Most Romanians want to distinguish themselves from the Roma gypsies who they even say are another race. They claim that these beggars and other work shy Romanian immigrants in the UK, Ireland and other Western Europe countries are the gypsies.
I know hard working and decent 'white' Romanians I cannot agree with the racist views of thos who look down on the Roma people.
I guess that virtually all of the Romanian girls looking for a husbans in the West are not Roma anyhow. The gypsy girls willl not have the education or wish to leave their gypsy communnity to do so.
I have talked to a few Romanian girls, in the dating site I use, but I have only come across scammers and other non scammers who were not really interested in me or in finding a Western husband.
When I had my own aviation recruitment business I did quite a few business trips to/from Timisoara, there are a lot of good people in Romania, totally respectable etc., also "money talks" and many young ladies think nothing of prostituting themselves, i.e. these are the club dancers or self-employed escorts, whilst it tended to be the gypsies that were the street girls that one may catch a dose off.
Not speaking from experience, speaking from knowledge :)
"There are a lot of Romanian beggars outside marble arch London. The authorities can not cope with the influx" This was coming, thanks to the EU open borders policy.
I was in Romania and Romanians dislikes the gypsies.
Yep you're riight and in many a case it'll be the parents selling their kids in to the sex trade.
Here it's all about money, as I joke with many of my guests the locals here will sell you their grandmother if you offer them enough.
Prostitutes (bar girls), many of their families know exactly what occupation their daughters are doing but "who cares, her earnings put food on our table and our younger siblings thru eduction" ... Living off immoral earnings, it means nothing here.
Much the same as fifteen people on a motorbike, in an emergency the brakes and steering won't perform, they could write off three generations in one foul swoop ... human life and dignity doesn't have the same importance here.
Romanian Sign placed in Covent Garden during Christmas shopping rush.
Notice deterring Romanian pickpockets put up in busy shopping area
The bright yellow sign has been placed in Covent Garden by police
Stay away of women from Romania... and by Romanian people in general. Romania is a poor country but and Romanian people has a problem. Romanian girls are materialistic girls, they want one thing, your money ...after that, goodbye!!!
Every guy that goes over to any FSU country, will be taken for a sum,,, large or small, by a scammer! It happens every day,,,, hell every minute! You brought up that particular amount, to poke a certain member, because you are friends with his adversary. That adversary is the lowest form of life, that I have ever encountered online,,, and you are his friend! Starting to get the picture??