ben2006: Welcome to the real world. Not everything is fair.
The men PAY a lot of money to rent the hall or disco, have AFA do the invites and organize the thing, proide the refreshments. The women pay NOTHING.
Therefore the men certainly have an advantage. There ARE places where neither sex has an advantage. They are called regular discos and they are open all the time. And yet the men and HUNDREDS of women aren't there - they are at the Romance Socials. Go figure.
If the women really objected they would stay AWAY! But they DON'T!
ben2006: If a man pays to have a big dinner party at a fancy restaurant, guess what. HE decides who to invite. Everybody can't just sit down and eat his food, just because that would seem to be more fair. The man is PAYING so he gets to invite who he wants. Do you have a problem with that? No? Then why do you have a problem with 15 men kicking in thousands of dollars to rent a place and invite single women? Whats wrong with it?
Are you jealous because YOU never did it? (But then again you DO seem more interested in men - like checking out my profile, so I wonder?)
Please don't ask me to do intimate acts with ben2006. I already told you its not my thing. And the men here are all heterosexual (I think). Perhaps you can check out some other mens profiles?
What we have in ben2006 is a self-important, guy who found a girl the old fashioned way (bully for him) and now resents the HELL out of anyone who has it any better.
But even in the past ben2006 never used as many homosexual references as he has used in this thread alone. Is been2006 feeling SORRY for the girls, or jealous that they have a chance a men?
I saw the you tube video...jealous? No, ashamed and embarrassed yes, resentful....not the slightest! At least the video might encourage guys to do things the old fashioned way and not have girls carted in like cattle because they pay for it and think its normal. I'm surprised you don't see yourself as a misfit but then I'm sure all the guys interviewed didn't see themselves as misfit either.
If a Romance Social has 20 guys - odds are about 3 of them are absolute losers. They won't find a girl here or anywhere. One guy worked as a Security Guard at a Kmart. He took meticulous notes in a small spiral binder and interview the girls about what their favorite fish, or color or holiday was. But he never asked a girl out. He said he would analyze the information he collected and come back in a year or two. These guys will never be successful. No matter how much they pay or what advantages they have.
2 or 3 guys are sbsolute prime. Late 20's or early 30's, tall, good looking, great job, or already independently wealthy. These guys could find an incredible woman even on a deserted island. What they are doing here? I don't know.
The rest of us are in middle. There are doctors, lawyers, last ime I met guy who was a doctor AND a lawyer - entreprenuers. Some of the most interesting people you willever meet.
The documentary people only cover the loser 3 guys.
ben2006: Realiuze that if YOU went to a Romance Social you would be famous - they LOVE the loser guys and want to make all the documentaries about them. And you would be one of the three.
"ben2006: Realiuze that if YOU went to a Romance Social you would be famous "
I'm not despite and are capable of tiring my own shoe laces. So I wouldn't make the grade. Are you on some sort of commission for this outfit for misfits. Your really keen to push their agenda and now your trying to get me to sign up. Not a chance!
"At least the video might encourage guys to do things the old fashioned way and not have girls carted in like cattle..."
Alright grampa.
"Why.. in MY day we WALKED to school. None of those fancy cars. I walked 26 miles to school, there and back. And it was UPHILL both ways, and through snowdrifts, even in the summer! Thats the problem with kids today. They have it too EASY!"
Sounds like you.
Face it. ben2006. Not all of us can WORK from our computer. For some of us our time over there is limited and new fangled ways, have made the best of our time. If the girls didn't like it they wouldn't go. Remember that. They have a choice.
ben2006: I am only asking you to sign ups so that the whole world can laugh at you in documentaries. Why should we in this forum and those you know in daily life, get all the pleasure?
Ben2006: The girls come on their own accord. Nobody carts them in. Nobody pays them. They could be anywhere else. And yes, generally in the fiorst 20 minutes or so - a handful of girls turn around and leave! If you talk with them, as I have, they will invariably complain that the odds are not in their favor (and they are RIGHT). But there are easily 2 or 3 girls gladly willing to take the place of these girls. And they come time, and time and time again. always hoping to meet a guy.
Sadly, I have even heard of a few crying at the end of the night because nobody spoke to them. Nobody feels good about that. But they come back the next time to try again.
If the men and the girls didn't WANT to be there they wouldn't come.
Who are YOU to object if men and women want to do this?
I'm not signing up to one your "romance" tours, forget it, make up your commission targets another way. Why do does the whole world need me to sign up when your already there to laugh at.
Why don't YOU go make a video and show us how us what the socials are really like if you think they unfairly represent you and your buddies. There's a challenge!
These events are so popular - that they try to get the men there 20 minutes early BECAUSE if the men are not there 20 minutes early they can't get in!
The most recent AFA Social I attended in Kiev had the Social itself some distance from the hotel, so we rode a bus. But the bus got caught up in trafic. As a result the men got ther five minutes after the Social started.
And then we couldn't get in. There were HUNDREDS of gorgeous girls fighting tooth and nail to get in - and they didn't see to realize there were no men in there. All the men were behind them fighting also to get in.
SOME have suggested that the girls go for champagne and snacks. Champagne (local sparkling wine) is cheap over there . You can buy many varieties for $6 a bottle and the stuff served at the Socials is not the good stuff. Its limited too. They might also get a little square of cake or something. Sometimes the snacks are quite good - but not so much the last few times.
jetmba. coyote ( sexy energizer bunny ) has pissed off another person on the forum.
It seems jetmba coyote ( sexy energizer bunny ) is an AFA advocate of the bullshit socials from the one of the biggest bullshit sites on the web, A Foreign Affair.
And after 10 years roadrunnin', jetmba is not only lonely, but the women he's pursuing, are getting younger and younger each year.
Some say..........
That jetmba. coyote has asked for the windows in 'his girlfriends' classroom to be lowered so she can look out of the window and see him waiting in the park for her after school.