Real scam outfit. A few years ago, I managed to actually get one of their ladies on the phone. She spoke excellent English. We had not talked for more than 30 seconds when she told me her birthday was coming in two weeks and could I please send her $200.00. I hung up on her and reported to the site who asked me if I had "proof" that she had asked me for money. Of course, I didn't. In fact, in California where I live, it is illegal to unilaterally tape a phone call. I am a lawyer and obviously cannot do such a thing.
Scorpio1951 that's not true. If you were calling another person in California then the law would apply, but if you're calling a person in another state then the law applies state by state. If you're calling someone in another country....
I would have recorded the call. That's the old birthday trick. The scammer will say their birthday is soon and ask you to send them money. You can ask the scammer for a scan of her passport for proof. That will shut them up.
Of course the scammer will come out with the line, You don't trust me?
My answer is an unequivocal NO! Trust is something that is earned over time, not granted.
But even if it really was her birthday, I would explain, I don't know you well enough to send you a gift or money. Most FSU women are modest and will not ask for gifts.
That's too bad Scorpio. Here in louisiana the law says you can record any conversation as long as one of the parties involved is aware it is being recorded. I got an app called RMC:Record my call, and it automatically starts every time my phone rings or I begin dialing. It records it as an mp3 file and at the end it let's you name it and file it in your system. I've used it on calls as long as 3 hours. It always works. My ex wife hated it when I told her about it, but it, and my lawyer dabbed me a shit load in my divorce.
I just checked the law on the previous post. See California Penal Code Section 632. There is no "exception" for state to state phone calls or recording calls from another country. My original statement about recording laws in California was correct. Feel free to look it up.