that piece of proza you pasted above is of an exquisite quality hence I suggest you treat this 'lady' with gloves. Scammers often give themselves away by their English, simply because they use it often, and their level must be right up there to enable them to squeeze blood out of fossils otherwise their income will suffer.
However, also they underplay their capabilities like in the above, and if I were you I'd ask some very finely pointed questions to see if she maybe has a beard?
TD i see a misunderstanding, what i got in the mail is something i got from an other forum, and means that it is probably written by an American male. So his English ought to be rather good. My point here was he says learning German was easy (being stationed in Germany) but he still doesn't get the Russian. My question was do other share his experience?
p.s. I noticed that it is site-dependent what words are misspelled, and the problems with the word 'the' seems also to be site-dependent.
Russian is a Slavic lang hence is far removed from Latin-based one's - of course it's different, the difficulty aggravated by the use of more and different characters. Up to quadruple negation, tenses galore, and the one's who say it's easy may just be Turkish.
And the latter you're familiar with - you understand them?
Any misspellings are not site-dependant but typist-dependant, 'their' often confused for 'there' etc. Being a dyslexic atheist from Kentucky I don't believe in dawg - so what?
Also, back to Pitcka's point, knowing a few words in russian for your visit will make her laugh, but she will also be very glad you are trying to make the effort. WOrked for me!
Ptichka, you wrote:
"...I doubt that taxidrivers know German...usually taxidrivers are not the best people in the area of education...but maybe you will be lucky:)
Don't forget Ukraine is not Yugoslavia...and I already mentioned, that Ukrainians would do anything if they were freed from the USSR rulement...but it's the history now and it's not good to stir it again:)
1) Well, Taxi drivers in New York do not speak English (not all of them, anyway), so taxi drivers in your country are not likely to speak German... perhaps they do not speak too good Ukranian or Russian either ???
(is there any immigration into your country???)
2) The topic about 'topics to avoid' was brought up in another thread. I still think it pays to have some background knowledge... To know what not to mention, and to know when to duck before you are hit by a piece of furniture, if somebody else mentions something that was better left alone!
1. Taxi drivers here usually are either native people, so they know good Russian and/or Ukrainian, or people from the Caucasus, who live here for a rather long time already, so they have such a little accent.
2. I doubt that somebody will hit you with a chair for that, but people may be hurt.
"...2. I doubt that somebody will hit you with a chair for that, but people may be hurt. ..."
-I already like your country very much. At the 'wrong' time, in the 'wrong' pub, in the 'wrong' part of England, just saying the 'wrong' thing about football can result in both chairs and glass-ware all of a sudden moving through the air!