Living the life or reilly mate..:)),very happy,but getting worried about about an expanding waistline!!!.....she really thinks I should have a 4 course meal at every sitting!!!..LOL
Thanks for asking Tim,you looking forward to your forthcoming journey?
I have a question about food. One of my girls always seems to be eating although you couldn't tell from her size. I call and she's just preparing food but talks for a while. Another time, she's eating can I call back in an hour? which I do and then she's eating again with another part of her family, call again 2 hours later and she's FREE!
I don't get it? Why wasn't she eating a third time? lol
How different is the regime with food? Is it customary to have multiple courses?
Having a desert is a treat for me once in a while.
Lots of small courses spread over a few hours Del'
Russian eating can take up to 3 hours to do a normal meal because they have limited cooking room, no microwaves in most houses and they like to pace themsleves a little too :o))
It takes so long to have a meal there simply because everything is fresh prepared and fresh cooked so each dish comes at you one at a time :o))
But I will reiterate what Jet has said, they dont eat that much really, and certainly less than us.
The sweet you talk about is almost unheard of in the FSU, they might have a cake now and then (not each !! a big one cut up for all present) but things like spotted dick (dick of what? is what i wanna know !!) or treacle pudding that sort of stuff is just not done there .
Chocolate is quite expensive (or awful if cheap !!) so thats a treat for most people there too.
I have never been more fitter than when I am single which hasn't been for 9 years. When you're with someone and comfortable in that relationship, gravity and age tend to have a habit of accelerating.
I've lost a stone since christmas and feel good for it, no diet - just get of the other half!
so should I take a spotted dick with me ? lol. That's one desert I try to stay away from.
maybe something rich in real chocolate but then the chances of leaving me alone with cake on a plane for a few hours and it getting there in one piece if at all is very unlikely. There's more chance of bulldog posting something sensible.
Another reason for our size is that we just stuff it all down in one session not giving our digestion system time to do it's work.
thanks for the food run-down, you learn something new every day :)
No, but if you are not careful you might bring one back with you !!! ;o)))
Or seeing a flying pig !!
( I actually saw a flying pig in ashop in Kiev !! Battery powered, tethered to the ceiling and wizzing round in a circle fdriven by a propeller on the nose !!)
Daed on with line 4 mate !! We eat too much too quickly therefore it stays in the stomach longer and more of the bad stuff gets absorbed !!
I like to put it that, we gorge, Russian people "graze" littke and often as they say :o)))
Now the pizza has gone down I think its time for some treacle tart and cream, followed by a mars bar and a nice glass of ice cold full fat coke ;o))
To tradman: I realize that it might seem that a 22 age difference would be more noticable when you are, say 65 years old and she is 43. But I discount the problem to a large degree. First of all, if you make it that far together - you have already done better than most. Second - people change at different rates (as mentioned earlier). It is hard to say what either of you will be like at that age.
To some extent you have to live for today and the foreseeable future, because the long range future is never guaranteed.
To dma: Time to bring up a little Russian trait you may never have heard of (or maybe you have). I discovered it myself, the hard way, and it can be very frustrating at times.
Its called "the acceptable lie" or "Vranyo".
"Every culture has a different attitude and explanation for a fib, or "white lie", which in Russian is refered to as "vranyo". One uses it to be polite, nice, and in order not to offend another person or say anything that would casue problems. Russians do not want to embarrass or disappoint guests. Visitors should be especially aware of this Russian trait."
(That's a quote from a book called The Russian Way).
Actually Tim - I drink a lot of Diet Coke (not he caffeine
e free kind though).
Had a heck of a time finding it in Ukraine. I ordered it as "Diet Coke" and inevitably the waiter/waitress would say back "Coca Cola". I would repeat "Diet Coke" a few times - they would repeat "Coca Cola" a few times. Finally I would settle on tea.
Then I went into a "grocery store) and found a familiar shaped bottle (but made out of grey plastic) that said "Cocal Cola Lite".
Now that I knew what they called it there, with my new found phrase, I could order it. And I was a happier traveler for the rest of my trip.
I hear what you're saying Jet about the 'acceptable lie' which is why I asked about how different they prepare and eat their meals. A normal meal will take me 20 minutes to prepare and cook, 2 minutes to eat!
If someone is busy or just has company, they should say so but maybe she couldn't find it as easy to describe that - language problems and all that. I am not naive but probably do think that she just has family commitments and maybe doesn't want the embarrassment of having to chat up a foreigner with family around - I know I wouldn't like that! In any case, it certainly hasn't helped her in my eyes and it's just a matter of time before I virtually dump her as I am following my instinct which lays elsewhere. :)