smart a says:
"You say you started to provide safe houses for rescued girls......
Tell me, what stops the 'stolen women' from going to the police in those countries that your've mentioned? "
kinda hard to get to police if you are locked away and prevented from leaving.
A girl from Ukraine is currently being held by the "president" of Kosovo right now and wont release her.
She will, however, be released after certain people arrive tomorrow and make him an offer he will be wise to accept.
something along the lines of "we wont kill you, your family and everyone in your government if you let her go"
Ive killed enough scum in Kosovo myself to know that offer usually works and when it doesnt? the promises made
come true.
“Ive killed enough scum in Kosovo myself to know that offer usually works and when it doesnt? the promises made
come true. “
Rick,,, can you perform these rescues in any country??
Currently,,, we have a member of this forum who is holding a Russian woman against her will!! When she arrived in his country, he cleaned out her pockets of money, put her to work the very next day,,,, then drove over her foot with a car so she couldn’t run away! He also found someone to get her pregnant, so she would feel the need to stay for the baby.
This person is real SCUM!!
His last two victims, along with an unborn baby, are DEAD!
"A girl from Ukraine is currently being held by the "president" of Kosovo right now and wont release her.
She will, however, be released after certain people arrive tomorrow and make him an offer he will be wise to accept.
something along the lines of "we wont kill you, your family and everyone in your government if you let her go"
Ive killed enough scum in Kosovo myself to know that offer usually works and when it doesnt? the promises made
come true."
So, you say your've had to kill people...Is that correct?...Describe the 'type' of people..
danny, have you never served in the military or anything?
I know duntstralia only has a couple dozen in the army and 5 people in the airforce but Im guessing you
have never even heard of war? ever hear of the Balkan wars or Kosovo war?
and smart a, who did we kill? well, we did raids on brothels and usually the "pimps" and kidnappers and others
involved werent very happy to see us and thought they would put up a fight. 99.999999% of the time it wasnt a good outcome for them
and unfortunately several "off-duty" NATO soldiers found themselves on top of a 12 year old girl during these raids and got counted
as "friendly fire" accidents as well.
In case you still dont understand, dunt, people always die in war. its kinda the whole object of the event. You try to kill your
enemies and they try to kill you.
Oh, as a general rule, most child traffickers, especially end users, have Islamic connections. seems for most muslim men that screwing a child before puberty is the only way they can get laid. If they want to be laid twice by the same girl they must enslave the girl and little girls are easier to control than a full grown woman.
LR1701 said:
"Currently,,, we have a member of this forum who is holding a Russian woman against her will!! When she arrived in his country, he cleaned out her pockets of money, put her to work the very next day,,,, then drove over her foot with a car so she couldn’t run away! He also found someone to get her pregnant, so she would feel the need to stay for the baby."
Has anyone else noticed, that any person with knowledge, ability, or an opinion, that doesn’t agree with danny, is considered an immediate threat???!!!
What’s the matter danny,,,, is your little bubble about to break????