I am corresponding with someone who was born in Russia and now lives in Ukraine. I tried to "incite a verbal war" with her regarding the downed airline incident, but she would not "bite". Her only response was that the situation in the country is a bit unstable right now. She says that she has found what she was searching for and is willing to wait until the right time arrives to change her life.
Award winning former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry has been told by an intelligence source that the United States is in possession of satellite imagery which shows that Ukrainian troops were responsible for the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.
In the absence of any proper investigation, media rhetoric over the last few days has firmly pointed the finger of blame for the downing of the aircraft on Russian-backed Ukrainian rebels, but Parry’s source tells a different story.
What I’ve been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.’
How the f*ck can a satellite distinguish between one military uniform and another military uniform ... particularly when the Russian military have removed any identifying insignia's from their uniforms?
Money to the school directly. This also eliminated the agency completely when i asked the school director to ask my lady to ask her for her personal e-mail,Skype and the lady agreed with no hesitation the school said. So it was me and my lady corresponding directly to each other from then on . Do you understand now ? If you go to meet a woman and she doesn`t speak english,what kind of meeting do you think you are going to have ? I did it twice before and it is a big waste of time.Go meet a woman who doesnt speak your language and see what i mean. This woman as i said spoke english but not good enough for me so i had to do something about it plus it got her to quit the agency which she hated,but are political differences split us apart. Do you understand all this now ? This is how i pulled a woman away from an agency.It was very slick i thought.
SV - still you spent money for nothing by sending it to the school. This may have been your "slick" way of obtaining her contact information without paying the agency.
You allowed a political discussion to get in the way of what could have potentially been a great relationship.
I would have to agree with WS on this one - stay away from political or religious discussions.
Concerning the claim from Robert Parry's anonymous source:
1. There is a strong case that the missile was fired from within rebel-controlled territory. This case does NOT depend on photographic images.
1a. The disposition of wreckage essentially proves that the Boeing 777 was broken into large pieces while in the air. Such a broken aircraft is unlikely to have traveled far from the point of missile impact to where the wreckage landed, so the missile hit was just a few kilometers WNW of the wreckage site. The Buk can engage aircraft to a maximum range of 42 kilometers (in practice, the range is probably more like 30 km). At the time of the shootdown -- and as far as I know, still today -- the entire territory within 42 km of where the airliner was likely hit, was under rebel control.
1b. Western satellites that are designed to track missiles in flight (not to take pictures of launchers and soldiers on the ground) reportedly recorded the attack. Based on this tracking, US intelligence places the launch point within a rectangle about 16 kilometers (east-west) by 5 kilometers (north-south) between the towns of Torez and Snizhne, deep within rebel-controlled territory. When I say "deep," this area is well to the east of Donetsk, and quite near the Russian border.
2. The "minister of defense" of the "republic of Donetsk" -- Igor Girkin, a Russian citizen! -- announced on social media that his forces shot down a Ukrainian transport plane within a few minutes of the time flight MH17 was destroyed. Though the "tweet" was deleted when the rebels realized that the plane was a civilian airliner, I have heard nobody dispute that it was posted: the whole world had the chance to read it.
So, if Ukrainian military forces shot down MH17, then:
A. They must have driven a Buk system deep into rebel-controlled territory.
B. They must have decided to use the Buk to engage an aircraft flying eastward from territory under the control of their own government.
C. Some confederate of theirs must have instantly hacked Igor Girkin's twitter account, making a false tweet in order to implicate the rebels.
D. The rebel forces must have failed to block the strange invasion of their territory by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft battery.
E. The rebel forces must have failed to tell the world that Ukrainian soldiers somehow made it deep into the rear of their defenses, even though it would be absolutely in their interest to immediately publicize this.
F. Igor Girkin failed to tell the world that his twitter account was so artfully hacked, even though it would be absolutely in his interest to immediately publicize this.
If even one of these six things is not true, then it is practically impossible that a Buk system under control of Ukraine's military shot down MH17.
When I was in the US Air Force decades ago, there was a whole organization on base that tracked worldwide missiles and explosions. I talked to them and that was all they were allowed to tell me.
I did notice during the Cold War that there were missiles that sometimes that the US accused the Soviets of launching. There was probably a lot more than what was revealed in the press. At first, they deny it until a few days later after the evidence was presented to them. Then, they were forced to admit it.
durak really .....nothing has been proved true about anything and its looking more and more like Ukraine are telling fibs
Many read this as Strelkov taking credit for his separatist rebels shooting down MH17, killing the 295 people on board. But there are real reasons to doubt that the message was genuine.
