I know I know, 3 posts in a row, but I forgot to ask a general question. How accurate are the profiles? Now I know the pictures could be fake, or some info embellished, but I sent a letter to a private e-mail (I don't like dropping names) to someone who is an 'accountant' and graded herself a level 9 english. Today I get a response that has obviously been translated telling me that I was mistaken about her english abilities. Now I don't mind this at all, just, well, maybe it's the rookie in me, but once a thought creeps into my head, difficult to lay it to rest. Any opinions? Am I just freaking myself out by being too careful? Anyone else have doubting issues whe they started?
Hell yes, Tony. We all have our doubts, ask some of the scarred veterans here like Crash and Tim, even Dma. I am relatively new about 1 1/2 months looking, but yeah! You have to be a bit of detective. Ask for recent photos from girls for one. Yes, the look their absolute best in their profile pics. They dont look that good when they wake up (well, I look the same all the time, but as Tim has said before, 'I'm an ugly git!' Elena Petrovka once said that Cindy crawford said in an interview that 'even cindy crawford doesnt look like cindy crawford in the morning'. So delve deeper, dont fall in love with pictures, and man, it is easy to do!
Many women when putting up their profiles dont fully comprehend the English scale thing, hell !! I didnt get it for about a month !!
I wouldnt worry too much about this little aspect, but if suddenly she has a sick reli` who needs 2K for an operation, or similar sob story, then run like hell !!!
Loved the cannuk bit by the way :o))
And for the uninitiated, they reall do say things like
"hoser" and "take off eh !!" It isnt just Bob and Doug who talk that way eh ;o))
DeNN (Denise) used to have me in fits some days, especially when she had had a few drinks :o))
Don't go by the ratings Tony! A girl can be rated a 3 and still speak better english than us! The feelings of doubt is normal, just go at your own pace. When you find her..you will know!! You should feel what I feel now, I'm nervous as hell, excited, and the anticipation of seeing her in person the first time, touching her, and kissing her has me just about crawling up the walls! lol
And I still have 2 months till I leave...
The really cool thing is she's as excited as I am, theres gonna be sparks shooting when were finally together. (I hope!)
the funny thing is that whilst 'we' had a misunderstanding the other day about her address which upset us both - it was neigh on impossible to fall out with each other and argue - nothing but kisses! If that's as bad as it gets....lol
Well, I am glad for you DMA, but I had an argument with my leading lovely and it is now OVER! It was a simple misunderstanding on my part actually, and I got a little peeved, but tried to resolve it, but alas, after a bout a 20 page email apologizing, telling her everything that I felt about her, man, silence....So now I have to start over...it s*cks big time! crap, I really liked her too. I sent her a final email after I got no response, saying 'I guess you made up your mind by your silence, so I wish you nothing but good luck in life and love'. Oh well, actually oh HELL :-((
sh*t. sorry to hear that.
I accept that misunderstandings will inevitably happen from time to time (both ways) and will try and take them on the chin when they do. Not over-reacting is key, I think. As you say, things could so easily change in a moment.
Yeah, i am sure it will be for her;-) I have a few birthdays coming up in early april myself, hopefully one of them will be the frontrunner soon!
And yes I can accept it too, but apparently she couldnt. SO it could be said that it is a good thing I found out now, rather than after I visited her in August, eh?
Yes, but I REALLY LIKED HER!! she was pretty, had two advanced degrees, very smart, and her emails, man, she really knew how to make my heart pound.....
but imagine the day to day existance of someone that can't be flexible, tolerant over a misunderstanding?
gorgeous or not, matters not...day to day.
You know the situation better than anyone else so I can't really comment other than if it were me, I'd accept the fact that her (anyone for that matter) character had flaws.
YUP good point! And now thanks to that last bit of advice, I am moving on..no sense wallowing in self pity. Heck I got at least 5-6 other great prospects. This weekend I am gonna be busy writing more letters! Just signed up for Elenas Models e-catalog, too. Between this and Fiance, I am set! Thanks man ;-))
I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. <-- International English
Kinda sucks eh? Let's crack open a cold one over maple syrup and sausages. <-- Canadian Sympathy.
Well Jeff, at least your being proactive and are up and at it again.
Just a minor corerction on you Observation Canadiana. Northern Canadians talk that way all the time. The issue is not the death of a english-Canadian slang, its the emergence of the global community. Canada is so multicultural that Calgary now has a Sihk population third only to Toronto which seconds Vancouver. It's astounding the amount of immigrants who plant root here. When I was in London I stayed at the Hilton Metropole, every other store was labanese, or in general arabic in nature. It was wonderful. We get the same 'racial' congestion here, where the chinese, italian, greek, somali etc all have their own space outside the city, but inside they are side by side creating such a wonderful atmosphere of harmony and commerce. The 'Hoser' and'Take Off eh" guy are north, the new Canadians, the ones who introduced words like 'Catso' and 'Lei-ho-ma' to the public.. although not very polite, are the new breed of Canadian. Wonderful times.
Jeff, sorry to hear about your loss mate, but sometimes the one you think shines through is replaced very quickly at the post by a rank outsider !! If you look at this as her loss and not yours, and soon one of the others will be front runner :o)))
Tony: "Hilton Metropole" Know it very well mate, just around the corner from the station where they found that wonderful little bear from Peru :o)) Paddington :o)
Soeaking of Revolution, that reminds me Matrix 3 turned up in the post this morning, I better go and watch it as I havnt seen it at all yet :o)