I respect your opinion as those of all in here. Yes I have corresponded with several woman. I already knew the type of woman I was looking for and the criteria of what I would look at. At first I was corresponding with several differnet woman and one by one they all fell off to leave the one I am talking to now. My situation is a little different since the fact that I will be predisposed of for the next year and I knew going into this that I would not have the ability to keep that many on the line knowing that I would not be able to come see them for some time. I am keeping my options open and should things not work out with Natalia and I, lessons learned, no hard feeling and I move on to bigger and better things. I am watching my money and saving for when I get back from Iraq to build a new life for myself and my kids since I have just recently gotten rid of that (can't use those type of words in here) woman I was married to for 7 years. I have a plan and the plan is fluid and every changing. Nothing is set in stone and as I have learned from many years in the service, adapt, overcome and move out smartly.
Wolf, listen to Toad, he's talking wisdom on this particular matter. I had similar approach like Toad, but wasn't as strict on the language. I can tell you if she doesn't speak the same language that you speak, it's going to be trouble. The love experts here will say this is not true, but the reality is it's unlikely she'll learn English in Russia if she has very limited command of the language. Going back to Toad's comment, if you cannot speak the same language, who are you in love with? I never figured how people can get so excited by a picture, a letter and a translation over the phone. Is it so easy and is it reliable? Chemistry does not matter? And can you stay there watch each other and wait for a translator to tell you what she said and what you said...
I'm married to a woman from Ukraine for eighteen months. Her English is perfect and I believe this really helped our relationship and helped her adjust to her new life. Her adjustment in the US was problem free (stayed there about a year and a half). We recently moved to Greece and she doesn't speak the local language, BUT she speaks English and most people speak English here. There are foreigners who live here and communicate with locals in English. She said to me, now I can understand why so many women who go to the states and don't speak English are so depressed. Who speaks Russian in the states? If you don't speak the same language, you don't know here. Communication is key at least that's me.
Good luck!
P.S. I agree with Toad, she should have known English before she embarked in search of a western husband. I find it very superficial that a woman who only speaks Russian wants to find an American man for marriage. What is like she woke up one morning and said to herself mmm ok looks like today I'm going to search for a husband in the states...
I have to disagree with you, but I understand your point. She was going to classes for english and she is learning, but in order to support herself and her daughter she had to put her priority straight and that was her livelihood first. I would do the same. Also, it is not to say that all woman in the FSU are looking for western men. Her goal was to find her other half no matter where he was at and to go to the ends of the earth to be together if that was needed. Now what would of happened if she had dedicated herself to learning english, only to find out that the person she was most attracted to and emotionally involved in did not speak english, but was from another European country or whatnot and all that time spent learning english would of been for naught. Can you then say she should not be looking because she did not learn Spanish, Dutch, German, and any other language where there are men fed up with the quality of woman they have to live with on a daily basis. Not a slam on anyone that has that view, and you are entitled to it. Additionally, would it not be a slam on myself and any of the other men that have not attended a class to learn Russian before embarking on a journey such as this. Why should it be her fault that she or any woman from the FSU does not know English, are we not looking ourselves just as they are? Should we not take just as much blame for not doing our part before venturing forth? My 2 cents, now I can't buy a soda
you already know this woman probably better than any other western man will get to know her.
I'm not saying to ditch her until or unless her english is strong.
You've already chosen.
That covers that.
But the process of getting her to learn the language will not make thing easier for either of you.
To those who are beginning to look or in the middle of it, do not think for a minute that the pool of available honest and attractive women is going to shrink because you focus exclusively on english speaking ones.
On the other hand...(and there's always another hand), accept humbly that is it partly your own faults for not having other languages with which to communicate with these beauties.
French is the other most popular language spoken and learnt in Russia.
Now don't get all ashamed, contrite and humilliated on me....No need to rush to enroll in your local community college french or italian language 101 classes.
And no, I am not wise...I'm just another opinionated bozo who thinks he can help a more naive bozo than achieve his goals.
Toad I might have to disagree with you just a bit on learning her language and vice versa. The last 6 months our communication problems of been non-existant due to the fact we both are committed to learning each others language. It enables us to understand each other more clearly on subjects that might become convoluted and misunderstood. So when she doesn't understand a certain question or part of a conversation, I resort to Russian to try to clarify. This has been extremely helpful in the visa process. Also when I write her letters I write in both English and Russian this helps her understand better and helps me with my Russian skills. Our phone conversations are also done in mixed language. I help her, she helps me. Maybe a bonding process I don't know, it has been fun and has enlightened much on the language.
