Unfortunately, I am quite fussy who I share my load with. :))
...and yes, if Sarah Michelle Gellar came knocking on my door tonight, I would have to (as much as it would probably hurt) tell her to leave. lol
For an update, She has sent me a letter and said that she was busy. There was no need for forgiveness. Have any of you began to love a lady on the internet before you meet them in person? It's off to work I go.
Sounds like you have another chance to make a first impression SM, "you lucky lucky !!stard" :o))
But remember One f*ck up is forgivable, two f*ck ups and its becoming a habit :o)
Don't make the same mistake twice, there are millions of new ones available :o))
Thank you, Tim!!! That is why I want to meet a lady that is understanding and forgiving because I will find all the f*ck ups there are. That is me, but if you don't make mistake you are not doing anything.I was surprised she didn't say anything other than that. Not what I am accustomed too.
> Have any of you began to love a lady on the internet before you meet them in person?
Last year. lol. Although we knew each other before as teenagers. She now has my baby. So be 'careful about the 'internet love' thing and check them out properly!
SM:"I was surprised she didn't say anything other than that. Not what I am accustomed too."
Thats because you are so far only experienced in the bitter ways of the western woman :o))
FSU Ladies are not stupid like ours are, they are deeper and far more rounded, they dont care too much about silly little mistakes, but they do care that you dont do anything really disrespectful.
"they dont care too much about silly little mistakes,"
To quantify a little, We are men, men are stupid, we dont think about more than one thing at a time, women are like PC`s they multitask, FSU women understadn this concept, western women are too thick to even know it exists !!