I hope that none of you bastards are crazy enough to consider travel to the rebel-controlled territories under present conditions. But if you are (from NY Times):
"Ukraine also on Wednesday began enforcing a new set of strict rules for crossing between territory controlled by the government in Kiev and territory controlled by the separatists in eastern Ukraine. Only people holding new passes issued by the Ukrainian government would be allowed to pass through any of the seven main crossing points, and those trying to get across on secondary roads would be regarded as in violation of Ukrainian military rules, Colonel Turovets said.
Only a handful of police stations just outside the conflict zone would handle applications, and the passes would require a 10-day wait. Only civilians with a clear reason for crossing the border would be given the passes."
Ukraine's government has checkpoints at the boundaries between Donetsk and government-controlled territory.
Persons wishing to cross IN EITHER DIRECTION must come to a checkpoint and make an application to cross. They are not permitted to cross at that time.
They must then return to the checkpoint after ten days. If their application was accepted, they may cross at that time. Apparently, most applications are rejected.
Note that especially on the eastern side, travel to and from a checkpoint is dangerous.
It is not clear to me, whether permission to cross in one direction gives permission to return. If not, the round trip takes at least 20 days (!!!), and a person attempting such a round trip cannot be sure they will be allowed to return.
If your girl lives in rebel controlled territory, your best option for meeting her might be to rendezvous on Russian territory.
If your girl lives in rebel controlled territory it is best not to bother with her.Just tell it is over and that I am not going to risk my life for some woman
"If your girl lives in rebel controlled territory, your best option for meeting her might be to rendezvous on Russian territory."
Does this mean that going to the Crimea region (Russian territory) will be easier than going to the eastern region? Oh wait, she is going to have to wait until the separtists connect the eastern region to Crimea before she can travel there?
The round trip (between Donbass and the rest of Ukraine) might take "at least 20 days (!!!), and a person attempting such a round trip cannot be sure they will be allowed to return."
Tom, most people are refused the permit. We got really lucky yesterday that military brought documents for a girl being adopted by Americans. Her papers in Schastya and taken to Kremminya. within days it will fall to rebels. we have paid to evacuate about 36 people from there and Debaltseve. Military said they did not approve anyone in past week to go into Luhansk region. It is possible to go out but with nothing in most cases. any food or anything military thinks can be used is taken at checkpoint.
Easy schmeesy? dude, are you still in ukraine??? you dont have a clue!
Which way are you headed? Most of us (including me) have only visited Ukraine and/or Russia. If you're going to a different country, I'll be interested to learn your impressions.
Big neighbor to the north...would that be Poland? but not a former CIS....well, Belarus is not big compared to Ukraine. Hmmmm And also would need visa.....