ALL trains in the FSU are unsafe for lone foreign travellers, in fact they are not really safe for FSU nationsla either !! DONT use them GLT, fly or get taxi`s instead, much much safer.
Indeed, never carry large amounts of cash, and carry it in pockets rather than a wallet, that way you might lose only some, rather than the whole bundle if you are taken unawares. Keep lots of bits of cash distributed about your pockets rather than in one place, and if possible in pockets with velcro fastenings or zips.
I can honestly say in the god knows how many times I have been in the FSU, on bazzar and anywhere else I have never had anything whatsoever taken from my pockets, but I am always still very cautious.
I have been speaking for 5 months with Russian lady with no agency, she can speak english and I was thinking on visting her in late aug. in Cheboksary.I see Tom is thinking of going around then maybe we can travel together , I live in Fl. Tom please e-mail me at
Southern Gent,
All large cities have places to avoid.No city any where is worse than places in Miami or Atlanta.I have traveled to 33 countries.Just do not get stupid you will be alright.Rates everywhere are higher for americans.Just remember to always agree to a price BEFORE you use the service.If the price is not agreeable ..walk away.They control the price control the money. Clifford
Hi Sam! I am intending on going to Cheboksary in september. I hope we are not after the same lady or my visit could be a short one!! lol Any tips on hotels or other accomodation?
Is there any regulation or law that would prevent me from staying with my girl?
I plan to travel to Moscow and for her to meet me at the airport with her brother or nephew and then all of us to travel by auto to Cheboksary.
As I understand this conversation.... Keep my mouth shut when in public and anywhere near a vendor of any kind. Speak only to my girl and far away from the vendors ears. Correct?
Is there anything else I should know before going to Moscow?