No! That 10K has nothing to do with lawyers. Many of us do this without lawyers, and I have recently submitted the documents for my fiance without the assistance of a lawyer....not difficult at all. The 10k comes from visits, hotels, meals, assistance (money)for her for things such as English lessons and correspondence with you, bringing her back to your country, etc, etc...but mostly your travel expenses. I doubted that 10K figure when I started too but I think I am there already...I purposely stopped counting!
Neon is absolutely right. I made one visit in March another in September and am about to go again in November. The first trip cost me about $2,500. The airfare alone was $1200. Then there was spending money etc. Actually I stayed with her so I didn't spend a whole lot of money while I was there BUT propr to that I needed a Rusian visa figure $200, extra clothes another $750 gifts another $400. It soon adds up.
The second trip was also expensive. Airfare about $1100, tour $850, extra nights $160, interpreter $265, first English lessons $100. AND I have hardly started. $200 to help her out and that is going to continue, more English lessons in a continuous stream.
Today I set up a separate bank account which will allow her to sake money directly out of account with an ATM card.
The next trip will be frequent flyer miles but still needs 2 overnights in London, a train, 2 x taxi and a cast of thousands!!!
All this in one year!! Next year we have another trip, engagement ring, wedding ring, underwrite a trip to Kiev for interview, 2 fares back to the States for her and her child, 14 Mexicans, half a ton of horse shit, a piano (the kind with a lid), 3 tickets to Wembley, a years membership to Whites, 2,000 corkscrews, a monkey pie and a pair of clean shoes.
Yes, yes this is not a cheap business and those expenses can come in suprising forms. For example I had no idea a monkey pie was necessary to marry a woman from Ukraine but who am I to mess around with local customs!! It just goes to show you that this is an expensive business.
Still what is a bankruptcy between friends :))
Good luck to us all (stands Tiny Tim crutch up against wall and promptly falls over) and a Merry Christmas.
Izi and Neon are correct, the 10K has nothing to do with attorneys, it is mostly airfare, travel expenses, hotels, visas to travel, helping your girls cover her expenses, etc. Let not fool ourselves.
Take a reality check. Maybe the young girls have few expenses because they live at home. The mature ladies, such as my girl earns $350 a month (and that is nearly double the average in her country, she has a 4 yr degree), her flat is $200 a month and the balance is spent on food, clothing and transportation. I send her money every month, it is my job as the man and future husband of this family. I have read all the posts about not sending money but I have been to Belarus, I have met my girl and our son, and I am very serious in my responsibility to care for my family.
If something happens and it does not work, then you will never see me bitching that I was scammed. I have been married twice and paid dearly for both, and I never thought I was scammed. Relationships take all our money and our body/soul or we are just playing games.
Go for broke, you really have nothing to loose. When it is all said and done, you will not take a dime with you in your casket. But the memory of your loving relationship with your FSU bride and family will last well into eternity-those that do not believe in eternity, well maybe into your second life or something.
No need to save the money, you spend it as you get it. $1000 for airfare, then another $100 for the visa, then $300 for the hotel, then a few bucks for food and treats, then in couple months some more money for gifts, etc. If you do not plan to have a job making in excess of 30K, then this may not be your time, but if you work hard and not spend on bars and other wild women, you will make it and have plenty to spend on your new bride.
See now you have spoilt everything haven't you?
You had to mention wild women!!
And I was doing so well, now I can see I am going to have to start from the beginning again.
I am not mixing beer and vodka, I learned my lesson. No, no it is sterno and vodka.
Sterno gives it an earthy flavor and if you drink it too fast maybe smokey. So I am not standing too near the stove right now.
(I have also forbidden my kot any matches)
Sailor is right in everything he says - every last word. I earn about $45k a year and it is a struggle so I would think $30k is rather optimistic.
He is also right about taking responsibilty for the welfare of our future families. I agree. Basically that has already started for me and I don't mind a bit. It inspires confidence in her and lets her know you are not some schmuck but take this whole thing dead serious. I want to show I care and can easily take the place of the item she was married to before.
I just don't think you can knock the combination of an RU woman and a western man - especially English Americans - particularly when they lay off the vodka :)))
I'm joking ok?
This is a bit un-nerving. I have been on the wrong side of the advice triangle for the past couple months and now I am mainstream, wow.
I started supporting my girl three months ago admit many protest and many posts of advice of scamming and foolishness. Admitedly, I have the money to loose so did not see it as a real gamble.