It's not hard to see why people would believe Strelkov's post. Strelkov is a top figure among eastern Ukraine's rebels, who have been receiving arms from the Russian government. His official title is Prime Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic, named for the eastern Ukrainian city where they've seized territory and declared independence. He's known for being highly unpredictable; the New York Times called him "as mysterious as he is fearsome." The report warned, "many analysts fear that Mr. Strelkov could go rogue."
Here's the most worrying detail: Just last month, eastern Ukrainian rebels had reportedly seized BUK surface-to-air missile systems — the kind of thing used to shoot down airplanes.
The pieces certainly seem to fit. But there are also some strange aspects of Strelkov's claims that should at least give pause before reaching definitive conclusions about MH17. Here are three big ones:
(1) Strelkov's post, on the Russian social networking site VK, was quickly deleted. A later post appeared to blame Ukrainian government forces for shooting down the plane.
(2) The VK account may not actually be run by Strelkov at all. BuzzFeed's Max Seddon spoke to eastern Ukrainian rebels who said the page "is a fake made by fans." If that's the case, it may be that Strelkov fanboys saw the plane go down, surmised (perhaps wrongly) that rebels had shot them down, and bragged about it on the VK page. It is also possible, to be fair, that the rebels were lying to Seddon about the VK page.
(3) Strelkov's post appeared to claim credit for shooting down not a civilian airliner but an Antonov AN-26, a two-prop transport plane that is often used by militaries in eastern Europe. The AN-26 is 78 feet long; MH17 was a Boeing 777, which is 242 feet long. It's possible that rebels mistook the large Boeing 777 for a much smaller AN-26, especially from thousands of feet away. But this casts a bit further doubt on the idea that people fired on the airplane and then posted on VK about it; if someone fired on the plane they likely would have noticed it was a large jet and not a small-ish prop plane.
None of this specifically exonerates eastern Ukrainian rebels, who are after all heavily armed, poorly organized, and highly aggressive. Armed rebels shooting down a civilian airliner they'd mistaken as a military plane is sadly within the realm of possibility. But the strangeness surrounding Strelkov's posts should cast doubt on conclusions that he or his forces were directly responsible, at least until further evidence comes in.
Tom Z,
She insulted the USA first for no reason and it bothered me deeply. This relationship was going great. We were going to meet and her english was getting better every week. Being politically divided is something you can only hide for so long and it will surface and possibly wreck a relationship. Money for her lessons was cheap to me and a worth while investment if it was going somewhere but a big flag popped up on her comments. I was ready to fly in to Donetsk months ago to meet her but as you know it is not worth my life.P.S. She was 42 and nobody else was writing to her on fiance.com
My current Ukrainian gf is in an Eastern Ukrainian city. We are getting serious now and talking of marriage and of children.
Does this mean I should write her off? Should I ask her current views on the political situation in Ukraine and if they don't coincide with mine should I drop her?
If she says something unflattering about my country should I dump her and waste the two years we've both invested in this relationship?
BTW I'd rather not say what city she's in because there are some jealous little guys in here that wouldn't hesitate to pounce on her if they could find her contact information. Sorry guys, she's already been removed from the dating sites.
“You allowed a political discussion to get in the way of what could have potentially been a great relationship”
How could you live together?? Turn off the TV when the world news comes on, and put a stop on the paper. Never talk about world events??
My Irina was glued to the TV during the news, and she could go from hating her former country to being full of Russian pride. The people in the “Provinces” or the ones fighting for their freedom were always the aggressors in her mind.
I threw away 300usd one time on a girl I hadn’t met,,,, a week or so later she left the website,,, and finally didn’t write emails anymore. I think of it as never needing to visit her,,, ever.
Sunvolt,,,, when she insulted the US for no reason,,, did it seem to be forced on her part?? I’d be willing to bet, that the insult and temper tantrum was all pre-planed.
You sent the money to the school and not to her,,,, but I still wouldn’t be surprised that she is able to get her share of it.
If a girl does ask for money then disappears,,, most of us would call her a scammer. But if you breakup because of an argument or disagreement,,,,, well,, wouldn’t it seem wrong to call her a scammer,,,, and therefore less likely to report her???
Having different political views in a relationship can be healthy if you can discuss things without fighting, then you are interacting and learning the other's points of view.
