How did these girls manage before the western man came along?
What makes you think that question wasn't asked? Before I came along, she and her daughter did not have a computer. Now they do. Her daughter went cold because her jacket was not that thick. Now, she's warmer. Her daughter is growing fast. She would have had to wait until her daughter's feet hurt before she could buy shoes. Now, she does not have to do that.....
I believe you should be in it or not in it. There is no half way. If they are your loved ones, how can you allow things like this if you can help?
Let's look at an extreme example and forget about these women. If you are in the subway and see the babushka's asking for money, do you ask yourself that question?
How did these girls manage before the western man came along?
What makes you think that question wasn't asked? Before I came along, she and her daughter did not have a computer. Now they do. Her daughter went cold because her jacket was not that thick. Now, she's warmer. Her daughter is growing fast. She would have had to wait until her daughter's feet hurt before she could buy shoes. Now, she does not have to do that.....
I believe you should be in it or not in it. There is no half way. If they are your loved ones, how can you allow things like this if you can help?
Let's look at an extreme example and forget about these women. If you are in the subway and see the babushka's asking for money, do you ask yourself that question?
I don't have a problem whatsoever with sending money to this woman. My problem stems with guys who send money to women they barely know let alone have never met. For all they know it's Boris writing them love letters professing "undyng love", "can't live without you", etc.
It sound to me that everything in your situation is on the right track.
Sending money to someone you don't know is wrong and creates the scammer environment the rest of us have to be onguard for.
We've seen the likes of you before and we'll see the likes of you again and it's so blatantly obvious that your primary purpose for being present on this forum is to promote your website that includes revenue earning affiliate links.
You make out to be a big "I Am", English, sold up in UK, met a beautiful lady blah blah blah but how many guys present on this forum have similar plans of selling up in their home domicile and relocating to Ukraine etc. that you may offer appropriate advice to?
I make no claim to be your quoted "great master", only an individual feeling exposed and/or intimidated for their fake presentation would make such an outrageous statement and exposed is what you are, billgreen54 was a fake (advertiser) on this forum and so are you, I can see it and so can others.
''Smart Martin''
Do you or have you anything useful, or at all helpful to add to this forum - or are you just some old sad-o with nothing better to do. Can someone explain to this thick-o what this forum is for. Prehaps its me. Just for the record , the website in question is not mine, if you spent the time to look at it you will find it is full of independent (Racing Bull) useful details about Kharkov. Obviously ''Smart martin'' has no interest in visiting Kharkov, which I must say doesn't worry me in the slightest, but real genuine guys that may be on this forum that are intested in really finding a FSU lady might be.
So ''Smart Martin'' keep you small minded petty remarks to yourself and get your facts correct !
I'm such a, quote, thick-o that I can appreciate my nationality is British rather than some ignoramus pr1cks that claim their nationality to be English!!!
There are members present, that have been around this forum longer than 5 minutes and not for the purpose of commercially advertising, that may verify that I have provided plenty of useful information during the term.
Even my worst enemy on this forum subsequently admitted that my advice had saved him a bucket load of money on some flight bookings, only two days ago I was offering constructive advice to a Brit considering setting up a multi national abode in Cyprus or wherever.
But, have I ever commercially posted, or offered advice, where to eat a bloody pizza in Kharkov ..... well there I have to hold my hands up, I'm guilty as charged!
I have been to Ukraine and Moldova and never found a descent place to get a Pizza. I had a woman travel to San Diego fronm St. Petersburg and I took her to Filippi's Pizza Grotto. She was very dry and introverted until we entered the restaurant/market. She never had a good pizza before and the aroma and atmosphere completely changed her mood. I had a pizza just steps east of the train station in Kharkov, but it was very bad. If you had good pizza in Kharkov, just exactly where was it? I could not even find good mozzarella or pepperoni in the markets.. Advice is what we are here for,,,,,,,,,well most of us
I had pizza in Yalta. I agree. It is not decent. Yet, my gf thought it was great and her daughter can have it everyday.
