I'm happy to say that although the above mentioned confused the **** out of both of us today that things are back to normal, sealed with a kiss. :)))))
See what happens when you enable women to depend on your gifts?
Since I started this search, last November, I have sent only one present to a lady in Tyumen for her birthday in March.
All the other 27 still write me and have accepted that my friendship to them is the best gift they should ever expect to receive....at least until we "find out in person if we belong in each other's arms"...boy, how the eat that line!!
DO NOT send gifs to women you do not know in person....what kind of nonsense is that?
Honest women in east europe do not expect it.
How do you know it's not Ivan, the bouncer or Sergei, the butcher getting your gifts?....Suckers!!
Do not trust what the agencies tell you.
It's like asking the wolf if the sheep are safe
If you like someone enough to ignore my wisest advice, at the very least spend some money hiring an investigative agency to verify the basics.
Anyone here disagree or has a different angle to this?
Cant argue with what you say in principle GLT,
But, it is natural to buy someone you like a small gift, and what would cost us $10 and $3 to send to them measn the world. I could buy what I just metioned with the loose change in my right pocket, but to my lady thats a thrid of her month salary !!
When you get letters like this:
My dearest Tim !!!!!!!
I have no words now, I forgot all words!! I just got flowers, I even
have tears on my eyes, you even can't imagine what feelings I
experience now, it is great to get such marvellous flowers after
difficult working week. These flowers are the size of me in cover, oh,
I lose all thoughts!! To tell the truth, I sat to write you letter and
even forgot all I wanted to tell you! Thank you very much my dear Tim,
for your care and attention!!!! "
Those flowers cost me less than I earn in one hour !!!
But that letter is priceless !!
My Natash did go on to write a letter which followed this part, ending with
"My dear Tim, thank you that you gave me as present all these moments
of happiness, you even can't imagine how important it in my life!!!
Thank you for your warm words. I know that we will meet soon and I
miss you very much and I thank you for your warm and kind heart. From
all my sincere heart I wish you all the best that can be in this life,
have good weekends. And let me be in your thoughts!!!!!
Till Monday.
I kiss you tenderly.
Natasha with love!!!"
and somehow I have severe doubts that an "Ivan the bouncer" or "Sergei the butcher would write anything even close to her words, men (and come to think of it western women too !!) don't write this way, Russian women do :o)
I have sent no gifts yet and none have been solicited, of course I gave gifts to the girl I met in Holland the other day, I am getting close to sending a gift to one girl I am corresponding with, I guess we all make a personal judgement on this, she does however have private e mail
I disagree. She doesn't expect or "depends" upon a gift and never has, so I have had no alarm bells about the materialistic things whatsoever and have am experienced enough to compare a genuine person from a scammer or butcher! It will be a "surprise" for her and greatly appreciated - just you wait and see - as I know her well enough now and I am the type of person that likes to give surprises but not the sort of person 'gullible' enough to just throw presents or surprises at anyone. I know she has got my flowers before having seen her photo receiving it, having also spoken to her on the phone for hours on end. If it's "Ivan", someone is holding his hairy round ones nice and tight :)
I understand what you're saying but in this case, the opposite is true.