Just talk to who you like them quiet. Its easy to ignore rude people who have useless advice. I understand what you are saying as it has happened to me and I myself have insulted people but I thought that they were stupid and ignorant so. Other just do it for fun I think. I am happy to discuss anything even if it has been discussed be fre but others are not. Ask a question and someone nice will answer, ignore the self appointed rulers here
This forum is a discussion group. We don't "rule" each other in our discussion or our endeavors. If the majority thinks I am wasting my time in pursuing a girl I describe - that's just tough. I follow my heart anyway. If the majority doesn't like my opinion on this country or that practice - that's just tough. They are my opinions and my practices.
"Closed Shop" is a labor relations legal term refering to a requirement, only allowed in some states, that all employees be certified labor union members. I certainly haven't yet received my forum.com union card yet.
And I have as much ability to "throw the jerk out" as you do - which is absolutely none. (Though it seems that you are trying by constantly refering those you don't like to our moderators. Seems that you want to have that right exclusively.)
If you have a question - ask it. You may or may not like the answer you get from fellow forum members - but isn't that always the nature of questions?
If you have an opinion share it. Or tell us about an experience. But don't be offended if we don't all agree with your opinion, or appear in awe of your experience.
We are men here - not all intellectuals or having sophisticated manners. That's the nature of men.
Again I suggest that you grow some thicker skin.
Russian women generally don't like guys who whine.
I accept your comments except that this not just about me. I have had private emails to the effect that several people are sick and tired of it and have thanked me for raising the issue.
It’s easy to be insulting and abusive, especially when you can hide behind a computer. Not everyone has a thick skin, nor should they need one. Those that don’t, have an equal right to contribute to this forum, without fear of being insulted or subject to abuse.
If Russian women generally don't like men who whine, I suggest you don't do it. Thankfully, my Russian girlfriend doesn't agree with you.
You are missing the point. This has nothing to do with members disagreeing with each other but putting an end to personal attacks. There is a difference.
As to the moderators. I have complained about the rough treatment being dished out by the 'self-appointed rulers' here, as ID puts it. That’s my right, whatever the outcome. 'Constantly' is an exaggeration.
I don't have to name names. They are obvious.
I am not seeking expulsions nor making public appeals to the moderator to eject anyone. Only to deal with the complaint.
Whoever posted the rule on the ‘About Forum’ page, was obviously not thinking of intellectuals or those with sophisticated manners. If it was the founder of the company, I look forward to you telling him to stop ‘whining’.
The issue is simple. Personal abuse is acceptable or it is not.
QC - What you are doing and how you are whining is plain for everyone to see. There is no ned for me to debate the issue with you. You have told us all of your constant appeals to the moderators in this thread alone. That you aren't making the specific names public but you allude to them - is YOUR attempt to impose your own control and censorship on this forum.
Grow up. Move on. Lets get on with the subject of this forum.
This is the last comment I will make (or intend to anyway) on the subject.
What is all this crap about 'whining'. People love to use this word as an agressive slur against someone that has a complaint. It isn't whining that is a high pitched noise.
Someone that has a legitimate complaint isn't whining they are stating their viewpoint. Whether they are right or wrong they are not whining.
Remember the sixties? Remember all those civil rights folks that had the audacity to "whine" about black people being hung from trees. The nerve of those guys, those damn whiners!
Shut up using that word and try explaining yourself in an intelligent manner. You are fully capable of it I have seen great posts by you why do you need to do this agressive stuff. Doesn't suit you. Dropping this attitude would be a sign you are growing up.
quiet charm,
i wont privately e-mail you . i will thank you right here. you will find that the heavy handed writers handing out heavy handed advice and telling everyone how it truly is over there and and here and the best way to go about meeting and getting to know your lady have not even left their country yet to go do it. these guys should put on a muzzle and take the real plunge as we did and then come home and open up a real thread . i did do that, but they werent impressed. they cant relate to our real experiences so they talk or belittle because they really cant make an offer. hey lets talk about the new york stock exchange ?? you have three kinds of people on this forum , those who have been there , those who are in the process of actually mapping it out to go there, and those who should just put their asses on a chat line somewhere else . i am planning my third trip to hopefully bring home the gold. i want to hear from the first and second.
Touched a nerve, did I, with the accurately described "whining" that you and QC seem to do? I HATE using dictionary definitions (especially when we have those here who measure their dictionaries) but according to mine it means:
"To complain in a tiresome or childish way."
And that is EXACTLY waht QC is doing. He drones on over and over again with the same pointless points. Civil rights workers didn't whine. QC - and with your above post, YOU, DO!
And the simple mention of the legitimate word is a sign of aggresive behavior? Perhaps you should check out those definitions as well. It may be "disagreeable" behavior (in your opinion) but certainly not aggressive.
What is aggressive (as well as disagreeable) is "What is all this crap" and "Shut up using that word". Those are aggressive statements.
Get yourself a dictionary. Read it. And grow up a little yourself.
Well quiet I myself am guilty of beating people up but thew ones that jmo is talking about. One persom particulary but I make no apologies for that one. I try to be open and helpful but I have had some shit thrown at me too and I can handle that. I respect anyone who has gone and who has stories good or bad. I can respect new commers looking to go and want to know all they can, but have trouble with fools telling me, and people like jmo that we are incorrect in the things we have seen and have happened us when all ythey have done is internet reseach
This whole thread is funny to me. It's also a bit sad. We are all adults on an adult forum. Why the hell would you care what any of us here thought about your post or you as a person? Does it really matter? If you actually take what is said in here to heart then I truly suggest you leave the Internet forums all together. I have found many people will say/type things they would never say in real life out of fear of the possible repercussions. Here you don't have such worries. Rude, crass, and insensitive comments are very common on the net. Learn to live with it and as someone else said, get some thicker skin. The fact that there are people here that are afraid to voice their displeasure with how some of the members here communicate is sad. Get a backbone people! If a few typed words are going to keep you from speaking your mind then friends you have issues more serious than not being able to find a mate.
Like jet I'm getting tired of doing the 'Hokey-Cokey' on this topic. There's more to life.
Other's may wish to comment or sound off but that's it for me.
You really are one nasty piece of work aren't you. You are the one that is childish. You don't have any diplomatic skills at all. You have a lot to learn about how to interact with people and that is exactly what this thread is all about. We don't need you agression here. This school yard bully stuff shows your true colors. Settle down junior.
My daddy can beat your daddy up....Many points here unfortunatly none that will ever change any of their minds. Sometimes you just have to know when to drop something and not give them the pleasure of the confrontation that these parasites live off of. They feed on the negative energy and use it as a replacement for a life. We need to just start a brawl thread so that the information threads stay clear of the bull shit. Long live this stupid thread as it feeds the hungry and the stupid.
Quiet, I said I know I am beating up wess and again, I make no apologise for that one. He himself is no better brushing peoples opinions of but in a much nicer way putting himself higher than others. Then when push come to shove he writes as poorly as me. so to you, get a thicker skin and realax.
What's your point about "words start wars?" A single flap of a butterfly's wings may contribute ti the formation of a storm half way across the globe. What does it matter? No one here is going to war over silly postings. I stand by my previous post. Those with thin skins are asking to be upset. Someone is bound to find something they post as idiotic and have no trouble saying so. No offence to ID by the way. :-P I'm guilty of doing that when I'm not in the best of moods. It's a bit like sparing only not as cool. :-)