I suppose you’re right, my guesswork had to fall through sooner or later. Maybe it’s time for me to get out of the house for a change.
Regarding this whole card-idea I told you it isn’t mine, read it somewhere, but it makes so much sense that many use it for the simple reasons stated.
Never been to the American continent or the Far East, not even to Blighty for that matter, but I can assure you however that there’s a whole world indeed out there. You having spent several months in the thick of this, ever given it a though some live there?
Wiring money works, only the (Reserve) Banks and possibly your local Forex-regulations may interfere. That’s why this card is a beaut, none of them apply hence it’s fast, and any country allows certain limits on foreign withdrawals.
Regarding larger sums – you’re not buying her a car are you? I’d also advise not to send larger amounts for say a ticket. Better buy locally and in a non-redeemable form so it cannot be changed into cash by anyone but you. Various possible risks involved, a scam amoung them.
It IS a cash economy, a wad of notes normally means lots more than a Platinum card. The people there have learnt not to trust banks, and this is also why you don’t ‘see’ many of them although they’re there. It’s changing though, but will take a long time still I suppose.
No, he’s right, if we’re talking about Moldova – never been there yet. So I obviously have absolutely no idea what it’s like there when drawing some money from an ATM.
Mind you, doing this at home I invariably have to walk past an armed guard...
You know you have found a dodgy one, when she thanks you for the flowers you sent her for valentines day and then thanks you for the sweets you know you didnt send to her !!!
In my former wifes country there are very few plush new and wealthy looking buildings, and almost All of them are banks, or belong to banks !!!
Is there any wonder the poor people who have to see all this wealth openly flaunted in front of their eyes as they trudge by have a deep misstrust of banks !!
I have never been in a bank in the former CCCP where I didn't feel like I was treated like a god while the locals were given the third degree at the door and often turned away !! Not conducive to gaining the trust of the people I'm sure you will agree.
Even my X wife had trouble accompanying me, when we were married I might add, to go into a bank !!! On one occasion they refused completely to allow her in at all, I walked away and went to a different bank, much to the disgust of the guards !! The difference between how we treat a woman and how they would treat a woman possibly had a lot to do with their scornful glances, but to hell it, I'm not going to leave my wife on the doorstep !!! If she wasn't welcome I wasn't going in either !!
In the UK we walk in and out of banks as we like (provided we don't carry a shotgun or wear a bike helmet of course :o)) then its a little trickier ) but its a real culture shock to see how different it can be the first time you experience it in the former CCCP !!
It understandably promotes an "us and them" resentment from the locals !!
There are numerous little exchange places for buying grievas with Ameican dollars all over Odessa. They are on evry street corner and right in the entrance way to some "department stores" (an unusual set-up by western standards too). The English speaking people there called these little "holes in the wall", (generally occupied by one person) - "banks". I called them exchange windows. Only once while in Odessa did I visit an actual bank. It was refered to as a "private bank" and was actually a dingy place with plexiglass around the tellers and sliding drawers for transactions. Felt more to me like I was at the dog track placing a bet. I remember also being surprised to see a Lotto display (or the Ukrainian equivalent of it). The same sort of paper tickets that we use for Powerball or Lotto - but this one with a payout in Uktrainian grieva.
In London they actually have many of these money changing places too Jet, but they are part of the building they occupy rather than a garden shed plonked in the pavement as they are in Lugansk, Donetsk and in some areas of Kiev.
Ive been in Ukraine also and I know aht you mean about on every street corner !!
These kiosks as I was told they are called, tend to give better exchange rates than the banks, as do the ones in London, but they are useless if you want to flex your visa or mastercard !!
i will suggest you look into an ALL ACCESS mastercard basically is a secured credit card. you can only get what you put in it other so get one send to her and she can only withdraw the money you put in it. It works anywhere in the world the fees are 3.50 dlls per withdrawal transaction and two dollars to put money in it. you make a deposits at most check cashing places in the usa
good luck
An acquaintance of mine dates a Georgian woman who lives here (that means she is from the country of Georgia not some southern bell). She does not send money to her parents in Georgia because of fear that criminals will find out and worse than just taking the money will harm her parents or blackmail them, etc. Georgia and Moldova may be exceptions, and I can't speak for Russia because I haven't been there. I've been to Ukraine five times and I withdrew cash from ATMs in four different cities. I also saw Ukrainians using ATM. There seem to be no problem, just same risks like everywhere else. I think it goes too far to issue such blanket statements about the whole FSU and it even shows ignorance or at least outdated knowledge. How long ago you were there?
