And relevant point for you to understand RB, something that the village idiot shall never understand, is that I do not own this or any business.
Between my wife and I we own this land and the buildings built upon it but those are merely a plot of land and some concrete and timber buildings, they do not represent a business.
The business is actually the registration of the business identity with the DTI and the issuance of a business and a mayor's permit along with a few local clearances.
All those are in my wife's name thus that deems my wife to be the business owner whilst not necessarily the owner of the property so, in that respect, guests are the customers of my wife and not of I. That said occasionally we receive guest and/or walk-in enquiries of apparent undesirables (common people you may say) and we have been known to tell them that we are fully booked even though we may have availability.
Now the village idiot claims to own, or joint own, a business or businesses, he's mentioned his supposed 'White Sands' business, well there is no such business because it is not registered with the DTI, it/he is trading illegally, nor would it be allowed to register with the DTI because there is already a registered business of a similar identity, you see, he/they can't even come up with an original identity for themselves, they need to copy in hope to 'steal' clientele from an already bona-fida business.
his only registered business is his psychedelic bar and I can assure you that it is DTI and business/mayor permitted in the name of Cecilia Coward, he is NOT the owner, nor the joint owner, of that business, as some may say "He's full of shit".
Only a week or so ago my wife paid compliment to me that one hour I was was fitting new hinges to a bathroom door, next hour I was fitting new shelves etc. to another bathroom, the hour after that completing a plumbing repair and the hour after that painting a room whilst my 'hardware store' even brings smiles from a local Councillor, in stock, just as some example, I have an array of different wattages light bulbs, some 12 new faucets, 10 air conditioner capacitors, 4 water pressure switches, paint, paint thinners, a collection of different sizes of nails and screws, new shower heads, new door locks, new insides for toilet cisterns, ball valves, a check valve, varios PVC plumbing parts and solvent, sandpaper, a centrifugal water pump, the list goes on and on.
Whilst if you go to the village idiot's farcebook page you'll find plenty of photos of his harassing his diners with a camera, him playing pool and/or him generally acting like the idiot he is but you won't find a pic of him actually doing anything useful, not even changing a light bulb ... He's not managing that business, his wife manages it, she wears the trousers, whilst he's merely the idiot, the passenger, that she has to put up with.
Again, above, he commits the criminal offence of libel, for which he can be imprisoned, against me but he won't go in to print using both his and my correct names, he either hides behind alias identities here on on his farcebook, he's spineless and true to his family name of 'Coward'.
He can't even remember his own lies, in one breath he claims that I inherited half a million pounds recently whilst in the next breath claims I can't afford to pay for car repairs whilst (above) he claims that I need to travel out of town to dine whilst only a few days ago he posted that I was dining at 'Mama's Grill' which is in town!
As for the registration of our new business identity:
For those of you that don't know a 'Wayfarer' is a person that travels by foot and my original plan was to have accommodations of one identity and a roadside restaurant of another identity 'Wayfarers' whereas in the name it identifies that the restaurant is open for passing trade, people walking past.
For much of the build, what with all the other things occupying my mind whilst developing this business, I tried and tried to think of another identity for the accommodations, I couldn't and somewhat anxious to buy up a domain and start building a website the complete development became a single identity.
Thereafter, perhaps a year or two later, I did think of another identity, alike Wayfarers another identity that would get people thinking "What does it mean, what is it?" and very appropriate to being located by the sea, by the ocean, but by then it was too late, the Wayfarers identity had already got around and business was too good to risk jeopardising it simply for a name change.
But, just in the past week or so, my wife telephoned me from the DTI office explaining to me that we needed another business identity, I wanted to stick with the 'Wayfarers' name so I initially suggested 'Wayfarers Business Holdings' but the DTI insisted that we must use an identity other than Wayfarers and that is when I came up with the other identity that I had previously thought of, we're not running away from the 'Wayfarers' identity, indeed quite the opposite.
So, now, we may revert to my original idea of two different identities for the development, unlike the village idiot both our business names are registered with the DTI so can trade perfectly legally, we just need to funnel the business etc. registrations through the one business identity.
Village idiot won't, can't, shut the fuck up about reviews etc. Only last week I found myself searching hotels in Butuan City, I knew the hotel that I wanted to book for my wife, and when I checked the reviews it is the #2 of 7 hotels in the city with a review rating of something like 3.5 out of 5 ... That suggests that the reviews are genuine, after all nowhere is perfect.
By comparison, and by all means, go and check the reviews of the idiot's businesses, besides one bad review they are all excellent and/or very good whilst his businesses are not #2 or anywhere near to the top, that is because he and other establishments on this island are faking their reviews whilst we don't, nor do we need to, fake our reviews, just as I'm typing this we have needed to turn away a walk-in guest enquiry because we are fully booked AGAIN.
His wife's businesses have had negative reviews, quite a number of them, but his wife gets the websites to remove them.
Check out Trip Advisor's review guidelines to learn that to allege a criminal offence will result in the review being removed. He, knowing the guidelines, accused one of his negative reviewer's of possessing an illegal substance in full knowledge that it would result in the review being removed ... Oh yes, his wife and he know how to play the game and that is why he can't shut the fuck up about bloody reviews :)
"occasionally we receive guest and/or walk-in enquiries of apparent undesirables (common people you may say) and we have been known to tell them that we are fully booked even though we may have availability."
What is the criteria in which someone is an undesirable?
The writing is on the wall. Many, including those in the forum fit the criteria, and are therefore undesirable. Then, they open to being cursed for who they are.
Whether people are uniformed policemen, beautiful women, well dressed business people, handicapped, politicians or others, I cannot distinguish anyone as being common or uncommon. Therefore, an abacus will not work.