Such young girl as Pticka must be romatic and sweet and good girl to her engineer parents. I have good kid too.
As I noticed before people here live like in clouds and JETMBA you suprised me again..HEAVEN?
All Europe is full young prostitutes from Moldova and Ukraine are the Angels???????????
Annika77 - again your bitterness shows through. Ukraine and Moldova are very poor countries (economically of course). With GNPs per person around $800 and $400 respecitvely and unemployment as high as it is - sometimes people do what they have to do. Human traffiking (probably spelled wrong I know) accounts for much of the problem, though some do it voluntarily. If I came from a country with such a severe economic disadvantages and such high unemployment - and was a yound good-looking woman - I might resort to the same thing myself.
Moldovan women are beautiful and intelligent. And I refuse to be judgemental of of the things they do to cope with their undeniably difficult economics situations.
I ssen a TV programm showing Moldovan and Ukraine women being trafficed to Isral for protitution. Upon interview, most said they done it free of will to urn money for there families back home and were happy for the opertunity. One has to think about circumstances that would creat such a siutation. But some were not free of will, the focus of one story about a moldovan girl who had been taken 3 years ago was very tragic indeed.
Annika, I don't agree with you that young girls should be romantic, there are many not romantic and not good. What is bad that when a woman gets older she may forget some things (just like some of my friends did) and she becomes a rather boring person....
I found selling body is discusting and its always way to honest life. Intelligent woman dont sell herself. Thats why Baltic states work hard to develop their countries too, their sisters and daughters dont need to sell their bodies cheaply in brothels in Central and West Eeurope.
But its always "easier" to be prostitute than shop assistant,
I met a man too once he said if he can be woman he want to be prostitute.
Twinkle, that is an intersting story. Sound a little that you regret him leaving. Maybe you should not have let him think you were married, but we all have had similar misjudgements in life I think
Annika, there may be different situations. Small girls watch films, and they find being a prostitute a romantic thing, like in "pretty woman" (the film is great, but not all understand that it's just the film) and they start their way...from which it's not easy to step away. Some come to Europe for a vacation, for work and are kidnapped or what ever and made to be don't be so categoric...everybody tries to survive the way he can!!
And this must be traditional and moral attitude of east european wumen! From moral point of view if jetmba think its right to go sell body, he will go to another "social" to Ukraine and Moldova and find BEAUTIFUL girl and want to marry and shes former prostitute because she hadnt money for lipstic and coca-cola?
Annika!!! It is not the traditional view...but actually here nobody ever interfered into another person's business, if a girl wants to be a prostitute, it's her choice...and it's her life!!! How can I a stranger to that girl say something bad or good about her life?
There are many good girls, who are not club goers or who don't smoke, use drugs, but such girls are not visible behind a mass of those who is always's just a matter of search and nothing else...
Yes I understand now, human trafficing in Ukraine isnt nobodies business in society, its sort of normal. I understand that yes from documentary I saw recently. Im not so much against prostitution, but these girls even owned money after so called work. This shows real "intelligence" of these wumen.
Annika, why are you so angry??? If people would care on their own minds, and not on somebodies words then they would behave in a better way. They just got used that somebody says what to do and where to go...
So I see the problem is not in prostitution, but in not possibility to come legally and work at a good job...or have a good job here, though here if a person wants and knows much he can have a good job, but some wish to go to other countries...and what work can they have???????
Annika I hope that never my neighbor will start interfer into my own matters or government will never say what to do or what to think!!!!
And by the way we all look for the President elections we have soon:)
I am about to marry a girl from Moldova, she is the most moral woman I have ever met, and I have never met antone with such integrity, have never met a woman I admire before, in fact I am a little in awe of her, however, people do what they need to do to survive and let's not be so judgemental.......I have slept with over 110 women and my fiance knows this, I cannot bring myself to ask about her history, and although I know she was married from 19-26, I know that whatever her answer is, I wouldn't like it, incredible double standards I know, I just love the person she is, I have no interest in what went before( not that I think she was a prostitute, she is far too well educated and well off in her own country for that. She is living in Italy at the moment, there are 8 single men in her block, who fancy the pants off her, she has them all down to dinner every night, but it never crosses my mind that she may be up to anything, it is an incredible thing to trust someone so completely, never had that before
Geri- As apposed to the rest of the world. Most Americans and Austrlian and english basicaly come from the same place. I think maybe we want to marry in the same circle. White with white. Not to sound racist but the heart wants what the heart wants, so what do you do? So where would you surgest?
I don't think that it is really a matter of shelf-life. The ideas and attitudes expressed in this fourum are timeless. The specific culture that western women seem to have developed for themselves might be specific to our time and the solution might also be specific (and the door will not remain open forever I must warn) but the frustration we feel with disfunctional attitudes that make it difficult for some of us to find mates that would suit us is timeless.
People tend to join this forum in waves. The ideas expressed and hashed here are new to them but older to some of the rest of us. Old member either decide to make the journey and meet someone or they don't. They might get frustrated if the attempts that they make bear little fruit or perhaps they will leave because they have met success. But eventually we tend to migrate away because staying and hearing things that are no longer new to us is similar to repeating the same class over and over again. Mentoring is not a big thrill for many of us and the introductory information is certainly finite.
A new discovery for someone else is old hat for many of us.