DD- Not everyone in Ukraine has a phone. I can't tell you the percentage that does but it's not unusual at all. Why not wait for her friend to come back and then call? I think phones there are considered more of a luxury item, not a necessity when you're balancing your budget. The only thing that strikes me odd is her infatuation about getting married without even meeting you, but at 21 yrs. could be that puppy-love thing happening. Call her!
Paul, I have never been to the Ukraine, but how can you sit there and write off a whole country as the armpit of the world and full of scam, there are plenty of scammers in England as well, just a different kind, time share, pyramid selling. I know I apear to be the exception to the rule in here, but I have had over 1000 letters, spread between about 30 girls and I have not yet been asked for money, I have met 3 of them. all genuine, and of course I paid for meals and drinks etc, again never asked for money, about 5 of the girls I correspond with are from the ukraine, with 2 we are on about the 40th letter, again no request for money, private pictures sent. So wise up a bit Paul, No country is all bad, just like no country is all good!!
Dale; It is VERY rare for there not to be a phone in virtually every FSU home, and if no land line, then at least one mobile !!
THis girl must have neighbours with phones if her parents really dont have a phone, I find it Very hard to swallow that this girl cannot give any number at which you could call her, if she really is so desperate to talk to you DD then she would find a phone somehow !!
Tim!!!! It' not an unsual thing not to have a phone at home. I rented a flat at a house where there are only about 2 phones for 36 flats. And I'm not kidding, this is the truth.
A mobile phone...very good, but do you know how much it costs??? I guess you know as you have been here and you sister lives here:) My boyfriend presented me a mobile phone for a New Year 2 years and a half ago, and since that time I use it, I do not have any chance to change it to the new one, though the battaries are working really bad. But there is no any chance for me. I put 25 grivnas (5$) every month on the account, and I can't allow to spend more then that.
I am sorry to hear about what happened to you with that girl from Uzbekistan; that is just F*cked up! Thank you for the link to the scammer’s webpage, it is packed with a lot of good information. Now I am paranoid about the whole thing...I am seriously considering going back to dating my regular psycho California girls. One question though,,,What is the reputation of women in Ekaterinburg, Russia? Is it a good thing when you read [“Is this girl independent? Yes, with private e-mail” ?] Or is it just as bad as a girl who is not “independent”?
Dax: You shouldn't focus just on these women. Leave your options open. You can find a good woman locally as well. Just like you shouldn't rule out a whole country full of women over some scams you should rule out your local ladies just because you have met some bad ones. I live in Southern California and I have met some really crazy ones. I am taking a break but I am not out of the game. :-)
well said groon. no place is all bad or good. I am looking in the fsu, because, on the whole, there are more of them that hold traditional values than in the west.
Trying to be facetious? Wise men think (and do research) before they speak. Read the prior posts so you have an idea of what I am talking about. Somebody mentioned about some place being run by the local mafia. Thus, I was just wondering if anybody had any info on Ekaterinburg. British men have a reputation of not brushing their teeth...Is it part of their grammar school curriculum to teach them not to brush their teeth? No, it is just ingrained in their culture. Is it learned behavior? Is it genetic adaptation? Who knows, the fact is that British men avoid the toothbrush as much as they can. (Don’t bother to deny it, I lived in the UK). So, could it be possible for criminal behavior to be learned or genetically transmitted within a community? Actually, any sociologist would say yes! Yes indeed!
Sorry Trad, I am just getting on your nerves by using the teeth example since I noticed that your e-mail address is from the UK.
lol@dax, well you made me smile Dax, uk and toothbrush, on a jocular note, I think it is more that in the Us, they are too attached to the toothbrush, the total obseesion woth perfect teeth and purfect looks, while I want a woman to be as attractive as possible, I do not want to stroke a face that has been stretch, kiss lips that have been injected or fondle breast that are full of silicon., in the uk, when we want to do this, we visit soho, pay our money, take her home and plug her in:)))))))))
Now you made me laugh Trad. You are right, on this side of the pond, and especially here in Los Angeles people are just a little bit too obsessed with looks. Perfect white teeth, perfect tan, perfect body, perfect everything. The new trend for guys who do not want to go to the gym is to get pec implants. By the way, the most wonderful woman I have ever met in my life is a Brit, so I actually have wonderful memories from my time there.