I wouldn't call Al Sharpton a hypocrite. I have not researched that. But I would call him racist.
It is a shame when race is used to advance policy. John Lewis, not Al Sharpton is leading the charge. His charge as dcv states is that Russia won the election for Trump.
How the Russians physically forced Americans into voting at polling stations is a valid question. Yes, Wikileaks hacked to emails, but not one have been proven false. Yet, many defend Lewis because he led the civil rights movement, without answering the question.
The idiot claimed to have bought his 2 hectares of beach land, the majority of which isn't actually beach land, there is a concrete highway between the land and the beach, and developed a business upon back in pre 2004 ... So he's had his land and business for some 13+ years, right?
Last week we had the mother f*cker of all storms that left the entire province without mains electricity for some 4 days followed by power outages of some hours duration each during 2 consecutive nights ... Power outages are commonplace here.
We've been open some mere 3.5 years and we took in additional guests, including local bar and restaurant operatives that he claims I am banned from, because we have a top of the range 'KIPOR' generator that we operated for some 23 hours each day during the 4 day power outage.
Meanwhile 'Boy and his Toys' up the island there, an established business apparently of some 13+ years, doesn't have, can't afford, a generator yet he has a 200 channel TV to watch CNN on ... But only when he has electricity you understand whilst their purse strings are so tight his missus has to buy their guest bedding at second hand shops.
Now what's more important to holidaymakers ... Electricity of bloody television? :)
He claims that there are no frozen or microwaved foods served in his so called restaurant, well he does have a point, without electricity it would be very difficult to freeze or microwave anything yet one doesn't observe chickens or pigs grazing on his 'beach land' whilst he has never explained how he serves his, overly advertised, 'Aussie Steaks' if they have never seen a freezer during the weeks or months since their slaughtered meat products left Australia?
Meanwhile neither my wife nor I have any wish for a TV particularly as the pair of us are so often busy managing this business we don't have time to watch TV, invariably our guests are here for surf and/or beach holidays and not to sit inside some seedy bar watching a television!
I'm quiet today because it won't stop raining which prevents me from doing the tasks I have to do whilst I wait for my beautiful wife to return, she could be back tomorrow but I guess Thursday to be more realistic, I could ask her for an update on her progress except that the silly moo has flattened the battery of her Christmas present. :)
No clean up going on here and no terrible reviews worthy of paying attention to, unlike some we don't get the likes of Liezel Espenido and Mark Latham, to name but two, to post fake reviews for us to increase our cyber, but only cyber, credibility.
Our new, that is NEW, range of bedding is already winning plaudits, so far we have it in five of our rooms, our aluminium bathroom fixtures are going in subject to supplies arriving from China, I installed the first of our custom made UPVC windows yesterday whilst still waiting for courier 'LBC' to deliver our 24 new pillows that have been on this island for some days now.
Nothing happens fast here, after all this is the Philippines, but slowly but surely things come together ... But then we would be too busy acting the fool, taking pictures of literally every person that frequents us, playing pool or watching bloody CNN in between scouring the web for any gossip of competitors that we have become jealous of. :)
A former Apprentice contestant who accuses US President-elect Donald Trump of sexual assault has filed a defamation lawsuit against him.
Summer Zervos, who alleges Mr Trump forced himself on her in 2007, said he lied to the nation about his behaviour.
The lawsuit, which Ms Zervos announced at a news conference, alleges Mr Trump is a "liar and misogynist" who "debased and denigrated" her.
"Since Mr Trump has not issued a retraction, as I requested, he has therefore left me with no alternative but to sue him in order to vindicate my reputation," Ms Zervos told journalists in Los Angeles.
She was joined by her lawyer, Gloria Allred, a Democratic party activist, who said the plaintiff's allegations had passed a lie detector test.
Media captionA woman who accused president-elect Donald Trump of sexual assault, which he denied, asks him to retract "liar" claims.
Ms Zervos is one of several women who came forward to accuse Mr Trump of sexual assault in the weeks leading up to the presidential election.
