My brother gets castrated just for "looking" at a blonde, let alone even touching one! His mobile is constantly ringing asking where he is if he's not at home and that's a 14 year relationship! lol
And yes, if what seemingly starts out as the impossible dream does comes true, he'd be dragging his tongue along the floor and if not, I can think of few more enjoyable ways to spend your life. He's always dragged his tongue anyway with my other halves - you either have it or you don't! ;)
I've just finished a 4hr call with my sweetheart and have been sung a soothing lulluby so I'm wondering why the *ell I'm writing this when I should now be tucked up in bed having sweet dreams, which I will in a minute. :)
Forget those private emails and get on with those private calls!
Was wondering where ya were Tim.
I went through the same thing as your brother dma! Except for me, it didnt matter what their hair color was. If it was a female, I had better not be looking, or else.
Tim and trad, good luck to you both!! You guys will be there before me and I'm jealous =)!!
I hope we all have the best of luck and we all have happy stories to share soon!
As for telling people...I hope everything works out for me so when she comes, all the skeptics here where I live will finally shut the hell up and I'll enjoy watching them eat their words. The funny thing is once my single friends (even married for that matter) see my Natalia and see how happy we will be (I'm hoping!!) Were gonna have some more believers in all this..
thats the time thats worth all the problems you put up with travelling etc,just to see the faces on friends,family etc etc.
It's never the easiest way to find a partner but take it from me it's certainly the most satisfying when it all works out.
Good luck to you Crash.
I say we get over there and steal ALL the women :o)))
Crash, its not eating their words that will be the most enjoyable to watch mate :o))) It will be telling them to eat your sh*t that should bring you the most pleasure :o)))
(Michael Madson - "Bringing out the dead" "Im gonna teach you how rto be a good American, its called Eat my Sh*t !!!" )
Take my situation, I was already wed to a Russian lady who came here and met all my friends and family before she did a runner, you can only imagine how skeptical my surrounding people are about my new lady !!!!
But you know what ?
I dont give a stuff what anyone thinks !!
If I am happy to hell with them all, they dont live my life, and they dont have to accept anything I do, but they sure as sh*t can butt out of telling me what I should and shouldnt do !!
It's never stopped me doing from what I please either. I think it's only natural that family & friends will have something they dislike or have concerns about "anyone" you're with so it's a no-win situation with them. You make your own decisions and live by them. In many ways IMO I believe that *iss-taking is simply a disguised expression of jealousy and it happens with everything in life from phones, cars, personality, partners, jobs etc.
Just let it run off like water off a ducks back, after all, you will be the one who has the gorgeous attentive loving caring wife and family, I dont regard that as being the losing side of the game :o)))
You are dead on mate, if they havnt got it, cant afford it, or see you have something better than they can ever hope for they take the p*ss out of pure jealousy !!