I am a bit of a geek, 62 inches tall and portly short but she loves me and tell me not to loose weight-in fact-she ask me to gain the weight I lost before I met her, she liked my pictures taken before we met better than the current look.
I just find this interesting to be so wrong two months ago and now to be right. Just proves, we must all follow our own "guiding light" and do as we feel is best.
As always, I appreciate yours support and the advice of many.
This is all very helpful. I probably have less expenses than most of you, though. Per month, my expenses are not more than $600. Probably more around the $500 mark. And at present my income is two to three times my expenditures. In March my income will be six to ten times my expenditures, plus my credit will be repaired by the time I need this 10K, and so I'll use credit for much of this, since I consider it an investment in my future anyway.
I've googled prices for round trips to Russia at $600, so I don't know what kind of class your flying. And if she's already fluent in English, we won't need lessons (but I'm not sure if that fluency limits me more than it's worth).
While it is true that you can fly from NYC to Moscow in January for $600, most of us do not live in NY, and also have girls that live in areas away from Moscow. Add several hundred dollars for travel from other cities in the US and to various cities in Russia. Also those prices double during the warmer months of the year. Or perhaps your girl will live in a small city in Ukraine or Moldova. There are no cheap flights to most of these places.
Women from Moscow vs women from smaller FSU cities....that's a HOT topic that's been discussed in other threads.
Many things to consider and many factors affect the financial requirements for finding and marrying a FSU woman. Read a lot and do your homework.
I see you are correct, but in many cases a guy needs to do some additional traveling to get to his girl. I think that often adds a few hundred dollars to the trip. And I bet those fares are going up a little now with fuel costs. For me, I have to make a connection to get to Atlanta or New York to make the trip to Moscow, and then I have another flight to take. In the past I have made it fom Florida to Moscow for a little over $600. In the summer it is double. I always use the airlines directly. Thank God for Sky miles, as my last trip in June was free, and I travel end of this month free again.
So Nas, what is your opinion about how much money the average guy spends from start to finish finding, dating, and marrying an FSU woman? After all that is the root question.
You know something I wish I could find these cheap airfares.
It is not for lack of effort looking.
Ekaterinburg was about $1200 with the cost of a hotel in Frankfurt on the way back.
Kherson was $220 up to JFK and then another $921 to Odessa. If I had hired a car to take me to Kherson it would have been an additional $180 (round trip).
So the flight alone was $1140.
There are no $600 flights from Miami to anywhere. Ever.
Incidentally the flight with Aerosvit to Kiev was actually $600 and change BUT they then added on so much in taxes it went to $906 THEN another $21 for delivery. It isn't cheap.
Neon, I think $10,000 is about an average number maybe a little more I think it all depends on each individual situation. I'm like you I gave up on counting. Anyway it wouldn't matter what the cost is because the reward is by far greater than any monetary value anyway. I think what many may forget and myself included how much we spend in the states during the courtship of a woman here because the amount is spread over time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was more. To put it in context, look at the dates, gifts, rings, time and various other stages we go through during the process here it will probably exceed that.
Five years ago I had thought about pursuing a woman from the FSU, but I was just recently divorced, only one year previous, had to take time off from women, and my financial war chest wasn't in that good of shape. The cost of divorce, at least to me was the most expensive, financially and emotionally, that I had ever experienced.
I am spending more on remodeling my home for her than I've spent on travel to see her. So the cost is not just in the travel. Whether you use an attorney or not for the K1 visa is an incidental cost compared to the other things you must prepare for.
Since the first moment I met Larisa, I knew after all the time this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I also know that her transition her will not be easy, so I wanted her input and ideas on our home and other things that would make her feel more comfortable and a feeling that this was hers and not just my home where I live. She has taken a very proactive approach in many aspects of our future life and I think this gives her a feeling of belonging instead of being excess baggage. Which I hope will help make her transition to the states easier because she has involvement in the decisions that affect her life.
We seem to be following the same path. I am also divorced and dropped $50K in cash plus everything (house, car, etc) upon divorce. I waited a couple years then began my search this year. I have purchased another house but not until I showed pictures to Sveta and we discussed the type of house and location we desired to live. Since then, I have not purchased furniture (other than bed and tv) for the house as I want her to decorate it with the styles she prefers. Yes, that does mean I am sitting in a lawn chair but it is a concession I am making for my future and her future happiness.
Uck... I just got a mental image of a large man in his underwear sitting in a lawn chair in an otherwise bare room in front of his TV with a death grip on a bottle of beer.