Dunt is either a serial failure or is desperate to prove he is "better" than at least one person.
A supposedly married guy with new child yet has time to lurk on marriage site forum offering absolutely
nothing but cheap shots and insults???
He has not offered ANYTHING positive in his whole time here
Danny is right,,, it is a struggle to feed ourselves!! Tonight,, I decided to have pizza, I took the pizza out of the box,,,,, and it was square just like the box???! I don’t put pizzas on the oven rack,,,, I use pizza pans,,, and they are round!!
Americans do struggle feeding themselves. Its truly a struggle trying to figure out what to eat. Then its a struggle to get what you want
from the pantry or refrigerator without fear of all the other food falling out.
Finally, its a struggle to decide whether an American should give the leftovers to the dog or to a hungry Dunt in Duntstralia
Dunt is either a serial failure or is desperate to prove he is "better" than at least one person.
A supposedly married guy with new child yet has time to lurk on marriage site forum offering absolutely
nothing but cheap shots and insults???
He has not offered ANYTHING positive in his whole time here “
I never knew anyone in the world could be so pathetic as Dunt! I picture him living like a troll,,, throwing his own feces at anyone who walks by!!
The forum is the one place in the world, where he can piss people off on a regular basis and not get kicked out!!
back in America tonight and struggled to decide if I wanted some plump juicy chicken breasts or pork center cut chops.
I opted for the chicken as Russian chicken sucks. I will choose the hormone injected grain fed raised in captivity chicken ANY DAY!
USA chickens weigh twice as much as any other country. The breasts are huge, juicy and amazingly tender and not like the tough dry stuff found everywhere else on the globe. Yup, Americans struggle alright! they struggle to decide what, from a bountiful supply of food, they will eat.
Oh yeah, the gas grill is fired up and it is ON!!!
Again, Danny thinks he improves his argument by name calling. Do you think your arguments, statements and the rest of your posts needs lies and name calling for them to come true?
How would you know about American chicken when you are in Australia? Does bashing American chicken make your chicken taste better? It doesn't does it?
It is just like your relationship with your wife and kid. Talking sh*t about everyone else's family does not make yours better.
"and look how fat you all are ....by the way the best chicken is russia ..the free range lean and tasty not dripping with fat like the american stuff"
first of all Duntstrailians are not far behind Americans and British in the obesity problem. Besides, Im fit and athletic, youre just lucky your girl likes pot belly pigs.
And finally, there is no comparison at all to American chicken. it is 95% lean yet weighs more than twice that of other chickens worldwide.
It is also the most tender and juicy you can ever imagine and you can only imagine since they wont let you in the USA
"Rb the guy said about the fat dripping chicken .. thats how I know and look at the Americans on tv .... They are all fat . It's chemistry chicken ..."
That's all you see is the bad in other people and other places, Danny. Why don't you open your eyes wider? The fact is what you say exists in America, but there are also free range chickens. You just need to look at a different chicken package or a different store. Chickens are raised in most of the 50 states, I'm sure.
There are also fat Americans and lean and fit Americans. Fit Americans are on TV more than the fat Americans. A lot more. Why is it that you only see the fat Americans?
I see, Danny. You only search for fat Americans. Therefore, when you only find fat Americans, you state that all Americans are fat. You have a weight issue. Just like making up lies about others to feel good about your family, you are making up lies about Americans being fat. Americans being fat does not make you skinny.
Dunt prefers living in a country in which the government decides everything for them. Dunstralia regulates the internet, people's behaviors and decides for you what you are allowed to eat. The place is becoming 1950s USSR
haha...it's all the mickey mouse(sorry mickey)taxes in Aus that wind me up...its like the 10 yr old children of the politicians actually devise and formulate policy.........when that iron ore is depleted Australians will see just how derelict their "leaders" have been...viva la revolution
One of my ex’s called me last month on my cell in the middle of the day here,,,, almost midnight there. She wants me to visit her as fast as possible?? I told her; maybe in November?
We talked until my battery died. I also told her that I lost another 10 pounds! She asked me why???