriage has not been studied nearly well enough (it takes time and money to do these things properly). In my reading so far, opinions abound and facts are scarce.
As I understood RB's post, he was using U.S. data (as he pointed out) to support the premise that marriages started before age 25 have a built-in risk of failure, and suggesting (reasonably, in my opinion) that this would apply to other cultures too.
I started it, and Mr. durak up there copied it. Marriages started at the age 25 or under has less chances of success, therefore marriages started before the age of 26 has a built in risk of failure, not 25.
I am only suggesting that the data in your links did not go far enough, Beemer. It would be interesting to see how many of those failures are 25 and under. If, in fact it was insignificant, then I agree with you. Statistically, my intended marriage is doomed to failure. But I think it makes sense that many of those failures are under the age of 26.
You are right, I am looking to see if my intended marriage is statistically viable. Whether or not it is, the table is set.
Why gage your marriage off of statistics. Unless you think you are just like everyone else it does not matter if the success rate is 1% as long as you are in that one per cent.
Your time may be wiser spent reading about how to succeed in a marriage rather than reading about how many failed and lower your standards to accept failure even before you are married.