"to know that somewhere on our not so beloved planet sancho is breathing perfectly clean air.....damn, that get my blood boiling, lol...:)))"
Pls, don't croak it because of me.
-and, despite the half-joking tone, I was actually trying to find ways to know more about daily life 'there'...
(but, I shouldn't ask you to help me with my research if you don't want to...)
Let's re-phrase:
Do you do anything to 'follow' News, Current Affairs for your lady's country?
If so, what?
(and, thanks, ron, for the only practical suggestions [see above])
In Australia sanch, @ 9:30am we have FSU news, but it is in Russian so if you do not speak it you are stuffed. Other than that, I think the answer you got was that no one here knows and that as it is so difficult that it is not highly impotant to you poor lady. All news I have seen whether it be press or TV is not in english.
To get the complete idea of what is going on here...or at least some understanding I think it would be useful to compare what different sources write...as for example on Russian news they show sport news only for Russian sportsmen, and their acheivements, on Ukrainian TV they show the sport events for all countries...it was just a short example, and I think it's impossible to get some good understanding of the situation here just from 1 source.
Ptichka they need ESPN and Speedvision in Ukraine. That would give people plenty of time for other news. I don't watch the news media much here in the states. It's more or less like Pravda was in the 70's very liberal bias here. I don't know how many times the big 3 networks in the states have been busted for outright lies and dishonest reporting it's amazing. Very seldom do you see liabel suits or defamation suits filed in this country. It's okay to attack someone's integrity in this country. But you're a hero here if you cheat on your wife and get elected twice as president. It just makes me sick. I remember in my youth there was a stigma attached to a person who was divorced, now adultery is the accepted norm. I just don't get it?????Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but it works for me.
re. " Speaking of Sports, does anyone know if Formula 1 is very big in the FSU. .."
-for some reason I don't think that my commenting on Formula 1 is the best way to let a FSU female know that I'm trying to follow events in her country.
I could be wrong....???
I didn't get the sense that it is a popular sport in Russia. I don't think it is at all. When I was in Russia the big sport was football, or soccer as it is called in the US. I caught the last F1 race while I was with my fiance in Cyprus. We just got out of the shower and while she was still in the bathroom I switched on the tv and caught the beginning of the race. She looked a bit surprised I was watching it and she didnt look to interested, she had other things on her mind. But she was happy I was enjoying it. I only watched a little as my woman definitly got my attention over watching the whole race.