“my second conquest lasted 2 months on-line and 2 weeks in-country; cost an air ticket only since I stayed in her house.”
This is not unusual, but i was initially hoping to rent an apartment or a house like in previous visits to UA w/ my 1st GF for more privacy since she lived w/ parents. Now, this girl had the house all by herself. I DO NOT recommend it, since her house was in a small village about 15 mins from the town. I did not rent a car at that time, so I was at her mercy. I felt trap and w/ barely no choices to go home on my own when she gave me character.
I can brag that my last trip, just for 2 weeks in AU, cost me no more the $1000.00. She was not a scammer, I did ignore some red flags before flying to meet her, but found out some “bones in her close”.
“I failed” because I was hopeful and turned down other girls for her.
I am skeptical but not a downer on this Long distance relationship….
End of story….