Socialist Russia also killed far more of its own people compared to what it did to Ukraine.
today if you walk certain areas of Russia, the bones of these people can still easily be seen.
Ukraine is not alone when it came to how the Kremlin ruled these lands once.
its just sadly how it was.
The events of these past months and the response by thinking people will affect the economy of the FSU for many years. Providing sophisticated weapons to people hanging foreign flags over government buildings is insane. These people are traitors not protestors or patriots and are therefore untrustworthy, a fact well known even to the foreign supporters of this action. Think of all the times in recent history that these loose cannons come back "bite the hand of their masters of today". Nothing good will come of this to any party in the region. The rhetoric of WWII is falsely driving emotions, thought and policy (at least in an attempt to control the proletariat). These weapons that have been spread around without control by rational people will soon show up in Chechnya because of these soldiers of fortune.