Now this next article might blow yours socks of Beemer18, even I was kind of taken by surprise by this, up until the 1960's the Southern States were SOLID DEMOCRATIC: LOYAL TO WASHINGTON D.C.
When it comes to politics buddy I know what I am talking about.
Democrats love to lie and talk how they are the free thinkers, the champion of freedoms when the complete opposite is true, Big Government?? Really? and there past is so full of facts of how completely untrue it all is yet people by nature do not want to believe and check the facts, the true facts, not what the see MSNBC or CNN, or any network for that matter.
Thats the thing that upsets me with people. They assume something and then believe it to be true. Since the 60's the southern states have been Republican, but since that is all people know they assume it was Republicans that insisted on keeping the Segregation around when in fact it was the Democrats. Now 90% of minorities follow the same demon that enslaved them unknowing. I have said this many, many times, the majority of humanity are sheep, always have been and always will be. i said above, blame the Civil Rights Act for the south changing face!!! A Dem signed the Act!!! It does get confusing.....but the 'southern' democrats were racist for over a century.
Democrats in mid 19th century were Jackson democrats( pro-slavery,states rights)....don't confuse them with recent ones. Plus over the history of US, there were factions within each party.
The ideas didn't change as much as what one is called/labeled over time. No big conspiracy.
Sorry...I really don't like politics but I love history!!
Mr. Tin man why not live your dream here in the USA. I have 6 wonderful wives, 5 are Ukrainian and we have a wonderful life.
Being Mormon, I am used to bigotry, but I try to turn the other cheek. It is not easy at times, but in the end it is well worth it.
I know a couple of hot Muslim girls in Ukraine. There are quite a few in Crimea but they arent the die hard, always covered,
bomb vest wearing ones you hear about in the media.
I have been listening to the Republican National Convention speeches from YouTube. President Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater (1964 Republican Candidate) sounded conservative to me - smaller government and strong defense. I don't believe it was the mid 1960's that the Republicans changed to being conservatives.
Each party has there Core principles of what they want for the government, everything else is in between. There are many of both parties that agree with one another on many subjects and the bickering back and forth between the two is just a play for power. Back to the Core principles.
Republicans: Small Federal Government, Bigger State governments, and free trade and capitalism.
Democrats: Big Government, and less capitalism where everything from Healthcare to Education under Government control.
All of the other issues are up for grabs depending on what that parties agendas are: i.e. the Democratic party knew it was in trouble in the 60's when it as known they were the ones that were fighting the hardest against the Civil Rights movement. Kennedy knew that it would happen eventually and took the leap to draft the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (there were 6 or 7 Civil Rights Acts, the most recent in 1991 mostly signed by Republicans). When Kennedy was assassinated Johnson continued the 1964 Bill against Republican Congress to pass the bill anyway. The reason the Republicans were trying to revise the bill and eliminate the loop holes, but the public mis interpreted the action as Republicans were trying to keep the Segregation alive. The Democrats then moved there power base up North and Republicans gained power in the South also inheriting the bad rep the Democrats created there as there own. Yes people in the South are inherently bigoted even if its just a small degree, even those who think of themselves as not racist still view blacks as different that whites when that is absolutely not true. But politics is a beast that does not care about that, if being bigoted gives them more power great, if not, they will move in the other direction. What is certain beyond a doubt is that it was the Democrats again to get Slavery alive, when that failed they fought to keep Segregation going because (maybe they were racist) but mostly to keep blacks from getting the right to vote and vote them out of office. By introducing the Civil Act of 1964 they were saving there own skins and making themselves the hero's. And the Republicans I will admit made some stupid moves and didn't know what the hell was going on and were totally suckered into looking like the assholes.
Lincoln was from Kentucky not Illinois.He also lived in Indiana and Illinois. He also suspended Habeus Corpus for his own benefit. Plus Northeners didn't treat the blacks very well either during the civil war. To say that the confederate flag represented only slavery is totally incorrect and your understanding of history leans towards revisionism. Though slavery was part of the reason for the Civil War it wasn't the major motivation for the war.
Quit being lazy and citing Wiki for information which many time's it is incorrect. Read some books on the history of the civil war. Plus their is no correlation between the Nazi Flag and the Confederate Flag. Southeners didn't want to wipe out an entire race of people as the Nazi's did.
Plus the Republican party of today is a mere shadow of what it was during Goldwater's era. Very little seperates the Republicans and democrats of today.
