Enough of the bullshit,,,,, if you want to live in Russia, start walking east, if you don't like the government in Ukraine and still love then protest. If you take up arms against it, then die.
Just read that Russia is suing McDonalds for too much fat in the food. My girl drives me crazy when she eats fat as a main coarse,,,fried fat. That and McDonalds has closed it's franchises in Yalta Simferopol and Sevastopol it is tit for tat. It is as comical and unfocused as western sanctions.
Russian Ministry has press release denouncing the US for the violence. The mean that how could any country not see the FSU as satellites. How could the Ukrainians believe they are anything different than a retarded little brother. Narcissistic bastards!!!
One thing I have noticed in the past few days since the plane crash sanctions took effect. The Russian chatter on news reports comments have been quiet. Perhaps they moved to places I don't look, or perhaps it is just temporary.
Well, it does.
If you read online news and magazine articles about Russia's aggression against Ukraine -- or, these days, anything about Russia -- you may have noticed that the comments for the articles include very large numbers of comments explaining how Russia is Right, everything the West does is wrong, Ukraine is run by Nazis, etc.
Way way more comments than would normally show up on international news articles.
From the early days of the Ukraine crisis, I saw some of the commenters criticizing Russia label pro-Russian commenters as paid trolls. Personally, I was skeptical of this; I thought it was just conspiracy thinking.
Well, I was wrong:
Thes e are articles about a "trolling factory" in Sankt Peterburg where people are paid to write pro-Kremlin anti-Western comments on Western internet news sites.
Some of you may remember "stoptheinsanity", a "person" on this site who made some posts regurgitating Kremlin lies over the period of a week or so. Never posted before... never since... never anything about dating. Quite likely, a paid apparatchik.
I have had experience with them as well. Starts out that you know nothing about the region and when the argument becomes more factual the threats, name calling and accusations of fascism and Nazism . They converse as though they are impartial observers, but soon become irrational. Similar to.........