You're making fun at what jetmba posts.
You're making him realise what he writes is stupid
We all want him not to realise and to keep on going.
It looks like jetmba.coyote is angry at ragingbull."
I am not making fun. Whether he realizes what he writes is stupid is not my intention. I am just trying to clear things up. Perhaps I might realize what I write is stupid. I don't believe he is angry at me. Annoyed, probably.
Looney: I know somebody needs to explain basic concepts to you all the time so I will take my turn this time.
Christmas fruitcake is sometimes made with liquor. The alcoholic content of the liquor is lost in the baking process, so that one is very unlikely to be able to "overdose" on the finished product.
The reference you MIGHT be looking for is "nutty as a fruitcake". Its an old expression derived from the fact that fruitcakes tend to have a lot of nuts. And someone who is "insane" is often described as being "nuts". Therefore a crazy person is sometimes said to be "nutty as a fruitcake".
As in this factual statement: "Looney is nutty as a fruitcake."