But in courting, I do not see there is a place for it other than in general terms and briefly. I have a friend in Donetsk. She doesn't want to talk about the politics of it (I still do not know if she is pro-Russian or Ukrainian!) but she does tell me about her worries about safety, damage to her work, etc. She tells me that she stays indoors almost all the time.
Did you hear one of, or, the Ukrainian rebel leader(s) saying that the corpses of the passengers of MH17 were in a state of decomposition that they had been loaded aboard in AMS already dead ... or words to that effect?
Now just imagine "boarding flight MH17" in Schiphol Airport and all these corpses are loaded aboard, it is so unreal is is disgustingly unbelievable but I'd like to bet you that a proportion of the eastern Ukrainians believe it!
Its also possible they were in terrible condition after crashing 33 thousand feet
And some drunk ukranian rebel got a bit carried away with the moment .
After all you are talking about ukranians that stuff bodies in a garbage bag .
I bet if this happened on russian soil this crap wouldnt be said
FL330 (Flight Level Three Three Zero) isn't necessarily 33 thousand feet ... it's all on barometric pressures!
"And some drunk ukranian rebel got a bit carried away with the moment."
Yep, with some "toys" that Putin provided to them ...
These were complex pieces of equipment, the "Ruskies" couldn't hand a BUK launcher and missiles to the likes of you and I and expect us to be able to use it, Russia had to of also provided training of "how to operate".
And, just like in the movies, the missile operator needs to identify the target, lock on to it, then press "go" ... Had this been a Ukraine transport aircraft at FL330 what possible threat could it have been to them?
So, probably in an intoxicated state, they locked on to MH17 but Putin is the one responsible for providing the weaponry to them, not Russia but Putin.
Tom Z,
If walking on egg shells is what you need to do to keep the peace with her then go for it.It`s your life. If a woman attacks my country what would she want to do with me anyway ? Make sure you turn off the TV when a geo-political program is on about American,Russian realtions so you dont offend her. Go for it and marry her. I never told you otherwise.My posts have nothing to do about your personal business,only my experience.But you love to speculate and hear say anyways. It seems you have a difficult time with reading comprehension and have to be explained to twice what is written in front of you. Next time i will put it in Braille.I can give you her contact information if you like so you can have a back up plan .
LR, Everything you talk about is clearly laid out in my previous posts.
Until they are here, it is not clear what will happen to many. How can one marry and be responsible for someone being in America or any other western country when they are openly insulting that country?
She was definitely not a scammer.Never asked for anything.I offered to pay for her lessons when i found a reasonable price.We were making definite plans to meet . She removed her profile and so did i. How could she even remotely get a kickback from The Oxford School of English when i am not paying much to begin with.She never even heard of the place.I earned my wings on here a long long time ago . I know just about all the angles with 5 trips and all the other bullshit . If you want a foreign wife you have to be a risk taker and that means sometimes you have to open your wallet. You should know me better than that .
If you are only interested in stories that are pro-Putin, and reject anything that might put Russia in an unfavorable light, then discussion with you is pointless.
If, instead, you want to learn what's really going on, see point F. in my long post above. Girkin has the ear of world media. If somebody else really controls that account, or "hacked" it on that day, why didn't Girkin say so???????
No matter what Girkin did or didn't say, if MH17 was shot down by a Buk missile, that missile must have been fired from territory under Girkin's operational control. That is physical fact.
Girkin's mob of thugs and Russian special-ops have shot down more than a dozen aircraft, large and small, in the past few weeks, including two more today. The grand total of aircraft shot down by the Ukrainian government since Russia invaded their territory: zero.
Doesn't common sense suggest that the downed airliner (surely, destroyed by mistake) was very likely destroyed by the guys who shot down all the other planes?
I dont beleive putin is giving weapons .
Possibly ukraine criminals are getting them from russian criminals .
I dont believe the ukraine rebels have a buk
Ukraine government does and possibly they shot down the passenger plane to provoke war.
mabey by mistake for putins plane .
Ukraine diverted the flite path . Possibly just so rebels would mabey shoot it down .
There is no doubt ukraine government are criminals .
It will be just like egypt new government .
How is putin ment to control criminals in another country . How is he ment to control crims in his own country .
The ukraine rebels are not supported by russia . What would putin have to gain by supporting dads army in ukraine . He doesnt want or need east ukraine . If he did he could and would smash the ukraine army in a matter of hours .
I couldnt care less what happens to ukraine . Ukraine was attaking rebels while they stuffed aussie bodies in garbage bags . All ukranians rebels included are shit people