The 41-year-old former reality show contestant said Mr Trump sexually assaulted her during a meeting to discuss job opportunities at a Beverly Hills hotel.
She said he "began thrusting his genitals" as she fended off his advances.
The president-elect has dismissed the claims as "false and ridiculous" and vowed to sue the accusers for their allegations.
Mr Trump, a Republican, has not filed a lawsuit against any of the women.
Ms Zervos' lawsuit alleges that the president-elect defamed her by denying her account and accusing her and other women of fabricating sexual assault claims.
She asked Mr Trump to retract his words late last year, but he declined to do so.
Ms Allred said Mr Trump "knowingly, intentionally and maliciously threw each of these women under the bus," and that repeatedly calling them "liars" in public caused distress.
Ms Zervos added that she would be willing to rescind the lawsuit if the president-elect retracts the statements he made and acknowledges his behaviour towards her.
The incoming 45th president faced a series of sexual assault allegations after the October release of a 2005 videotape in which he is caught making lewd comments about groping women.
The video prompted several women, including Ms Zervos, to come forward.
As it fought her allegations, the Trump campaign released a statement from someone it identified as Ms Zervos' first cousin.
John Barry wrote that he was "shocked and bewildered" by her allegations, insisting Ms Zervos had only previously said "glowing" things about Mr Trump.
"This is a Russia and Trump thread in Russian dating forum, Martin. If you must put your personal grudge match here, start your own thread."
Ooooh ... You must be the biggest polluter of threads of this forum in recent years RB with your constant nitpicking!
Just because you're heavily in to politics, perhaps the world's most boring subject, and you've found an excuse to introduce it to a forum that is, quote, "A Place to get questions answered and share experiences about dating" ... i.e. it's a dating forum you imbecile, not a politics forum, so stop throwing your toys out of your pram!
I don't have any grudge RB, perhaps you should be looking in the mirror for someone that clearly does have a grudge!
"Trump is a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world. I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world."
Although Russian prostitutes are the best in the world, Putin finds it difficult to believe that Trump rushed to meet them. Anyone want to dispute that? https://goo.gl/lIisGT
To know Russian politics is one way to to know about Russian women."
Funny RB, funny ... I'm just sure that all the guys here, if any of the guys here have actually ever ventured in to Russia, of any nationality, want to discuss with their babe the next US president and what his policies may be before they jump in to bed together and fuck each other!!!
Why not be honest RB ... You have NEVER been to Russia nor are you likely to ever go to Russia and the only knowledge of life in Russia that you believe you have is what you have learned from Google?
You're way too funny RB ... Nope, you're way too ignorant and full of shit RB :)
Wrong again, Martin. I have been to Russia. I have posted a few times about it. No, I will not elaborate. You find it.
Besides, Elena Petrova of Elena's Models says that on dating sites when they talk about Russians, it includes women from the former Soviet Union. The Russian women on this site are a minority compared to Ukrainians are proof.
Google is a search engine. No one learns much from Google other than snippets without details. Google points you in the direction but tells you very little. Now we know why you know as much as you do. You learned from Google.
"If any of the guys here have actually ever ventured in to Russia, of any nationality, want to discuss with their babe the next US president and what his policies may be before they jump in to bed together. "
Think way back, Martin. Before sex, discussion can be with any issues. This can be one of them. For sure it will not be about your fake reviews, nor will it be whether or not someone in a remote island have a generator.
"Do you have any information contribution about Russia and the Trump Administration, Martin?"
What would you like to know about Russia RB, I only actually visited Russia once but I can recall three Russian girlfriends that I occupied 'real' time with, whilst presently I have guests from Vladivostok, Moscow and some place near the Caspian Sea and the Kazakhstan border, 28 hours by train from Moscow apparently.
Trump administration? ... Nope you've lost me on that one, after all this is a forum about dating and not about Trump and a first lady former nude model from eastern Europe!
"Trump administration? ... Nope you've lost me on that one, after all this is a forum about dating and not about Trump and a first lady former nude model from eastern Europe!"
You didn't read it. Almost, but not quite. Try reading it several times until it sinks in. If you are still lost, try a thread you excel in.