I have sent money to just one woman - once before I met her for train tickets to Kiev and two days apartment accomodations. I have sent gifts to others, but not money.
Martin has done commercial advertising for on the Army of brides guestbook. Smelly said they are a ' Bona Fide' business. Isn't this correct Smelly?
You know something sjg-uk, Martin and BillG once got along very well on this forum and then Martin turned on him, like he does with anyone and there have been quite a few men on this forum that have questioned Martin' claims.
Martin also claimed to be married and has been for some time, until he got caught out. How I'm I going now Marty?
Matin has even 'penned' the married statement on this forum, while being in a dating agency. Correct Marty?
Martin also told people that you did not look for all the ' red flags' in order from preventing yourself from being scammed and what a gold digger is, etc, etc.
Then people see the web site that Martin has started up against a woman that HE claims has scammed him for thousands$$$$$$$$$$$$
On Martins slur web site against the woman, he writes, ' You can tell she is lying, her mouth moves'.
What kind of person does this?
What kind of dope gets sends money for years and years????
Did you know sjk-uk, that Martin cannot sell up a home to move to Ukraine-Russia, because he doesn't own one.
Have a look at the web site that Martin has set up and you will quickly realise what kind of fool the guy is.
I just take the piss out of him, simple ;))
Smart Martin - Wow ! - cheap flights advise, well done excellent
As for British/English , well I'm proud to be English, sorry if you're not.
Rodan- Pizza's - there is a fantastic Pizza Resturant near to Constitution Square, they are made fresh to order , lunch for 2 costs 50-60rpH including 2 beers and salad !
(sorry if this is boring to SmartMartin - but us lesser mortals have to eat - oh and by the way, I dont own the resturant or any of their suppliers!)
I've been to 2 places that do decent Pizza. One was in Sumy, although I don't remember the name, and the other is Pasta Project in Mariupol - been there twice and it's as good as the stuff I had in Casavio (just outside Venice). It was considered one of the more expensive places in Mariupol, cost me £30 for five of us. Fabulous!
I have just read two posts declaring that there were no good places to buy pizza, in Moldova or Yalta. I must respectfully disagree.
In Moldova - there is an entire chain of restaurants called "Andy's Pizza". While the name doesn't sound exactly Moldovan, or Russian (and certainly not even Italian) - it has some of the best pizza I've had recently. They have salads more typical of the type one would find in a pizzeria in the US and the prices are great.
In Yalta - there is a great little restaurant on the main drag simply called "Mama Mia's". You have to descend a sort of spiral staircase as the restaurant is below ground level - but the pizza and all the fixings are great. There is also a terrific selection of beer and the prices are quite reasonable.
Andy's Pizza was was the model for the poor quality pizza I was refrring to. One young woman working at the agency, who had traveled extensively said "Moldovian Pizza Sucks" . Andy's Pizza was similar to Chucky-Cheese Pizza. I recommend a try of an authentic family pizza restaurant rather than te chains in America. Pizza chain restaurants suck in America too.
I was in Yalta in March and saw Mama Mia's, but we stayed at the Oreanda Hotel and the fed us until we could hardly move. A large breakfast buffet and dinner buffet is included with te room. Very nice hotel 1200 hrv/night but still a good deal.That was the off season, I am thinking that the hotel is always full in the high season. Sea water pool,sauna and spa. My girl was very happy there. Quite a difference from the Soviet model. I don't own the Oreanda by the way.
If I return to Yalta, I'll try Mama Mia's though. I remember looking inside, but no one had a pizza on the table to see.
I've eaten at Chucky Cheese. Its geared to 5 year olds. (I had a five year old at the time and we celebrated his birthday there.) But there are other pretty good chains in the US that serve pretty good pizza. If you want to knock a chain simply because it IS a chain and therefore not exclusive or expensive enough for your taste, then be my guest. My guess, though is that if you did not know a pizza came from a chain like Pizza Hut, or the price that was paid - you would like it very much.