There people go again talking shit about what they can not possibly know. You want me to take a picture of books? I can actually take a picture of 3 books for you all about the history of the Civil War and all with conflicting historical facts, so whether you get your info online or from books you have to get it from as many sources as you can and come up with a version that comes up the most or makes more sense.
I cite Wiki yes but I also make sure to post only the ones that have references and can be backed up with facts. Then if you have to you can actually trace back the sources of information that is on wiki and verify the the authenticity of what is being posted there.
Lincoln was from Kentucky!!! No shit I lived in Kentucky for 3 years until I graduated High School in '98. Now tell me what state he held office in?????
Now before talking shit about a complete stranger you know nothing about, and never will read the full post instead of skimming through. Of course the war was not fought mainly because of slavery nowhere did I say that but from a moral standpoint its the most relevant, and you can not possibly know how people in the North felt about blacks back then, though your probably right there in no info on that so not worth mentioning.
And if you read all my post you will see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats are there core principles.
"Very little seperates the Republicans and democrats of today."
The Republican party that I know are for smaller government. Obamacare is the biggest threat to small government in history. Republicans fought against that until November 6. The fight now is tax increases. Increasing taxes gives government more resources for expansion. Most, if not all Republicans signed a no tax increase pledge which some might have to break.
In practice, there has to be compromise to keep the government moving.
The correlations between both flags are that they both represented a similar racial bigotry against humanity is a personal view. The Southerner did not want to wipe out an entire race of people, the "just" wanted to enslave them into servitude....evil + evil = evil.
Listen to President Reagan in 1964, three years before he took office as governor of California. This is the Republican National Convention to elect Barry Goldwater for president. The platform was strong defense and small government. This is still what separates the Republicans and Democrats today.
This is also the year of the Civil Rights Act. Therefore, this cannot be the year that changed the Republican Party to conservatism. Reagan continued that platform throughout the 60's, 70's and into his presidency in the 80's. GW Bush said that the Reagan will always define the Republican party.
Note that Reagan cared about the enslavement of a billion people. This is not about blacks. It is about the Soviet Union. I believe Ronald Reagan did more than any other person to break up that union.
He does not get enough credit for that.
"Mr. Gorbachev, take down this wall." That has to be the quote of the 20th century.
A LOT seperates the PLATFORMS of the Democrat and Republican Parties. But when Presidents are actually elected they ignore everything they campaigned for and everything the Platform said.
George W. Bush campaigned as a noninterventionalist. He was anything but.
Barack Obama campaigned against the Patriot Act, the Bush era tax cuts, and against the war in Afghanistan. He extended the first two and expanded the third.
Politicians are like professional wrestlers - All blustery and trying to incite the crowd with their differences. But the closest of buddies when the cameras are off. And in the end, foreign policy stays the same, government expands the same way, we maintain perpetual war and the fat-cats on Wall Street get gifts.
We have ONE Party - call it the War Party or the Incumbent Party - It has two distinct marketing campaigns to appeal to the different classes, or different idealogies. but the product is the same.
Madison Avenue has used the idea of dual marketing campaigns for different markets for a long time. Pick-up trucks, for example, are marketed quite differently to recreationalists vs. construction companies - but the product is the same.
Just like the Republican campaign and the Democrat campaign.
In the most recent election both Obama and Romney were heavily financed by Wall Street and the banksters. Both were highly favored by the military industrial complex and health care companies. Once Romney got the nomination, these guys could put their feet up and relax. Because regardless of which candidate won - he was in their pocket.
"George W. Bush campaigned as a noninterventionalist. He was anything but."
That was the plan, but 9/11 changed all of that.
"Barack Obama campaigned against the Patriot Act, the Bush era tax cuts, and against the war in Afghanistan. He extended the first two and expanded the third."
Obama was never against the war in Afghanistan. He was one of the senators that voted against it. He did put a date in its end, which in my opinion is a big mistake. I can almost see the rebels planning the attack to take their losses back when the US leaves.
It didn't occur to me to compare the American rebels with Nazis. In point of murder, these factions were nearly at opposite poles.
However, the confederates had much in common with Nazism, and the Japanese imperialism of the 1930s and 40s.
All three groups fundamentally believed in their racial supremacy, and incessantly used force, violence, and awesome cruelty against their supposed racial inferiors, however helpless their victims often were.
It is great blessing for humanity, that all three of these morally depraved movements were devastatingly crushed -- and true American patriots can take great pride, in having participated in the destruction of all of them!