You're also already committed to the one lady you've chosen.
So my hard ass disqualifier does not apply to you and the poor FSU creature you've seduced..;))
I was at scratch level when I made that decision about language.
Learning russian will be a fun hobby for me, not a survival skill like english is to them.
Because most of us will bring our women to live in western language speaking countries it is critical for them to learn english. Not just to communicate with us, but with anyone out there.
Although I know some of you, rat bastards, plan to take your foreign women to no-man lands where you only have plants and critters to talk to...:))
My mother came to America as a post World War TWO bride and knew little to no english. She speaks more grammarly correct and writes perfect letters as good or better than any one in the states now. Dont sweat it. She will learn it through necessity.
I feel the same way as Wtrav and Toad about needing a common language. My lady knows English very well, and still it is amazing how one or two words can translate or have a different meaning to them which leads to a misunderstanding and long discussions. I often wonder how the hell two people that can barely communicate without a dictionary actually fall (deeply) in love. I understand the girls are so cute, but what do you really know about them. How do they really feel about you? How do they really feel about the world and life and the future? How do you know that you two are really compatible? Makes me wonder what will happen several years down the road.
Then again I spoke the same language as my ex wife.....
I have given my views on this before but here goes again. There are other languages that have a much greater priority for me to learn than Russian. She NEEDS to perfect her English it is as Toad says a necessity. Whether the French like it or not English is the international language. It isn't arguable it just is. It doesn't matter where you go in the world you will find people who speak English. It is a common denominator. I am not suggesting this is a good thing or we are better than everyone else that is silly. No, all I am saying is that it has worked out that way due to history.
I am going to dabble in Russian over the years because I may possibly be retiring there and it is inevitable that I will visit many times through my life. But it is definitely not a priority. Spanish is. I am surrounded by it and soon it will equal English in the USA and that is where I live.
I also made a decision fairly early on as I was feeling my way through this that I would seek out women that spoke at least some English.
2 things on that point. First it is surprising the number of women that claim to be fluent who are not. Second it is even more surprising the number of women that underrate their abilities. Carina and Marina both categorized themselves as poor English. Not so - they both had better English than some of the people in S. FL!! Especially Marina.
I talked to her on the phone today after about a week of poor communication. It was great. She has been very, very sick and is now going to have the old deviated septum shit done. Poor girl that is no picnic. Least she won't snore in July :)) Like I care.
Ahhh that blonde hair, those grey eyes, those legs up to her neck, that.............
Toad I don't plan on taking my lady to San Juan Capistrano any time soon. Damn talk about no mans land. Yeah, I feel sorry for her too, she will live with a Right winged Gun toting John Bircher. AND I DO NOT TALK TO ANIMALS!!! I have invisible friends for that smart ass LOL!!
Iz- Ahh the old deviated septum.. had mine done when I was 18, I feel for her
well I hate to throw a wrench in it people but here it goes.
I started 6-03, she found me on 2-04, I was with another girl from the same agency when that relationship went sour. I spoke with hundreds of ladies in those 8 months. Never had any luck with private email girls. When I met my lady she spoke almost no english, we used a translator. Visited her on 6-04, was treated like a VIP by the agency and used the same translator. By that time her english was improving. We clicked from the first moment, I guess you can call it luck, who knows. Visited her 4 more times last year. By the end of last year we no longer needed a translator, she understands me and speaks English well. Now shes here with me and she speaks fine. She understands most everything and she is fine tuning her english skills each day. Were married 3 weeks and were deeply in love, our feelings began before our first meeting.. yes really. And now I'm beginning to understand when she speaks to me in Russian, not because I have to, because I want to. I want to be able to converse with people and her family when I go back to visit with her in Russia. So it is possible. Nat and I are proof it is possible. Improbable...maybe, but it is possible
I never x'd off a lady because she had poor english skills. If I did then my relationship with my woman would never have had a chance. If their intentions are serious, they will learn.
Before our first meeting she studied herself and her dad helped her a bit. After our second meeting I paid for her to go to English classes. She went from about 8-04 until 2-05. After our 2nd meeting we started our visa, she quit her job and devoted 3 days a week and lots of time studying. Of course I supported her financially that way she didnt have to worry about money and work.