Regarding the Oreanda Hotel - I am quite familiar with it as are most people who have been to Yalta. Most of the girls are duly impressed by it as the hotel that the Russian music stars stay at when they perform locally at the small auditorium in Yalta. But I would never stay there, for the simple reason that I do not want a girl who is simply interested in money or financial extravagance.
Eastern European women know that we in the west have higher incomes. And frankly, that fact allows us to meet women that we might be ineligible to meet (due to age difference etc.) in our home countries. But so often men who stay in the most expensive or opulent hotel available (and the Oreanea qualifies in that regard) are later disappointed that the women they find are ONLY interested in their money.
We had another writer on this forum sometime back who was looking for a house to rent in Kiev - he wanted something at over $1,000 per night to really impress the ladies. He was interested in a pool and a fountain. I don't think he ever actually found such a house but he did stay in Kiev for some time in very expensive diggs. He later reported back to this forum that Ukrainian ladies were ingenuine and only really interested in his money!!! What did he expect???
If you just want to have a few weeks of great times and really impress the locals - then by all means stay at the most expensive hotel. Impress the hell out of them and have a great fling. You will have many stories to tell later. But if you are looking for a wife - perhaps you should see to it that she appreciates more than just your spending habits.
Jetmba wrote:
Eastern European women know that we in the west have higher incomes. And frankly, that fact allows us to meet women that we might be ineligible to meet (due to age difference etc.) in our home countries. But so often men who stay in the most expensive or opulent hotel available (and the Oreanea qualifies in that regard) are later disappointed that the women they find are ONLY interested in their money.
I have to respectfully disagree!
I went to Moscow three times to visit the girl who is now my wife. Every time I stayed in American style hotels, like Hilton, Sheraton, Crowne Plaza, and Holiday Inn. Each of these hotels is considered luxurious by Russian standards, and one day I had to go through metal detectors and secondary screening because a Russian minister was staying in the same hotel.
I did not do it to impress my girl, but she was indeed very impressed. I did it because I dislike Russian style hotels with Russian style beds and bathrooms. Therefore, I often look for American style hotels everywhere I go. Besides, almost every stay was completely free for me, because I paid with hotel points (those hotels are very expensive in Moscow, even for American standards).
Despite the luxurious environment, my girl was not a gold-digger, and could not have cared less. Instead, she cared about me and what we developed together. That is when I knew I had a winner ... and I couldn't be happier.
My point is that the hotel does not make a difference whatsoever if you go there with the right attitude and mindset, because gold-diggers and scammers are easy to spot, especially when you make it easy for them to think that you are a sucker :-)
By the way, my girl always knew that every stay in those hotels was completely free for me, although she could not understand why until she actually came to live with me in the USA>
I didn't mean to get your goat, but every assumption you made about me and the lady is about 180* out. I am as frugal as could be and only surpassed by the lady of my affection. If my conferderates read your posting and inference there would be a considerable uproar and ribbing to me. Don't hate the eater , hate the pie.
refreshing post, and this must come from an old hand too as you've summarized several years in it. No Alzheimer's yet then eh ;-)
do I read you're overthere now? Damn, you forgot to mail me, we still have to do that biking trip across Europe, with the Nasman too of course. A bit too early in the season though, summer's the time ;-)
Thunder: I am not over there right now - Ispendt about hald of February and the first week in March in Ukraine. But sadly (sigh) I am home now.
FSU Lover: Moscow is an entirely different animal. Considered to be the most expensive city to visit ON THE PLANET right now, of the hotels you list only one (The Sheraton) is listed among the top ten expensive hotels to stay in in Moscow.
If you have an opulent lifestyle and are able to accumulate sufficient "points" to stay in hotels of that level - more power to you. And if truly your lady loes you for who you are as opposed to how fat your wallet is, then you certainly have my congratulations.
Nobody (rational anyway) enters into a relationship intentionally thinking that his lasy is interested in anything else other than himself. And no rational lady will give her man that impression. I hope that as you travel down the road of your relationship you continue to be assured that you are truly blessed and haven't found a lady who was simply bowled over by your fiances. Whether your fiancial situation is truly sufficuent to bowl the lady over or not.
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