I am puzzled Tim. You say do not use domestic planes but did you not say in another thread that you had used them and found them very good, or was you talking about aerofot international. I have also heard that domestic aircraft are not maintained to international standards.
idiotdetector one can use either local flights either train (the 2 beds compartment is the safest of all). It's just there are many bad stories but can you trust all the stories that are written in the cheap newspapers???
I havnt personally had any problems with internal flights, although one I was on from Lugansk to Kiev had a bald tyre you could see the canvas through !!
Im just passing on warnings I was given, I didnt say I wasnt stupid enough to ignore the warnings myself mate :o)))
Getting to see my lady wouldnt stop me getting on Any plane I had to !!!
Good afternoon Ptichka :o)))
Glad: I wouldnt ignore anyone here mate, least of all Inna :o))
I think the most important question of the day is:
"Why does TimH hate FSU trains so much?"
1. Was he thrown out a moving train window when he was an infant?
2. Did a train wheel step on his toes when he was a child trying to safe his favorite football?
3. Did a train run over his dog Tippy?
4. Was his ex-wife a train conductor?
5. All of the above?
6. None of the above?
I suggest we all pay attention to the words of the well traveled, as well as the local ones like Pitchka and Olga.
I had no Training wheels on my first bicylcle :o))
I am only passing on what has been drummed into me from so many people in both the FSU and the warnings of people who have had cause to look into these things (customer who does International sercurity)
If anyone here wants to use the trains there, then please DO NOT come whining to me if you find out what I have said is accurate !!
There are several documented cases of 'staged kidnappings' in mexico by wealthy men who simply wanted to scape their american wives, lol...
Slave traffic for prostitution rings is nothing in mexico compared to what FSU has to deal with.
I love Mexico!!
It's one of my favorites plces to escape to for a few days as often as I can.....Orale, Epa Epa, arriba arriba!!!
Train travel in very poor countries like Peru and Bolivia has not degenerated into what you describe and warn everyone going to FSU.
The local descendants of the ancient Incas who use it are very suspicious of anyone with the slightest different skin pigmentation of clothing.
That makes someone from Lima, the capital of Pery just another 'gringo' like you and me.
They would call their own mothers 'gringo' if one day the old ladies decided to wear jeans.
Pickpockets abound wherever you go, but little or none of the organized ex-GRU or ex-KGB mafia we hear about in FSU
You know, the expression U.S. Wives is actually very acurate :o)
Useful for nothing :o))
It's one of my favorites plces to escape to for a few days as often as I can"
But first you have to get kidnapped surely ? ;o))
Then you can escape ;o)
Only problem is GL, that the southern american women just dont do it for me like FSU ones do, and I can live with not being able to use the trains for that :o))
same for me....I grew up in Buenos Aires. Just like their western northern hemisphere sisters, south american women are good for FFFF only....and I did look before deciding to find women in FSU.
(FFFF = find then, feel them, f**k them and forget them)
by the way, as all forms of domestic vehicles are seemingly sus to say the least, what do you think is more likely, the plane falling from the sky, mugged on the train, or knowing my luck, a plane falling on my train?
Yes - flying is the safest... but keep your eyes peeled for a little yellow and white Cessna - I fly a little lower than your commercial aircraft and so far am confined to only the US. If we meet (collide) it will be ONLY on taking off or landing when we share runways.
And its not true that I make airtravel as unsafe as Eastern European trains....
I have never read so much crap in all my life!! I have a friend called Sergey. He said the only thing he missed abut FSU was the trains. Apparently Maxi made a trrip and survived and others have too. What rubbish.
What harm can come to you in a locked compartment?
This train trip is starting to look more and more like fun. Especially if JMO drives. I am not interested in being a conductor though unless I can have a hat that says "conductor" and one of those things that punches tickets. Always wanted to try one out on somebodys tie.
I now have the tickets booked and the taxi is waiting. Can't wait to get started. Caught a piece of information today that there is one window at Kiev train station that speaks English, window #40 apparently. I shall look into that because I shall have a couple of hours to kill.
I would like to get this whole aspect of travel in Ukraine documented here in the forum. There is a local shuttle bus between the airport and the train station for about 10 grivnas and then I don't think it is that impossible to buy a ticket yourself and work your way around the station.
At the moment we are subject to being rippied off by local travel agencies that are charging 4 times and more for those tickets. If we can gather enough info together here it should make life easier and cheaper for those that follow.
Sleeping on the train and arriving EXACTLY where you want rather than flying to the nearest city and catching the Keystone Kops taxi service is very appealing.
Yeah, this thread (the part about not taking the trains) is a huge load of crap. I have taken trains numerous times both in Russia and Ukraine without a problem other than a drunk passing out on the floor outside of my cabin. (Remedied witha few well aimed kicks by the providnitsa. ;-) )
It is fairly easy to buy tickets at the train station if you speak a little Russian. The only problem is you run the chance of tickets being sold out. I have not ever experienced a complete sell out, but I have seen trains where all of the first and 2nd class tickets had been sold (most common in the summer). I have never heard the window 40 story.
If you really want the privacy you can by both tickets in a first class cabin or all 4 in 2nd class. The price is about the same either way. I have done this a couple of times just because I am all jet lagged and want to sleep undisturbed.
If you have several hours to kill at the train station the VIP lounge is a good place to hang out. It costs something like 20 grivs to get in, the couches are pretty comfy, and if you want to sleep the guard at the door will wake you up in time to catch your train if you slip him 10 grivs or so.
Some of the trains traveling into western Ukraine are Polish trains. The first class compartments have three beds in them. Basically a triple bunk on one side. I assume then that the second class cabins sleep 6 although I am not sure since I haven't traveled 2nd class on one of these.
Don't get me wrong, things do happen on these trains. My son was traveling in platskartnyy class in Poland last year and someone cut his coat pocket with a razor blade while he was sleeping just to get 10 zloty (about 3 dollars) they had seen him place in it.
I think that is great information Phil. I experienced much worse in Latin America. This sounds like an enjoyable experience. You have to kep your wits about you but that is life. The following URL even shows pictures of what the compartments look like.
However do not buy anything from this guy (Sergei) he is a thief. He wanted $85 for a one way 1st class ticket to Kherson. Ridiculous. The ticket is probably $40.
Got mine from Kate Krat at Arktur travel. $50, again a freaking ripoff but what can you do. The 1st class sells out and it is best to buy in advance.