I frankly don't know what to think of Izi and Jet's posts.
My first crude undiluded reactionary thought when I read yours was: "We'll know she has his balls in her purse the moment he says goodbye to the forum."
And this woman you're engaged to is also the one who is bringing her mother along to live with you?
Jet, I like you...and I do wish you the best, mate.
But your set up is one gigantic WTF dilemma I would never consider in a million years. I hope it works for you.
"...She does not own a computer and does not visit internet cafes. I met her at a Social and she is not internet savy at all.."
Why the hell not?
Working with and/or communicating through computers is part of the daily life of almost every western society.
And it keeps growing at an accelerated pace.
Are you waiting for her to come live with you before you let her learn to type the keyboard?
And if you must hide your Fiance.com adventures from her what are you going to do when she finds out about the Playboy collection you keep under the bed and the kinky XXX videos in the highest shelf of the closet, uh uh uh uh?
I don't know, it sounds too much like the famous "keep her pregnant, barefooted, doing chores in the kitchen and away from the devil computer" that every western woman always enjoys accusing men of doing.
And I do not "have one of my own", Jet. Not yet, at least.
The expectations I place on this trip are still conservative.
I'm only coming to visit the one I like the most...in winter...in effing Siberia. (LOL...maybe deep deep deep in the crevices of my subconscious mind I'm already madly in love with this girl beyond salvation for doing something like this :)
But there are others that I still talk to.
Of the original six ladies I have maintained contact with for a fair amount of time, Lena is by far the leader of the pack.
Two of the six blew up in a tirade of insults when I told them I had decided to come visit Lena next month. Oh well...
The other three have wished me luck even though they wish, of course, I would have chosen to visit them, instead.
No drama, no insults, no tears. I told them that I understand that if in private the may wish me to be trampled by an stampede of angry fast moving buses, but that I also appreciate them for being such a class act in wishing me good luck.
I think it was Tradman's new wife who told him he is on a diet of ONE woman only, but that it's OK for him to look at the 'menu' once in a while. He just cannot order anything from it...:)
I'm sure it is a lot easier for his wife to say that when her husband comes home to her every day after work.
Instead, Marina and Lena as well, have to wait what probably seems like an eternity for a visit. So the concerns of us 'peeking' or even flat out looking elsewhere are much more acute.
Lena sounds 'maternally tolerant' when I come up with questions about many aspects of russian life based on reports from other westerners. Like the risks of train travel, what to wear or quality of food, etc etc etc.
At first she used to react a little like you described Marina did today. But I explained to her many times that if I ask her opinion about something I hear, read or think of is because I simply value the way her russian brain works and that is no shame for me to learn from her or anyone else willing to share their knowledge and experience.
More than once since we started talking I sent a not so subtle message that if she did not want me to ask her questions, no matter how simple, silly or plain stupid they may sound, I would not ask her.
Then my need to know would be satisfied from a different source.
I agree with you. They are not subservient far from it. I expect if you kept looking you could find one, but judging from the mouse that my brother is hooked up with in Angleterre I prefer this variety. Got to be careful I would really hate to screw this up. I am having enough trouble doing a balancing act financially to put all this together, long term I am refering to, without some bullshit run in over this forum to ruin everything. I just won't bring it up again, it is a dead subject. Thing is I really am not looking at other profiles and mine is completely dormant. Can't remember when I got a letter from another woman in this site.
When Toad and Lena meet up with us there will be plenty to talk about without mentioning this forum. Marina says that I will need to hear English spoken properly after she has mutilated it for a week. She definitely gets jealous if she thinks I am looking elsewhere for either other women or info from guys. I am supposed to get everything from her. Charming but dangerous at the same time. I am nervous. Perhaps Toad and I can speak in Spanish a little without any warning. That would break the ice and be amusing.
I just wanted to make a quick comment about your asking if Toad was afraid that ALL the ATMs in the airport would not be working.
Barcelona, 2003. I nearly went insane with hunger trying to find a ATM that was A. working and B. would accept my cards. It took at least 2 hours of trudging all over the place to find one. Eventually I found it (yes singular) downstairs with a line to Madrid. That sandwich and coffee never tasted so good.
So yes, for those who are experienced travelers it's definitely a concern. It happens.
Warning Warning Warning to IZi!!!
My Lena DOES speak Spanish, lol!!!
I always thought I was good with languages and international sign language communication over all, but this kid puts me to sleep..:)
Nevermind Felice...he's just in it for the money his agency produces and whatever satisfaction his morbidly inferiority complex affected mind demands.
Relax, Izi...we'll have a great time. Lena is a charmer and she took to meeting you and Marina with no hesitation whatsoever.
what the hell...let's make it party! Bring the kid along if Marina thinks it's appropriate
Toad: You (partly) misunderstood my comments regarding my fiance. She doesn't ahve a computernor does she use the internet. But its not that I will not allow her to (how could I disallow from 4,000 mileas away?) it is just that she comes from a very poor (okay "economically disadvantaged" lets be politically correct here) country and does not have a lot of money herself.