Wtrav: I am beginning to appreciate the difference between th erelative security of Ukraine and the relative insecurity of Moldova. Readers of this forum might know that I went to Odessa last year. And i found what you pretty much describe. There was usage of ATMs (they weren't quite on every street corner but they were there). It seemed to me that Odessa was a pleasant European city that was just working on getting up to speed with the the rest of the world. I WAS on an organized tour - so maybe that made my outlook more positive.
Now as I preapre to go to Moldova - on my own (well, with the asistance of a girl/girls I met) it feels entiely different. She is concerned that I not rent an apartment to far in advance for fear that a bad element might have a jump on finding that an American is there. She tells me to keep our plans a secret. I though I had found a very nice apartment near her (on the same street) over the internet. She was adamant about me waiting a while and getting into a better neighborhood. This whoile trip seems differnt as if I certainly won't be "in Kansas anymore".
I was there 8 Weeks ago, and 6 weeks before that, and 3 months before that, and 3 months before that and so on !!!!!
Ive been in a lot of cities in the FSU, Ukraine and Russia.
Im not making remarks about things I do not know something about !!!
The problem with ATM machines, if you actually read what I wrote properly !! Is that if a Russian woman is caught using an ATM card which has a mans name on and has been issued by a western (US, UK bank) then the police who catch her are going to give her a hard time about the card they will certainly suspect is stolen.
I Never said that any woman using her Own card at an ATM wil have any problems !!!
thank you for clarifying. However, I thought the suggestion someone made in this string was to have a card issued at the name of the woman. What was suggested was that you open a joint bank account in USA for you and her and you are of course the primary owner of the account. Then you have a debit card issued at your female friend's name and send it to her along with her PIN (in different mail for security). You make deposits in the account as you see fit and she withdraws money in local currency in her country. I do find this the most efficient way to send money. In fact, my wife is going to Ukraine in April and she will be using her debit card. I don't see where the confusion is.
I don't think it would be that dangerous to visit Moldova although this is only assessment since I haven't been there. It seems to me the worst thing that can happen is to get robbed, so don't carry too much money with you. I assume you'll be in Kishinau. If there is an Embassy or Consulate there, you should register before you leave the country. You make your arrangements online, so you pay with credit card. When are you going there?
Since 9/11
You haven't got a hope in hell of opening a bank account for any woman who has not been in the USA or UK for at least six months (and as banking rules seem to apply almost globally these days I wouldn't think it will make any difference no matter where you are from), and even then its a real struggle. You will not be allowed to add her to yours until she has been there at least 6 months either.
I know because I went through it less than a year ago, and I have been with my bank for 16 years prior to that but it doesn't make a blind bit of difference, thems the rules and they stick to it rigidly no matter what.
My good record with my bank was totally ignored and irrelevant in this matter !!
Its not even an option in this discussion so you had best forget the idea now !!
You will Not be permitted to open an account for your wife even, unless she has been in your country for at least 6 months and has lots and lots of solid ID and proof of the fact she has been there for at least 6 months. And even then its not certain that they will give her an account at all !!
These rules cover single, and Joint accounts, I couldn't add my wife to my personal account or mortgage account and make them joint accounts either !!!
If you read what I have said before the problem I have been addressing is that the only way to do it, because of the bank rulings, is that the card would need to be issued in your name, not the lady`s, and that this only way to do it is risky for the lady if she happens to be spotted or caught using it !!!
Someone, I forget who suggested writing his cell number on the card when doing it this way, believe me No FSU policeman would consider the hassle and inconvenience of calling to ask, and it is very likely he wouldn't be able to speak enough English to be able to do it even if he was prepared to call !!!
Wise up fellas !! If you haven't already married her and done the whole bank thing over 6 months, stick with WU, its the safest way for you and the lady, and you have 100% control, and for goodness sake, if you are so tight that the charges bother you that much then don't send money at all !!!
TimH, my wife has not been 6 months in the country and she already has credit cards at her name (added to my accounts). All you have to do is pick up the phone, call an 800 number and you need to have her social security number if you want her to be responsible for the account. If you only want her to be able to spend money, they don't need her social security number. Why would they deny me, a ctizen, to give the right to someone else to spend my money? makes no sense, 9/11 has nothing to do with this.
What has been more difficult after 9/11 is to have your own bank account if you don't have a SS#. To get a SS# takes more than ever since the SS office now waits about a month for the INS to ok the application as opposed to in the past the number would be issued the same day.
To send $50 via iKobo costs $2. To send $100 via iKobo costs $4.
To send $50 via WU costs $20. To send $100 via WU costs $20.
We're talking 4% across the board vs. 20-40% or more for smaller sums like these through Western Union..
I don't mind helping out - but bankrolling someone is where scams develop. I'd prefer to give in smaller increments of $100 or so rather than to just throw money at her all at once.
