advice on AT&T phone? dont use it unless you dont mind a $2000+ phone bill
I had a guy come with me to Ukraine year before last with an iphone. he stayed 10 days
and returned to a 970.00 bill.
best bet is ALWAYS use local service. Life works in whole country, has 3g and its cheap!
you can also buy phones starting out less than 50 bucks
Rick I've drove Kiev around whole country Kiev is about only area with decent roads rest of countrys roads look like a war has hit them potholes are more like creators. There is odd small sections of good road they are far and few between. I traveled with a bonded interpretor who was raised in Ukraine. Traveling on roads at night is very dangerous. My first trip to Ukraine I thought Kiev to Oddessa would be about a five to seven hr trip. On their crap roads trip was over 15 hrs. Pesonally I would not waste One more second of my time in Ukraine with it scamming marriage agencies and all around rip off artists. Russia is much better and cleaner. and people are not so dishonest. And quite a lot of people speek english. Not that russian is so much a problem for me now. The class of women in Russia is way better then in Ukriane to
Socal,,, unless you’re using an iphone to replace a laptop, just buy a cheap phone from one of the many shops around the cities. My cheap Samxxxx has some features I prefer over my reg phone?! It takes me a little time to adjust,,, as some of the buttons are backwards to my regular phone. But one thing that I like about it,, it keeps the text messages,,, I still have the sms from 2009?!! My regular phone keeps the last ten messages,, or more,,,, but only for a week or so!
stevc, Kiev to Odessa is a piece of cake to drive. 4 lane highway and smooth pavement. Kiev to Kharkov is equally nice and since June, Kiev to Lviv is a modern 4 lane highway. 15 hours from Kiev to Odessa???? I did it in 6 hours just a few weeks ago.
As far as roads in Russia? Sure there are lots of nice roads but dont kid yourself, Russia has more than its fair share of crap roads. Just got to Domodedovo an hour ago to catch a flight back home in 3 hours. spent 7 hours on a really crappy road from Voronezh, south of Moscow. The road from Minsk to Moscow isnt much better(E30/M1) and its supposed to be a first class major European highway.
I agree that traveling cross country in Ukraine can be hazardous.
What is the point you are trying to make in mentioning you have a bonded interpreter. How does that help...exactly? Is that better than knowing
the language???
Driving is ok if you are competent 110% involved driver.It is not for the feint hearted-- please do not kid yourself that you are a good driver and can handle it.
Comments here that are more recent experienced guys--I agree with.
Taxis are not a rip off as such-- you simply have to be very certain before you get in what it will cost-- use some common sense.
Do not get hung up on the negatives--use them to make your plans to avoid the pitfalls.It is not so easy a place to visit--unless you can keep clear head and think about what is happening.
Driving in this third world country can be 'interesting' ...
So far, in some 6 months with my van, I've had 2 motorcyclists, 3 dogs, a cat, a duck, 4 chickens ... and I've needed to take emergency action to avoid a furking great lizard of some 1 metre in length and a goat.
P.S. The 2 motorcyclists I knowingly got were on my nearside however there are scratches to the offside of my van suggesting that I got a 3rd motorcyclist there but I have no idea when/where I got him/her :)
I know Moscow and Minsk are 2 different countries. I dont need a newbie telling me that. Ive spent half my life in the FSU, speak the language and have an apartment in Kiev. You cant tell me that the roads in Russia are better. I spend more time there in 6 months than you have your whole life. I dont need a translator or guide either. People dont even know Im American unless I tell them. After you have spent 30 years there then PERHAPS you might tell me something I dont know.
RB yes is true I Rented first car this summer with my lady drove for week she wanted to go on trip. Was in Russia roads were better then Ukraine signs were posted where you could see them. Was a huge lesson in learning to read Russian You learned quick. Was a interesting trip I must say took a while before i relaxed behind the wheel Highways not bad city driving Hmm bus did not seem to be such a bad idea after I tryed that. I am sure in time like all things you get used to it. Thank God my lady has very good understanding of english am heading back to see her for Xmas relationship is taking a serious turn for the good, yes you know what Xmas will bring us. Will not be driving will take bus and taxis while I am there. Canada has excellent snow removal system. will be interesting to see how roads are in winter there. And from my understanding Her winter is very similar to Canada. Oh yes RB lived in West Oz for a while worked in Northern town called Port Hedland Oz driving was interesting to with roundabouts driving on wrong side of road in wrong side of car. At least road signs were in english. Yes lonely Ranger I do agree reading those signs is very interesting expiereance. Every day My Russian Gets better every day I find I have so much more to learn
in ukraine i found hiring car and drivers was very competitive to driving my own vehicles over the same distance in my own country, so i would never hire and drive myself.
or maybe i had lucky runs, didnt pay tourist rates.
never found the roads real bad other then none main roads, but saying this they are terrible at laying foundation in their builds, one can see why they have probs.
i asked a russian about this, the reply was "want to work for many years,, such ideas would loose a companys credibility to any business done here,, possibly why russians dont build our roads here..
had a quick thought theres a business there to be had doing things properly,, but yes theres very stinky corruption in road building, huge moneys involved.
i always wondered if one was keen to drive on the wrong side of road with the sun on the wrong side of the planet and these strange cyrillic signs everywhere maybe a gps would be an idea, or are they all cyrillic to?
Rich the point is newbie or not your advice sucks and I am not the only peson to think this. My advice to other new people to a ukrainian visit is not to follow yours. The only way you can get a point through is by trying too be insulting and obnoxious, Hmm a True Ukrainian by any sence of the word. You try to protect what Rick? A marriage industry in Ukraine thats anything but marriage. Take a look at a kiev Road map Rick Look at its borders of map, tell me about what Kiev advertises. As for roads Rick I think it high time you go to a country that has real roads so you know the differance. Ukraine is the worst off of all former Soviet countrys. Rick Ive been around a bit more then you think, I unlike you have better things to do with my time, I have a relationship that grows i still read this forums material, I dont coment all the time but I do read, and I do have friends on this forum