As much as the FSUis a different world from ours here in the west - I suspect that my fiance in Moldova and your Lena in Russia come from different worlds as well. She does not speak six or ten languages, but only three (ONLY three - I say as an only English speaker myself). She speaks her native Russian and (less well) Moldovan, and she has a remarkable understanding of English - especially considering the fact that she never studied it beyond high-school.
She has NOT traveled to many countries (I believe she has only visited Ukraine) and she has little formal education beyond high-school. Even among those in Moldova she is economically disadvantaged. Her father passed away when she was 8. Her mother has not had a full-time job since 1998 - she free-lances as a part time bookkeeper. My fiance works for an advertising company but is paid entirely by commission and entirely under-the-table.
She has very little as far as possessions, did not even have a television set that worked for nearly ten years - until I bought her one last year. Her mother was thrilled with the $8.00 battery operated digital clock I brought her on this visit. Previously they only had a wind-up alarm clock and it only kept proper time when it was left tipped forward on its face (I am not kidding.)
But she has a closeness with her mother that I would never want to break.
Is it a disadvantage to me to have to bring Mommy over as well? Of course it is. I do okay - but I am far from rich. And Mommy doesn't speak a word of English so she will have to stay with us. But is that sufficient reason to REJECT HER? Of course not. Just as I would not reject a woman with a child if I truly cared for her.
I have no doubt that she will learn to use the internet - since it is an integral part of my life and she is certainly very bright. But there are things on this forum that I have said that I would kind of want to distance myself from - like even the comment above about bringing Mommy over being a disadvantage.
( have also talked all about my adventures in Latvia - which she doesn't know about.)
Your Lena and my fiance are both FSU women - but there are differences. Big differences.
To be frank, I've even wondered how much of my fiance's motivation is actually just a desire to get out of Moldova. Its a troubling thought - but one I have to deal with. I also wonder if she will find my lifestyle to be compatible with her desires - I am a bit of a loner and a recluse sometimes. I've liver alone here for seven years - and seldom have any visitors (by my choice). Its one reason I have never desired a cell-phone. She may not like that. These are things that will be determined during the 90 days.
I will definitely have to make some changes in order to accomodate two people here. I live in a one-bedroom very nice apartment which is certainly big enough for two people - but not for three when Mommy comes (though arguably my square footage is three times the size of the flat that they currently share in Moldova - which they claim is actually too BIG.)
There will definitely be some changes when she comes here. And will be compatible> I can only hope?
I do hope everything works out for you....I do I do I do.
Lena was lucky to qualify for a student visa to study languages in the US when she was younger.
She's not a genius. She simply got the opportunity to develop her natural ability to learn languages. That's all.
After that, she landed a job as a translator in a major oil/gas industry company in her Region that continued to support her language studies.
As a translator she gets to travel to whatever countries her company sends negotiating teams.
What's so effing suspicious about that, woman?
Izi - its small by any western standards. That's why i say that my apartment is easily thre times as big. I mean, my apartment isn't large - but its basically a bachelor pad. I have one bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a utlity (washer and drier etc.) room, a walk-in-closet, a bathroom with jacuzzi and two sinks, a weight room - just your average bachelor fare.
She has a tiny kitchen that three people cannot stand in, a tiny room fwith just a toilet, a tiny room with a wash basin and a bathtub (sharing the same faucet) a narrow halway, minisule bedroom and one slightly larger. Of course the slightly larger bedroom doubles as the living room. They have no beds, only two folding sofas.
Yesterday I made very good scans and printouts of my Russian VISA, my departure/arrival document, my tourist voucher and my passport. I also got $300 in decent looking 20's, 10's, 5's and even 40 brand new 1's. I'll trust to the ATMs after that. Any input? Did I miss anything?
Yes Izi you do. Condoms, and if you think that's funny you miss the point ;-)
Yeah, sure, and we are all blonde Toad, we believe that immediately. You even cannot be semi-nasty, you tend to do a proper job, and that is probably why you got some life out of them :)
if you made scans for backup purposes you surely want to store them in some junkbox accessible for you once there? A failsafe backup I suppose, just a hint.
I plan to e-mail Lena a scanned copy of my passport and visa, make two extra copies, one to leave behind with my kids along with the detail itinerary and another to have with me while there.
A wholesale size box of Durex condoms are already packed away, lol
Whats the point in taking 5's and 40 1's? Thats a BIG wad to have to find a place for. Bring big bills for exchanging. I almost always exchange 100's... less trips, and very easy to figure if they are giving you the exchange rate they are advertising. While walking around you will see many ads for different exchange rates. I usually wait until I find a good one then take advantage of it.