Causes of the big delays are many. Some and many of these girls do not live close to the agency plus they have to work everyday and use public transportation and the every day hardships of their life . They are not over convienienced like us. If your mailbox shows she read the reply it is sometimes the agency that opens it up and they call her and tell her. Hell if she is beautiful she may have 100 letters waiting for her and you are at the bottom. So when she writes you it may be short. Her first few letters can be canned replys or the agency is writing them just to make you and happy . It is a total crapshoot soccerdad. If they use computor translations you can really get bad replies. I don`t trust any of these agencies .
About your questions being answered good luck on that one also . Most of these women when they write back strike me as being total dumbasses. Do not ask them more than one question because they get confused or offended . They are either rude or stupid or the agency writer is lazy. Take your pick. I find very few if any can answer all your letters questions in one reply. I have women get offended and reject me because i asked them why do they miss my questions which are very easy questions . Do not waste your time on any Miss Wow or any women who wears a bikini.
If she does not answer you directly-then yes,you have much competition,or she is only mildly interested. Many of these women ( yes,many) fish for prospects in the same way as men. Be aware,and remember that you want friendship first. Without this,I am not sure how to relate. You can also seem too interrogative. A woman or anybody can feel overwhelmed by inquisition given too soon. Don`t settle for silence,but don`t be pushy either. A poorly chosen sentence may seem overbearing and possessive. I feel honored being under the inquisition by an FSU woman,but I think this is seldom the same for them. It is like a beautiful woman who walks into a bar ( or forum ) She does not have to buy any drinks or vie for attention,as you will notice with some of the Miss Wows. It really is a crapshoot and a lottery. I am not sure if it is a California scratch ticket with more reasonable odds or the elusive Powerball.
agencies usually print letter out and notify lady that she got mail. There could be delay because lady has to come to the agency to reply her mail. if she works 5 days a week most probably she will be able to reply her mail only once or twice a week.
average FSU lady doesn't have internet at home. believe it or not but approximately half of women in russia don't even know what private email box is. that is why works with agencies. agencies are to help such ladies to manage correspondance and to translate letters.
if you are not getting responses for all your questions in letters or if you suspect that agency somehow interferes your correspondance you should report to to we will investigate why. it could be either agency fault or fault of girl herself.
It is unrealistic to expect any woman from any country to dedicate her full attention to YOUR first letters.
Not counting the scammers and opportunists who make a career out of living at internet cafes looking for suitable profiles to sucker, most of the honest ladies have limited resources to spend the time and money they need to respond to everything you ask of them in the beginning.
Divide their time even farther if they are proactive and do some looking among men profiles at their agency, as well.
Make sure you design your profiles in a manner that reflect as you realistically as possible, with curtrent photos and for pete's sake put in writing that clear concise mental
of everything you
want out of life and about the woman you seek.
These are great answers. I am learning much from all of you. Thank you. I also added into my profile some lines about scammers not to write me because I will not send money under any circumstances. Maybe that will turn some ladies off but hopefully it will save me a lot of time writing with someone who wants to make some money.
I am guilty of asking many questions in my letters with the hopes of getting to know the ladies enough in the beginning to understand if she is a possible match. I need to put more of that information into my profile and space some of the questions out over time I think. The information all of you have provided is helping me make these small adjustments that could make a big difference in success. Thanks.
I'd suggest you place your profile in a format that projects your wants, likes and expectations without using a questionaire.
Save the direct questions for when women start writing to you.
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