First of all Dungsing, they never said a guy from America because I told him via email I had no complaint and you were nothing more than a blowhard. Second don't try to wrap me in your nonsense, as I don't attack women and call them names etc as you do. Truth be known Irina is probably very much alive and well and just rid of your sorry ass.
I read some but mostly, I have ignored your posts against dansing. I don't recall reading your making fun of his late wife. Since you said "probably" and you don't know, do you think it is right that others make fun of his wife, given the possibility that she did exist?
How about the possibility she still exists? I really don't care what others do, though when I'm accused of it then I care. Kind of like the guy who wants to stand naked in his yard and howl at the moon, not my problem, when he wants to do it in my yard then it's my problem.
If you find it so aggregious that others made fun of her, what about the rhetoric dungsing used against other ladies here? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. He gets everything he deserves, he's a prolific liar and a lowlife.
I don't remember that rhetoric against other ladies. Sometimes, it's not possible to tell here what sex the poster is.
I am not excusing anything that dansing did. I do believe making fun of someone's departed wife over the top, even if there is a possibility that she didn't exist. That's not just my opinion. I am sure there are others here.
Martin, whether it's a wife or a prospective wife, does that make you more innocent of making fun of her after she died?
"Can anybody recommend where a good Forum and Blogs site is located?"
The answer is a site where certain elements are not present and, whilst not excuding myself, those elements include 'ragingbull' and ..... 'MINI COOPER'.
If the subject of the thread is different than what I asked, does that make you more innocent of making fun of dansing's dead wife, given the possibility that she existed?
Danny has emailed me photographs of this woman. She looks like the typical FSU woman, very pretty, well dressed and groomed, and enjoying friends and family with Danny. A forum member who worked with bi-polars once PM’d me and said her symptoms could not have been made up. Her symptoms were the exact symptoms of someone who has bi-polar.
I don’t remember Danny posting her symptoms. This forum member probably did not post his opinion on the forum because he probalby doesn't want to be attacked as I was when I protested Martin’s cutting and pasting of Danny’s fiancé’s head into a man masturbating and posting the link on the forum on several threads.
I will agree with Nasfan that Danny is a lowlife if he made her up or that she’s alive somewhere and she just wanted to get away from Danny. But, Nasfan and Martin cannot say for sure whether or not she was real or made up. If she was real, are Danny’s actions in this forum understandable, somewhat understandable, or he still a lowlife?
That story has more detail than what I remember. If it was made up, the story would change especially as time passes. It has not. Danny could be all the things you all have said, but I don't believe he made up the existence his fiance and what happened to her.
I understand your not wanting her to be talked about, Danny. Whenever she gets talked about here, it is in a negative fashion. They even accused you of murder. Martin has been drumming up support among other forum members, telling them that you nothing more than a stalker and she was not real, as he involved the police on this.
Martin has PM'd me too, and I thought he had changed and we would become friends, but he has not changed. Because he has legal problems and the forum is part of the evidence, he was subdued. Now that his legal problems are almost over, he is again, slowly becoming his old self.
I live by myself and like most of you, I am somewhat addicted to this forum. I do have friends, neighbors and co-workers and now other forum members to talk to. It has been very informative in learning about FSU, and that's why I am here. We have things in common.
I have tried to stay out of others bickering, especially the ones that involve Danny because it has become more complex and more people are involved. Again, I believe making fun of someone's fiance who has passed on is over the top. I think something had to be said.
Hmmm, pregnant again, really?? This comes from the guy who lied in a thread to me saying his ladys funeral was a closed coffin, but we know that is a lie don't we danny.
Again the great lawbreaker claims he would have just broken the law if he could do it over again, remember you don't believe in laws so do overs don't happen in life. I really think you know alot about mental issues, I think most of your posts come from a mental hospital.
You hack on Martin about his fake family, you don't have any family in Russia either so quit bullshitting the forum. Talk about fantazing about a family you take it over the top danny
RB for someone who doesn't remember too many things about conversations, I find it interesting that you know alot about what was said about danny, since you don't read too many things regarding my debates with him? You also know alot about dannys issues and things about bipolar that according to you were not made up. That's interesting since you didn't take much interest in it, but you know a hell of a lot about it.
This isn't about Irina, never has been, it's been about danny and his abysmall lying in this forum. He has no credibility. When you use (they) you are claiming everyone accused danny of killing her, show me where I did?? Danny is a pathological liar and is a worm that uses smear campaigns to push away the issues of his lying.
He lied about me sending the police after him. Everytime he gets caught in a lie he tries to obfuscate and throw mud on someone else. First he claimed that a guy named nasfan talked to the cop, well that wasn't true because the cop didn't know who I was at this time. Until my name was given to him. You guys like to niggerpile on Martin, when danny is just a big as a fraud and a sellout as a human being.
Danny now claims he exposed Martin as not being married, I knew that years ago and it's because I know the laws of Ukraine. I'm married to a Ukrainian. Did I have to destroy Martin to prove it? If it wasn't for Nick Boby no one would have know, it sure wasn't from danny.
In my disputes with Martin he never referred to my wife a slut, a whore and a myriad other names she has been called by danny.Let alone her safety be threatened in emails from danny. So in retrospect with his behaviour, does Irina deserve more respect because she's allegedly dead?
Tread carefully RB with danny, when he's done using you he will throw your ass in front of the bus also.
And just to put his raging bullshit in to perspective I shall make a short, one off, statement, he has one hell of a vivid imagination, quite beyond belief indeed, and I shall not be replying to any responses pertinent to this particular post.
Raging Bullshit claims that "they" accused an individual of murder, I sincerely hope he is not including me in "they" and I personally don't recall any such accusations of murder on this forum, perhaps Raging Bullshit might care to, as they say, "put up or shut up"?
Raging Bullshit states that I have been drumming up support from other forum members telling them that one is nothing more than a stalker and she was not real. I will state, here and now, that Raging Bullshit is a fucking liar and if he, and these apparent other forum members, would care to prove where I have ever stated that one in nothing more than a stalker and I stated that she, beyond any doubt, did not exist then, again, "put up or shut up".
No person or persons have, at any time, subdued me in this forum, again Raging Bullshit has made this up convincing himself of this, we all have a choice and there are particular matters that I have chosen, by choice, not to talk about openly, some of those matters constitute part of ongoing police investigation(s), indeed 2 Northamptonshire police investigators have recently left my house, having taken my statement etc, however I am not in any trouble whatsoever with the police.
Back to my old self? Other forum members will have observed, indeed complaints have been voiced, of Raging Bullshit following me around this forum recently taking bites of my ankles, he's pissed regarding his personal relationship situation, others can see that, at the first opportunity, he tries to enter in to disagreements with others, not just me, I genuinely tried to make friends with the guy and he repaid this by taking his personal situation out, in particular, on me and others also, then he vainly tries to turn the situation around trying to make me out to be the bad guy, he tries to stay out of online bickering! What a laugh, "bickering" surely must be his middle name!
And with regards to the forum monkey, he knows who he is, please pass on to your organ grinder that websites shall be up in the near future, such websites as "Daventry Scammer", "Daventry Escort Service" etc. etc. etc. and he can't go crying to his local police any more, I have already discussed this with his local police and they have acknowledged that they can not do anything to prevent such sites going live or indeed have them removed.