The question isn't wether my extensive search was relatively easy or not.
As very few looking for a foreign wife, would be able or willing to make it a full time job, the way I did it.
I wanted to show, that if you know what you want, make good plans and follow them, you will have a very good chance of finding your woman.
Even if you do it on a much smaller scale than my "all of Ukraine" through all available channels, extensive search.
To avoid all unserious women, I even included a link to a monitored web page in all of my intro letters.
This page has mostly photos / videos of me and my boys, but also of my x-Ukraine wife and my (ordinary) house.
By monitoring this webpage, I could see what interest, those the women I sent intro letters to, had in me and my boys.
I never answered those who didn't look at my page, but I was very interested in those who clicked again and again on the right photos.
Those who only clicked on photos of my house and belongings,, went into the trash can.
In addition I never wrote a single word about anything you can touch of monetary value.
Only about interests that you can enjoy wherever you live in the world,,,
family, children, animals, nature, learning new things, swimming, walking, making food, music, reading, dreams and so on.
No,,, my x-wife would never want to return to Ukraine, she is now a western woman with perfect language.
She was a successful, ambitious young woman with a great career already at age 22, when i met with her.
And she has been equally successful, with a great career here together with me.
After our boys were 5, she reeducated and started her new working life, climbing the ladder.
Rick, Prince, Pythagoras,,,,
Thanks for the nice words
I didn't jump into a new marriage.
From we decided to divorce, it was more than two years till I remarried, and two and a half till we are living together.
I knew this timeframe when I started, and so late in life, I feel like having no "idle years" to waste.
For me I don't care wether I'm married or not, but it is a necessity for having her here by immigration laws.
I'm happy when living together with a woman in a friendly and loving relationship, and I will do whatever is necessary, for living my life in such a way.
If this happiness lasts for 5 or 50 years, isn't the main point in my book.
I never thought about women as expensive,,
It’s for me, in many ways, the most important addition to my life, and as valuable as my own life and happiness.
I could never have a relationship with a woman that wanted anything, but love and friendship from me.
At the end of all relationships in my life, me and my women always split as good friends, and divided fairly what was to be divided.
My Ukraine x-wife didn’t "cost" me anything,, she gave me the best years of her life, in addition to giving me two wonderful sons.
She walked out of our marriage without asking for anything, except for us to stay friendly together with our boys.
I am not going to presume that I know anything regarding your relationship with your ex, but from initial impressions, she seems to have placed her career above the relationship. Like so many Hollywood couples who "grew apart" rather then "grew together". So much for "family values" and being "old fashioned".
You sort of hear the same repetitive tune from every profile. Even in this country, everyone says that they desire similar future goals and relationships, but when "push comes to shove", it ends up being a mirage.
I just watched "The Theory of Everything". Stephen Hawking's first wife who purported to love him in the beginning, later left him because of his disability.
These women leave mainly for selfish reasons. Career is just one of them.
I read a recent article about common traits for successful and sustained marriages. It said that one important factor is that the couples are best friends. Being just good friends is NOT enough. At this point, I do not see any one of the female persuasion as a best friend of mine.
Finding a good woman in Ukraine is relatively easy??? Are you joking? Your own letter suggest highly to the contrary, and all you have to do is read the numerous posts here to realize just how hard it is. I've reached the point that I think it is hard to trust almost anyone there.
The "easy" qualifier might be a bit understated! but his way of doing it have better chance to work than any other ways not including moving to Ukraine of course.
I keep saying if you really want a Ukrainian women , you need to move to Ukraine. You need to have money set aside to stay there for two years at least to find your future wife, live with her , marry her then apply for immigration. Finding a job there will be very difficult but there is opportunities if you can do business development for western companies. Needs include sourcing IT services and software/apps development. UKR got a topnotch IT resources pool much more capable then China and much more qualified then India and not very expensive.
I don't if I agree with your business statement about China, because they customize everything for political and policy reasons.
But UKR should have a more useful IT resources pool because they don't have the customization need China has and because UKR has a better education system than India (India has 2nd last rank). last-in-global-test/articleshow/11492508.cms
Most IT infrastructure is in Kiev. Having the necessary business controls in place can be a problem.
A friend of mine runs a Business intelligence development firm serving companies in Nevada state.
On my last trip in Kiev i went to an IT developers conference ( I know nothing in software development i work in entertainment). I went to the conference because my friend ask me to go and find out if there was some developers to outsource work. He has been working with chinese and indian developers since 2005. I found many small companies of young developers. I put them in touch with the people in Reno and within 6 weeks they were moving development from Shenzhen and Bangalore to Kiev.
My friend qualified them as the fastest and smartest developers and more importantly best integrators he encounters!
Also what I found at that conference, was many small businesses providing amazing graphic design services, augmented reality apps and , 3D rigging + animation for video games services . They are all dying for work and could do it very cheap.
Guess what, a lot of these developers in UKR, they are women and not the ugly one! If you dont believe me go on linkedin and do a search IT recruiting Ukraine . So an IT conference is very boring to me but no problem to attend in Kiev!
northkape, if you don't mind me asking what dating sites did you use for this quest of yours and what sites did you have the best luck with, and if you had to do it again would rely on again?. Was the dating a pretty good site? I like to learn more, you posted it somewhere else on this forum which dating sites you had used but I can't seem to find it now, any of you guys remember were it was posted, any help would be appreciated northkape.
IF you stay in ukraine long enough, you start to meet girls "organically" or just as you would at home. If you go the "agency route", chose wisely and stay focused.
No matter wiwhich route you take, you must plan to spend some time with the best prospect out of however many you plan to meet.
Relationships, no matter the composition, take time to develop. Dont spend all your time chasing maybe's. make sure you plan enough time to explore a potential relationship.
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Russian brides > Main Forum > If you are a decent man, finding a good woman in Ukraine is relatively easy