Turboz - have you ever heard the heartless comment many people make when a couple loses a child? With the best of intentions they say "Don't worry, you can always have another one." Of course its not much comfort to the grieving parents.
Well what I'm about to say might not sound any better than that but really it is. Pick yoursef up - and book a tour (an organized one so you don't have to worry about anything) to the FSU.
It's not too late and instantly you will discover a world where YOU have the upper hand and can call the shots. The women regard YOU as a prize to be won and competed for. It's a great feeling - especially when still dazed by devestation from a member of the opposite sex.
Being an American at those Socials - you'll feel like a (minor) celebrity and have all the attention you can handle.
Maybe that will help!
Gosh let him do it, because it is rather depressive to have to read all kinds of ludicrous insultive allegations of someone who apparently lacks even the least bit of self-confidence.
Pleeeezzz Turbo, bugger off on a tour - take a loooooong one, and take plenty of money with you!
Because if you even there cannot come right - and please DO surprise me! - please notice the women lingering around in the hotel-lobby when you get home? They are professional make-feel-good women Turbo, and by the sounds of it you need a handful of them.
The old grey cells have been working on this one for many hours, and I think I have it ready for airing, so here goes !!
Why with so many young, available, and beautiful ladies out there to choose from, did you go for one 34 when you are under 27 ??
You have the pick of the whole site mate, from 18 years old upward, ( "you lucky, lucky b*stard !!" Another apt quote from Monty Python for all you fans :o)) ) why put yourself in a position where you have to lie about your age ??
It should be us old b*ggers having to tell girls we are younger than we are, (not that I would, I'm just saying !!) not the other way around !!!
Maybe I'm missing the point here, but it sounds a little crazy to me !!
And please dont come back with that "I fell for the woman, it didnt matter what her age was" BS, you already told us she was a bunny boiler, a fruit loop, ready for a fitted jacket with no sleeves, so wazzzzz up ?
Heh, Sorry I been away for so long - Seems like I missed quite a debate..
Tim, JetM, you wanna know why I fell for this one woman? - Remember the Island of the Sirens in Greek mythology? - You know the place with beautiful singing women that no-man could ignore?..
Flood the Ukraine and Romainia and Moldova becomes that Island if you know what I mean. This one woman from Moldy was in the UK. She's an opera singer and V good (Need I say more?). Hair, Eyes, Voice, If you can name it she had it. Thats why I fell for this one (That and the fact she made it quite clear she was interested - Until we met again when she made it quite clear that she wasn't! <Only interested when they're with someone and hate ya when they're single syndrome>).
Think I'm gonna do that idea of a tour though. God damn it, I'm gonna go out there and break as many hearts as possible - Give them the "LETS JUST BE FRIENDS!" treatment and watch them crumble. Jeez I sound like a bitter man...
If you ever feel bitter towards the local gold diggers in your town, then drive by with the window down and yell at them as loudly as possible (so everyone hears you) "LETS JUST BE FRIENDS!".
You wouldn't beleive the stunned look the GD's have on their faces for it (they also look mighty flustered if they have friends around). It makes ya feel a lot better too. Take it from me, I've been doing it for several weeks and it gets better every time. Basically they don't seem to understand that their favourite "Wind up the men" line can be used to take the p*ss out of themselves. It's great mate I'm telling ya.
The reason they ask for 30 up age group is that at 30 men are considered more stable, more mature in their outlook on marriage and family values, secure and established thats all its about, if you can provide for both emotionally and home wise for a lady they don't care what age you are, just so long as you don't treat them the way their own country`s men do.
Their own men are too unfaithful and selfish, thats why a lot look to the west for a good loving caring faithful man.
I know many many Russian men, and almost all of them are on a constant look out for the next girl to nail, even if they have one and just as bad sometimes even worse when the guy is married !!
I know a guy who for the last 6 months has been bedding anything with a pulse, why ? Because his wife has been pregnant and he wasn't getting any at home, and the strangest thing, the girls are queuing around the block for him !! And believe me he is No oil painting, but men out there are in short supply, and good ones are almost non existant. I know literally hundreds of unmarried mothers and women divorced bringing up kids on their ow, because once the seed has been planted he is off looking for the next one !!!
I think there must be some secret competition out there to see who can impregnate the most women in one lifetime without actually sticking around to support them !!
I mentioned before in another post, that my X wife left me for a Russian kid 7 years younger than she is, she got pregnant, he was on his toes withing 4 weeks of that !! Silly girl :o/// Threw everything away and dropped herself deep in the sh*t, for what ?
Strangest thing was, in many conversations we had in the 6 months before we married she always maintained that young men were useless, imature and no good !! Then she goes and doe sexactly the opposite to everything I belived she belived in !!!
Mnay people who know her have told me she is a child, that she doenst think before doing things and is fickle too, I wish they had told me thesee things before I married her !!!!
They have told me many times that the child she carries, to her, is the latest toy, fad, idea she has adopted, and the novelty of this will or has worn off already.
If I live to be 100 years old I will never understand why she did what she did .....
they have of doing that sometimes, which is why you should never hurt about it, just be thankful that you escaped so lightly. dishonesty is a common trait often disguised.
I just drop by now and then, and if there is something I find interesting, or feel the urge to comment upon them I post mate :o))
I do however feel a little uncomfortable when I refresh the main page and the last 5 or 6 threads are all my name still in the box after a few hours !!!
I like it when there are other peoples names in the mix too you know !!
I have no wish to rule, or monopolise in any way, or to be regarded as doing so ;o)
Funny really, I often write Huge letters to nt girl, and have told her many times that "I talk too much"
But she seems to like it :o))
Hmm, I used to have that habit of talking to much but over the last few years it seems to of disappeared when I hit depression. Shame really cos I used to be able to "Talk the hind leg off a donkey"