Sancho there was no "Great Patriotic War" there was the World War II, the USSR has fallen a long time ago, and these words should be forgotten....Great Patriotic War....brrr...was it the war just of the USSR, no it wasn't, so forget these words!!! :)
In my youth I used to have a lot of animosity towards the Soviet Union until I met a couple of Russian sailors in a bar in Mombasa Kenya. They were off a Krivak class destroyer. We ended up drinking most of the night and I learned that they had the same fears and feeling of seperation of family as I did. People are people no matter where you are. They also taught me a lot about their Naval history, which from their story Russian sailors where not trusted much by the communists because of their freedom and at one time the Navy had tried to start a revolution against the Bolsheviks. I had a real interesting evening got pretty drunk with them and learned a lot about Russian sailors and the people. Hell they even knew who John Wayne was, can't make them bad at all!
ideal world??? No for me it would be rather boring to live in the ideal world, though it is depends on what to understand under the term "ideal world":)
One thing: People born now in the same city where Stalin was born
cannot be blamed for what he did long ago.
people born in Spain today
cannot be blamed for what
Conquistadors did in America many years ago.
are U swedish?
Sweden makes and sells arms.
You cannot be blamed for your government...
Sancho and I don't understand why you repeat this thing that is very obvious and that does exists...I think it's kind of a silly thing to do, don't you think so???:)
Governments and bad dictators and leaders start wars.... People just want peace so dont ever think we just wanted a war for the hell of it. Better to control the leaders and the mad men that some how manage to get control of a army.