that's my thinking too(forget Kherson). I'm figuring translators are going to be a daily necessity, unless I find a woman with fairly good english to show me a few sights. I initially figured $2500 for airfare & $300 a day for expenses. So far everything I'm looking at is coming in way under budget. I still have to book one of these apartments I'm looking at, but they're under $100 a night.
The flight I've got is already booked & leaves out of Phoenix on Dec 26th
(about 2000 miles from JFK)
Sounds like I might be learning a little Russian just to get by.
I'm sure I'm going to really impress the ladies when I say....
"your eyes are like a big 'ol toilette please" :o)
or something just as stupid.....
I hope I don't wreck it for the rest of you guys!
I might be in Ukraine for Christmas & New Year also, I was there the same time last year but don't tell Vain, I'm frightened that he might come looking for me to fight and I'm so afraid of him!
Thanks Sailor. I'll search for it and see what I come up with.
Thanks to izi & Martin for the info. Even simple info helps for those of us who've never been.
It's 11am here, so I gotta go have coffee with the neighbor & unload a truck so I can say I worked today.
I understand your points in all forums and you are righter than rain.
Don't waste your time with the American men on here. They are men that no good, decent American woman wants anything to do with. So they buy these Russian women, and then start name-calling and all the "better than thou" baloney instead of admitting the truth.
And yes, anytime you do not agree that Russiam women are the most pure, loving. loyal and "old fashioned" women in God's green earth, both the members and site admins will label you a fool, idiot and so on. Persecution of the Christians all over again.
Know that Russian has the highest number of abortions in the world per woman. So I guess it's "old fashioned" values (that they all claim to have) that condones the slaughter of the innocent. Most women in Russia have five to eight abortions in their lifetime -- some having 30 to 40, according to missionaries.
Folks, don't foget a land that has discarded God deos not one to find any type of values. Don't believe what you hear and read. You never read anything on these forums about ABORTION. Why not? So much so these women's "old fashioned" values -- willful murder.
The typical "buyers" of these women are desperate men who are so hard up to get "laid" and commit fornication that they have to find Russian women to do so. So forgive and feel bad for them, for they are sinners seduced by the Godless way of Russian life. They are among the true laughing stocks of our USA, and I do not believe anything they say. None are ever true Christians, because they violate the sacred tradition that Russians have rejected since the Communist Revolution in 1917.
I do not need to revert to profanity. Understand that this is all a sales pitch by sites like this. These men have fallen for it. Be glad you are better than that. Let them blow their money on this Russian-bride thing, instead of domating to charities or something to really help people instead of serving their own groins.
And here he is again. :))
Incidentally does anybody know the going rate for a Russian woman these days. Do they hold there trade in value and can you get a service contract?
Hallelujah, praise something and anoint something while you are at it :))
So in America, which some of us hold old fashioned values to be true, there is abortion on demand, not only that, if you can't afford it they take my tax dollars to pay for it. Oh by the way you don't have to tell your parents that you are getting this abortion. 1-2, you don't have a clue what you are talking about . The murder rate is higher in Russia than the United States and they have some of the toughest gun control laws in the world.
Donating to charity, charity begins at home and if you take care of your home then no need for welfare. Don't preach to me about abortion, I am as anti abortion as you get, nothing is more sacred than life. So stand in line at an abortion clinic as I have, work on campaigns to take back your country. Beyond that shut up!!!!!!!!!!
You guys that come in and ramble at the people here just goes to show how liberal you are. You talk the talk, but not so willing to walk the walk. Liberals want control, their way, not the way our constitution was written, but then I'm sure you've not involved yourself in the study of the constitution of the United States or the Federalist or Anti Federalist papers.
Remember my great scriptured one, When the man asked Jesus, how must I deal with my trangressor, Christ replied, judge not lest you be Judged. 1-2-34 You bile here upsets my stomach and truly puts you in the worlds most gifted idiot status.
QC I will take you to task in the abortion issue and it has nothing to do with any Religious denomination. This pertains to America only. The 9th and 10th Amendments give states powers not delegated to the federal government. It was done this way by the framers who were concerned with a strong centralized government. Or in other words centralized tyranny. What has happened since Roe V. Wade is the federal government by the way of the supreme court enforced an unconstitutional law legalizing abortion. The 9th and 10th amendments gives the states the rights to control their own health, education and welfare of it's constituents without the undue influence of the federal government. What the Liberals(Socialists as I call them) have done is anytime they are beat at the ballot box they immediately run to the supreme court for a reversal on a decision that was honestly elected by the people of the respective states.
Also you are a little misguided on the Catholic church. I grew up in that church still attend and never had I heard that sex with your wife makes you feel guilty about anything. Even sex out of wedlock, which is not condoned is merely a venial sin in Orthodox Catholic teachings. As for the buggering of their young flock, I never saw it once all the years I was an altar boy. Since all the rantings of the left to make homosexuality a legitmate lifestyle many did run to the priesthood trying to find a place to hide if they were caught. Which in the long run didn't happen. What two people do behind closed doors is their business, it does not give it legitmacy, nor does it make them a minority. Gay's and Lesbians choose to live that lifestyle and their choice shouldn't give them anymore special rights than the average person.
As for Christians which I am one, I do not wear it on my sleeve, nor do I try to influence anyone to my churches teachings. It's my personal belief, kind of like dying something you can only do by yourself. As for working with right to life as I did years ago, if I could change a womans idea to have the child and put it up for adoption versus aborting it, damn straight I will try. When you devalue life through the instruments such as abortion, kids begin to kill kids and etc. Growing up in my youth we didn't have child homicides like we do today, well go back to the Roe V. Wade decision and you will see an increase adolescent homicides after that decision was rendered and none of it had to do with any religious sect whatsoever.
I went through this abortion thing myself and it sucked but it just had to be done at the time. We hated it but had no choice.
It had nothing to do with states powers, liberals or anything else. It was just a horrible experience that we both did not want.
However I am glad that we went through with it or our lives would have been ruined far beyond what did happen.
Nobody has any right to dictate in any way what anybody else should do with their bodies. Roe v Wade is in many ways irelavant. Abortion has and will happen until the last of mankind breathes its last gasp. Some folks get so wrapped up in trying to organize life, especially for everyone else by using governments and laws and amendments and protests and constitutions that they forget this.
It is kind of like trying to force communism down everybodies throats. It can't work. So long as you have one guy with 2 loaves of bread and another with none but a skill the other needs they will trade. That is capitalism. It is fundamental to the human condition and completely unavoidable.
Abortion will happen. Forever. I am so tired of people with their own agenda trying to force it on others who don't agree. It is a mark of tyranny.
thank you very much for your words!
the most funny and stupid thing i ever read here :-)
well, at least i am glad, that only the american men are the bad and stupid ones :-)
gents, 1234 throw a bone in the circle and you start again barking about it.
about abortation in the usa:
damned, where is the part in the holy bible, where god says that everybody should carry a weapon.
but maybe i mix something :-)
one´s again: very clever words from you. nobody, who was ever in such a situation, should press his opinion on those ones, who still suffer from it.
1234, have you ever been in the monastries of sergey possad close to moscow? or in the famous monasteries of kiev?