I have a friend named Dewayne, who is a former major league pitcher. He had a few rivalries. He told me about his rivalry with Jimmy Wynn. Jimmy Wynn was a good hitter and nicknamed the toy cannon at was 350 lbs. Dewayne, about my size at 200. They had some bitter words as Dewayne threw fast balls behind his back and around his ears.
Retired major league players go to alumni parties. Dewayne was tense when they were about to meet face to face. Jimmy Wynn went to Dewayne and said, "Are we friends yet?"
I didn't mean me. If you haven't noticed, he has stopped coming after me.
I told him what was wrong, and it's not him in love with himself. Of all the things he came up with about how full of shit I was, he didn't include that one.
What happened between you two, anyway? He said he came after you because you were recruiting him to go after Danny. He said he told you no, but you kept after him.
“What happened between you two, anyway? He said he came after you because you were recruiting him to go after Danny. He said he told you no, but you kept after him.”
Rb, if jet said that, then he is a liar!!! I did not try and recruit him! On occasion,, maybe 2 or 3 times over the period of a couple months, I made comments on what danny wrote on the forum. Usually an insult about how dumb danny was/is!
He never told me: no,,, or any other answer about getting involved in the fight. He asked me to stop with the comments regarding danny’s dead ex(s)! I told him NO!! He never said anything else about danny after that,,,,, and kept up with the correspondence like nothing happened!
It was ALL a deception!!
He pulled the same trick that danny did,,,, pretend to want to be friends, get information, email addresses, photos, and then use it against me!
LR has taken the offensive against you. By offensive, I mean when you have become quiet, he kept on. Jetmba saw that and took the offensive against LR. At least, that's how I see it.
I can only say what happened between you and me. You would not leave me alone with your unsolicited advice and making things up. It goes without saying that one should not make things up, especially about another person.
Unsolicited advice is a tricky thing. One example is giving money. If you have extra money, why wouldn't you help out someone who you are considering, and asking to be your bed partner the rest of your life? It should not be to make you broke, as you and others have made up, and went after me with. You, Nasfan and others came after me with that. Yet, Nasfan says he learned from Jetmba who has given money and is unapologetic in doing so.
Who cares about the details anyway? Why anyone would fight with me because I would not listen to him, when he advices me on how to handle my future partner in life? When one gets advice, he will have an idea and perhaps formulate some of that idea in a relationship. Because each woman and relationships are different, why would one follow someone else's advice to the letter?
No, Rb, I don’t think I have taken the offensive, but rather an active defense! Jet had said something about me not taking,,,, an “proportionate” response to danny’s BS. The time I spend on the forum is limited,,,, I’m not concerned about giving an proportionate response.
Jet would like everybody to think that danny is a poor helpless victim on the forum, and that everyone is attacking him for no reason! Does anyone here actually believe that???
I am travelling to Ukraine, I like to be whipped by dwarves and tied to be bed by little boys under the age of 12 years and then have sex with them ,which city is best for this? is it lugansk Denepr or Odessa?
I dont believe anything,lol. However, I do believe the restaurant that actually made a medium steak in Kharkiv that was wonderful.
I was first time at this place while "kidnapped" from some mafia guys who thought I was rich(joke is on them). This is second time I have signed the guestbook.
This time I paid the bill which was $200 for 8 people. I cant say name of place but it is 4 blocks from city center(Kharkiv) and has chef from Paris.
I think it was Oleksandr Yaroslavsky who dined with us as he said he would donate 10k to do project at orphanage here. Tomorrow we will see if it happens
sunvolt, Jetmba's experience is simply what happens when you dedicate enough time here in Ukraine.
Another of my friends, Bob, has now spent over 2 years here living from his military pension of $1600/month
This amount is very much more than sufficient for his living expenses, his classes at international school in Kiev and to date.
He now has good Russian speaking skills and despite his 52 years of age has dated many girls and has learned that he can wait
for the right girl for him but have fun along his journey. He did this in 2009 and now seems natural in this environment.
He has been dating a girl of 32 years of age for 8 months and thinks she can be his second half. In my opinion, he has done things the right way.
When one can spend time here and "become Ukrainian" then anything is possible. Success in my opinion depends upon making the girl
feel comfortable with you and she knows you will protect and care for her no matter where you choose to live.
Most men fail because they dont understand Ukrainian girls and what they need for successful relationship. One or 2 trips per year just
wont give you success. Its simply not possible. If you cant make a long term investment in your quest then STOP NOW and save your money.
"Rb .... I laugh at how your life partner was actually a scammer but your to thick to see this .."
Here is one of the unsolicited advisers. Here is my advice, Danny. Don't build any balcony's. Do you wonder why you get a lot of these advices? Of course, but you are too thick to see that.
No one is reading? There is only one "no one" that I see.