(And even if you chose to go that route - you'd pay $10 to send her $500 through iKobo, and $68 for $500 to Moldova through Western Union.)
iKobo is available at any VisaPlus ATM and they issue a card with NO name on it at all - further it can be used at point-of-sale places, just like a debit car.
If you want a three-some with Western Union go with it. But iKobo is arguably just as safe and a lot less expensive.
Excuse me - make that $48 to send $500 to Moldova through Western Union and $20 through iKobo (4%). But the point is still the same. Still a lot less expensive through iKobo.
Because the UK banks are under government ruling to make certain that your "wife", who is being added to your account, is not linked to, moving money around for, or fronting for some terrorist organisation. Here its the Law not just a bank rule !!! No-one and I mean No-one gets an account for the first 6 months they are here on a visa.
When I brought my wife here we went to My bank (who I have banked with in all my affairs, mortgage, business, personal and everything, for 16 years) and asked for an account for her, they refused because she had not been here long enough, "add her to mine" I said, "let her spend My money" they wouldn't do that either ! "let me vouch for her I will sign to take responsibility for her account" that was my last shot, and still I was refused point blank !!!
Despite the fact, among many cards, I have a company Barclaycard with a 2k, pay in full at the end of each month limit, they wouldn't issue her with one of those either !!
Trust me Wtrav, what I put on here is not supposition, it is UK fact. But of course the rules may vary from country to country.
I am rather taken aback that considering it was the US that got hit on 9/11, and I hear in the news is under constant threat and alert against possible attacks, that your rules are less strict than ours !!! Not a very clever way to safe guard a country !!!
If you are a UK resident, you will Not get Any bank cards/ ATM cards/ credit cards/ cheque account/ debit cards/ add her to your existing mortgage account, not even a savings book !! In her or joint names to include your lady, until she has been in the UK for 6 months and can prove it !!
If you don't believe me thats fine, but you will when you try it and get turned down flat as we did !!
All that is beside my main point, I stand by what I have said about the danger of a girl using a card that is Not in her name, if she is caught by the police using it, they Will arrest her until she can prove she has a right to use it, over there its Guilty until you prove your own innocence !!! Women have been known to be hassled and forced to pay bribes, for walking down the street with a western man after dark for Gods sake !! Let alone having a card that gets her money from an ATM, that from the name on the card, she does not appear to be entitled to !!! They don't need much of an excuse, if they think they can make a few $`s for themselves by hassling her then by God they will !!!! They will assume that it is stolen, even if there is no report of it (do you know at all times where your cards are ? Some go missing and never get reported for months, they may surmise that the card she has, in Your name, is a clone !!! Lots of skimming going on in the FSU too guys so watch your cards at all times !! ) If she is lucky they may take a bribe, ie: the cash she has taken out which you put there for her, or make her take out more to give to them !!! If not so fortunate then she may spend some time behind bars until you can be contacted (if they bother to believe her and try !!) or someone who can vouch for her can be called in.
Foot note to this, it is also possible that the police (or other undesirable equally low life creature) may try to take money from her even if the card is in her name !! And even more of a chance that they will if they work out that the cash it produces comes from either a UK or US man !!!!
I have never used any other way but WU, which OK, maybe a little more costly, but at least I know its efficient, instant and safe for my lady and secure for me too !!!
Also, there are still cities in the FSU that do not have ATM machines like the ones I have seen in other cities there, so WU is the only way, because if the city doesn't the machines, you can bet they don't accept the cards at point of sale either !!
So long as IKobo is they way you describe and does what it says on the box Jet, then I agree with you, IKobo sounds fine, but I cant ever agree that the idea of getting a card in your name and letting her use it is a good one as some people seem to think !!!
It might be great for the guy as he saves a little money, but it puts his girl at great personal risk !!
What is more valuable ? Is the question I would be asking myself, my girls safety, or a little money ? before I would choose a way to do things !!!
Just so that we understand each other Tim, I agree with the potential hazards of giving her a card with your name on it. But with iKobo - all you do is establish an account for her by giving (over a secure webpage) her name and address. They don't actually send her the card until you send her money (perhaps the single disadvantage - since its delivered to her by courier and can take a week or more in the FSU - there is no longer a fee for this delivery service). Then they send a four digit pin number to her (or you if she has no email account). Again, there is no name of the card at all - and all she has to do is remember her four-digit pin number.
Regarding availability of an ATM machine - you are right. I can be a problem. One of my Moldovans lives in Kishinev - where there are some many quite a few ATMs available. The other lives in a smaller city of around 50,000. The nearest ATM is in Kishinev, a bus ride away.