Durak,,,, I recognize the Migration Card! It’s the paper that we had to fill out before landing in Kiev,,,, or fill out a copy that they kept by the posts or pillars before the Customs at KBP!
Our passport number, destination, hotel, and purpose of trip was listed on this piece of paper.
Of course it makes a difference to you. You have been using that as an ammunition to get on my case for years. You have been using it against others. The scammer you talk of took no more than the money I was about to spend on her. Instead of going out to a fancy restaurant and see the city of Zaporozhye, she lied to get the money from me.
We had little left to do but play house while her son went to school. Since then, she admitted what she did. When I was about to go back to Ukraine, I told her so I can visit her as a back up. A month later, she cried as she wrote me because I did not visit her.
That's funny? We could laugh at you too. You once posted about how smart you are for going fishing instead of going to school. Good for you. You can make a decent living fishing and diving for lobster. I am sure you want to teach your kid the same. But why did you find and marry an educated woman? Because Nasfan said you couldn't.