zarkey,,, I haven't met your girl! I'm sure there are some good ones in Ukraine, but I'm not wasting another minute or dollar looking for them. Every one I met has been a scammer!!
I have a life! More of one now that I quit!!
More men should know what to expect when traveling to Ukriane!!
If there are honest girls, then how can guys not find them? That's not true. They do. They do not hide. To you, all beautiful women are scammers, which is also not true. You also think your wife is just plain looking and not beautiful. That also is not true.
Zarkey, I stayed in Ukraine 6 months out of the last 12 months, and the same the previous year. I do business there, but wsa scratching my head at the statment tht "Ukraine girls have morals and values than most women in the world." I have never seen more materialistic and insincere girls as those I met in the major cities of Ukraine, with the exception of my fiance.
She is materialistic to an extent, but 100% always sincere and not one time have I caught her even in a white lie of any sort.
But the other 99 women I met and 30-50 I dated over the last few years, i cannot say what you say...
I do agree with you about girls outside the big cities DO have higher morals than those who lived their entire life in big cities of Ukraine. My fiance knows this as well and she always likes to tell me she and her best friends never were raised in the big cities and that is why they all get along. They too don't like the same girls who most of the complainers in these forums always seem to meet... greedy, gold-digger, con-artists, insincere, manipulative, players, etc... I met too many of these myself in the big cities.
In a small town, everyone knows you. So you can't play with people without all your relatives and friends hearing / knowing about it. The anonymity of a big city can create a different mentality of abuse. Doing business in Ukraine I look for it all the time and usually can spot it quickly in new people I meet.
PS> My girl is EXTREMELY beautiful. But she definately knows it. She also knows about all the local men at the clubs who stare at her while she is dancing with her other very beautiful girlfriends. I seen this myself and its annoying, but funny and reminds me that she is a very rare world-class beauty. We both know we are very good for each other and as rare as it gets. I never met anyone like her in my entire life (looks, attitude and sincerity). And same for her in many ways too.
PSS> I pamper her but I try not to overdue it. I like to show her the real reality of life without support and me in it when we have a quarrel, because its good to put things into perspective. But we are past the stage of getting to know each other and intend to marry IN Ukraine in a few months before I petition for her entry to US in a few years. I like Ukraine (in my own way) so intend to keep her close to her friends and family support as long as we can. I like to travel and work outside the US. So that helps our relations tremendously.
Прально...)))) правду говоришь, парнишка. Зачем вам, таким потрясающим самцам русские(украинские, и т д) женщины? Вы считаете всех плохими: наши женщины - ужасные, ваши соотечественницы - ночной кошмар. Вы чего хотите то? Сами то идеальные? Ну так станьте геями - и будет вам счастье. Нет, бл_ин- хотите женщину и ВСЕХ женщин фекалиями поливаете. И это не так, и то не подходит.
If anyone is curious,, this is Vesnovka's dribble.
"PralЃЊno ...)))) truth to say, little guy. Why do you need such a stunning cocks Russian (Ukrainian, etc)? You think all bad: our women-terrible, your compatriot-nightmare. You want that? Are you perfect? Well become a gay-and you will find happiness. No, bl_in-want a woman and all women faeces water a. And this is not the case, and it doesn't fit"
I was talking to a russian lady on skipe, she asked me to send her some money by western union. She must have thought I waz stupid or sumthing. I told her I am not sending money by western union. Instead I sent my credit card number and 4 digit to her. A much more sensible option I think you will agree.
zark - agreed. Lots of tough girls in Ukraine, and there are actually some sweet, delicate ones too. Amazing contrast of women there. Tough ones, strong ones, beautiful ones and ugly ones (of course). You stand on a main street in Odessa and I swear that every 5 minutes a breath-taking stunningly beautiful woman with a body that should be in Playboy/Maxim magazine will walk by, or some ultra beautiful young girl just comes walking towards you.
Fortunately, my girl happens to fit both the stunning beauty and playboy playmate. My biggest problem is her inexperience with real relations. She has saved herself for marriage and never dated a single boy / man ever before. ;0
I never seen a place like Ukraine or Odessa before. I just wish I spoke more Russian. ;)
Does anyone else notice how Ves mispelled my name,,,, just like danny42?????
You have delusion of persecution.Are you afraid of him?" Did he scoffed at you before?Did he torture you? Do you want to talk about it? Breathe deeper, relax.
Apal I think you hit the nail on the head regarding the challenges we face AFTER we meet our dream girl and all is looking good...
And I touched on this in my post...
And this is the real and obvious, to me at least, challenge of building a relationship between two people with totally different levels of experience about building relationships...
On one hand there is the 40-50 something male "foreigner" who has most likely been with a few women, most probably has been married once or twice and has lived a life with many experiences and build many relationships with many different types of people... (friends/family/spouse/parents/children/business associates etc) thats You and Me...
and on the other hand there is the 20 something beauty/hot/model girl with limited life experiences and quite likely non existent relationship building experiences in their short past...
Now this beautiful girl does not need to be from FSU for us to encounter the same challenges...
You take an equivalent experience girl from anywhere in the world and I would bet good money that you will encounter exactly the same challenges...
So this is where I am saying it is up to US more experienced in relationship building men to TEACH them HOW to HAVE A LONG LASTING relationship...
I take the responsibility in this area... If I react every time something is said or done that is not acceptable in my mind about what and how the girl should act then I am simply taking the easy way out and blaming her for not knowing how to have a relationship with me rather than taking the harder but definitely more rewarding long term approach and saying "well, this is another thing that I SOMEHOW need to teach her about"...
Now I am not saying this is easy or perhaps even do-able...
the KEY is this and only this IMO... IS THE GIRL TEACHABLE...????!!!!
If she is then anything should be possible...
If she is NOT then everything is impossible...
The only exception to this, again IMO, is infidelity... if she cheats on you then good bye is the only thing you need to teach her about... (I did not need to travel to FSU to have a cheating (ex)wife so I know quiet a bit about this subject at least)
Is it too difficult to write in English,, so all of the members here can read it????
1- Иногда я ленюсь.
2- Вам надо работать головой))
3- В конце концов - вы ищите русскоязычную жену. Вы должны привыкать к тому, что иногда понять друг друга будет очень сложно.
А вообще- где Giss ? без него скучно(. Надеюсь он жив, а не помер от испытания на себе очередной пищевой добавки, что он создал.