"Not that I am dating FSU nationals any longer, as you well know, were I dating a Russian how would I be providing her with money to assist in Putin's insane actions?"
Martin, why don't you do everyone in the forum a favor and not comment on dating FSU nationals when you no longer do.
Your only defence is to find typos. That does not make you less of a bloke with a mental age of 10. Go to play with your airfix spitfires, they are waitng for you.
“You say your over ukraine and russia yet you cry daily on a russian forum”
Martin,,, I think he meant me again.
If I ever have a tear in my eye,,,, it’s from laughing too hard at you!!
I’m done with Russia,,,, I’m never going back,,, but it’s not impossible that I might go back to Ukraine. When it the big question,,,, probably years away.
But DUNT,,, why is this any concern of your’s???
No one dies when I visit Ukraine,,, no big jumps from a balcony.
if i was a serious bloke RB i would find this thread rather offensive, taking on how many Russian friends i have, and i guess even with what this site is about,, but i know its only a question for a dig yes?
if you were serious, as in not just fishing (which i'm sure you are or were),,, i would had said something more like.
this thread is a bit rich coming from an American who isn't the preferred colour once upon a time in his own great land of freedom, milk, honey and separatism...
of all people i would of thought Americans would know better for what separatism really means and can do to a land, a country, let alone dividing a planet..
if that hasn't sunk in regarding ones great nations past, then this very war in Ukraine is about separatism yes?
so why sink to the same level of whom who are trying to dismantle Ukraine, who of cause are using the name of others in trying to do so?
Gents, let's not get radical on this point of view. Think about with current sanctions on Russia their will be repercussions; therefore, travel to Russia is highly discouraged. WHY? ( counsel with your designated ministry for US citizen the Dept of State ) # 1 safety.
At the moment there is no EMBARGO against Russia....
This is a matter of profound decision making and not about manipulation in disproportion to a region or country.
If their are genuine women searching from there!
Thanks, Kiwi. That's a thinker. Are the Russians or Ukrainian separatist guilty of separatism or are the EU and the US for punishing them? It's much like is a murderer guilty of beating someone or are those who defend themselves guilty of also beating him as a result?
I have been put or I have put myself in a position in this war on one side. I have seen my Russian friends on vk post pictures of one side and tell how brutal the Ukrainians are. They have taken positions that the US had absolutely nothing to do with the US and blamed it on America. I have read news reports on popular western news sites and took part on the comments. They are infested with Russian sympathizers. They are just like Martin. They take threads like this, they answer on the subject at first, then they change the subject and demonize you in another way in a completely different subject.
Martin and I had gotten on this before. He thought I was against going to Russia because Ukraine had no visa. I had not projected my thoughts as far as what happened, but I have noticed the politics of it for a long time and that one day it will someday turn out this way. I had not completely closed my door to Russia until now. It is more complicated that some of my friends are in Crimea and it is now Russia.
hey RB,, one thing we do have the capability in doing is making a difference to some people, specially to friends who have overcome to stupidity.
dont take it to heart what they believe, propaganda is at play as we know, they are just lost from pair pressure and all that political garbage at play.
its interesting also listening to my friends in russia, what i have found is a clear definite TV media spin in their conversation.
you know what i mean,, just like how i was got caught out, where you put me straight on that Odessa business.
even Sunvolts friend who was giving him grief in Mariupol.
one shouldn't really turn ones back on these people that are anti the real picture, if they are as we think, good friends.
one shouldnt blame them in thinking as they do, parents teachers politicians media are all filling them with what-ever garbage we dont get here, of cause ours is more the other side.
it is only good friendship good attitude that will see them right one day if we are willing to give them the time, as in allowing them to see the sense to that political garbage they were spewing.
how embarrassed some will actually be one day, yes.
its people like you RB and many others who dont turn their backs on these people that will have the most instrumental effect on the FSU climate, it will not be your or my politicians.
put it this way,, do we brand our past national morons with fuckwit on their foreheads for whatever they used to believe? most wouldn't admit today about their dubious passed beliefs i'm sure...
friendship is the antidote to mayhem yes.
well thats what i think..
dont worry i would have no problem ramming a pure American built 50 cal up Putons ass and be known to be the one who isn't gay but took his head off in the most gay-ish way.
The hatred is ingrained in many of them. The lies are threaded and believed by many. It is particularly difficult when public opinion believes the lies. If one succeeds in convincing a Russian that a particular lie is a lie, they will say (and have) - what about this incident and that incident. The incidents are piled up and continue to be made.
I have mostly only exchanged pleasantries with my Russian friends on vk. I am thinking about joining a group or even starting one to share my thoughts on vk. I wonder how many friends I will lose.
You got one thing right. It is Putin. Nothing will improve until he steps down or he is thrown out. If and when that happens, his successor is important.
I also wonder how far the censors of vk will go. I have not experienced any, but I read internet traffic is going to be rerouted to Moscow for censorship. They are looking into current established internet routes.
really?? that would be a telling sign,, but also their down fall..
anyway theres plenty who think like you in russia RB.
the start of this thread is in a sense labeling those who want a better russia as guilty as the stupid, in my mind, its just not fair or productive.
have you watched this,,, Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer Online
you will see what they are fighting against, i admire these girls,, possibly braver then you or i.
they have been dealing with Puton far longer then this latest crisis.
Putons interview there is a man rambling without logic.
whats disturbing is how the Orthodox church and government are working together.
this is how most country's have gone "nasty" or pair shaped through history, "politics and religion just dont mix"
most people who have a faith are just to easily lead, why the Bolsheviks once went to the extreme in dismantling such.
i can think of another country at the moment who involve to much religion in their politics as well.
it can be seen clearly in that doco.
Did you not understand last week, "Poroshenko: Cut the cable." An optical cable was just completed across the Kerch Straits. Rumor in Crimea is that MTS, U-tel and the rest will be cut. Internet ISP today is through Kiev and Frankfurt.
Rb,,, you said back a while that Russia took control of Vk,,, but if you search for someone in Sevastopol or Simferopol,,, they are still considered to be part of Ukraine,,, and not Russia. And I tried the search both ways to be sure.
Yes. Russia owns it. They chased the founder out of Russia. But, it is still a social media. To what extent they censor it, or if they do, I don't know. There are a lot of anti-Russian posts and communities there.
whats a church? wall and a roof with someone believing its much more.
chickens? are you sure you aren't getting mixed up with that video of a semi-team of Aussie rules players a few years back?
i'm sure those girls would have put on a better show then your lot yeah:)