"raging bull ...is that the daughter that hates you or do you have a few children from failed marriage"
Danny and I went through this before with my daughter. There is not an ounce of hate bone inside my daughter for me or anyone else.
Where did this come from? Danny loves ideas like this. He repeats them. It rings inside his head. It must be commonplace with his friends and family. It always happens in his neck of the woods. He can't stand it when others do not have the same problem.
The sad part is, Danny's personality is indicative of a son or daughter hating him. His actions mirrors his friends and family. Give it time and his son will also hate him.
The conversation went to sham marriages. Although the subject came up, I told him I was not going to do it. So he is prepared to make this for real, or so he says. This guy would not leave me alone at vk, so I made a website for him.
I looked at fiance.com and did not see any profiles for men. I looked at blossoms.com as wineman suggested. Since I am a man, I am not able to see if there are profiles of men there.
I made a website for him, complete with his own domain name. I will give him my Twitter password so he can tweet to drive traffic there. http://ukrainefriendship.com/bogdan-gumenyu/
That is so desperate, Danny. Is making up lies about someone else the only way you know how to make your family look good? It doesn't work, Danny. It only shows your lack of integrity. I succeeds in making people feel sorry for your family in which you are a member.
He will be just like Danny. Another crybaby. He will make up lies about other people. Then, when that one person gets him good, he will vow to get even.
You never told me what your promise was with Martin, Danny. I asked you a few times. It's alright, I know. You recorded your intentions well in this forum. You will end up in jail and will not see your boy grow up.
He will grow up to know that his old man lied about other people. He will do the same. It is what his old man taught him.
The ankle biter could grow up to be a totally boring and nit picking bastard who has nothing better to occupy his time than to find fault in anything and everything he so chooses nor will he ever admit that he may be mistaken nor will he let anything go!
How can that be worse? He has supposedly achieved what we are all here for. But, that is not success to him. He does not appreciate what he has. He needs to lie and paint others as failures.
Only then can he be a success. This will only destroy his family.
"..i dont consider finding a girl getting married having a child sucsess .... success comes along time before this .....finding a wife is just a normal thing for most people"
Been there, done that... married twice.
"..i dont consider finding a girl getting married having a child sucsess ..."
That is one of the biggest insults I know of about one's family. Then, he turns around and we claim he does not appreciate what he has. The proof is in the statement.
"how long until you will land a lady in your home ? 2years 10 years ...will it ever happen ? until then your a self confessed failure"
His success is now complete. It is what he is in the forum for. He has to paint someone else a failure. He cannot live without that.
LR went overboard by his name calling. He and I are showing Danny how his son will grow up to be like him.
Where were you when Danny made up lies about my daughter, Martin Smartshit? I suppose your your creation of a profile just to go after Martin makes you mature?
If you don't use knowledge, what good is it? How else will the knowledge be used? Danny is in the forum making up blatant lies about forum members. He just had a kid. Who will the kid copy his ways from if not him?
Martin posted he had better things to do than sit in this forum. He is gone. You must miss him a lot, Martin Smartshit.
Danny's objective is to get people pissed off (his words). When this happens, they come to the forum to get revenge. This is pretty much like Martin. Martin Smartshit, you have your objective, I have mine.
You cannot read the future. If you could you would not have left Irina alone so she could jump. Your kid will be just like you. Awesome is not the word.
Well, at least one Ukrainian man seems to be on his way to success:
Vladimir Klitschko is a household name in Ukraine -- perhaps the country's most famous athlete. He and American actress Hayden Pannetiere are reportedly engaged.