First of all, the company that did the Romance Socials as I described is, unfortunately, not doing them anymore. It too bad, because the approach seemed much more condusive to actually finding a mate than does the current system of a big singles bar experience where the odds are stacked in your favor.
The pictures were simply taken to conclude the interview. They could very well be used as part of a fiance visa application and both the ladies involved and the gentlement generally discussed that. The photos also served as a reminder of the meeting and what the lady looked like much like the photo in an online profile. On standard Polaroid prints there is space underneath for jotting down phone number etc.
Since there were three Socials on three consecutive nights, with different girls at each, if you attended each and conducted 10 seperate interviews (if you like the word better use "meetings") by the fourth day you generally had a lot of information to work with. Since you could expect to be there for 11 or 12 days for any given Romance Social - each day after the fourth was to used to contact a lady, go out on a single date with many or a few dates woth one that particularly interested you.
The ladies were quite aware of the goings on as they were circulating around the room where the interviews were taking place and many were talking to several different guys during the course of the evening.
It was not expected that the gentlemen would immediately move right into the fiance visa phase but admittedly a foolish few did, and there were resources (fiance visa kit, and a legal representative) available to assist if one special lay appealed to you and that was the case.
In may case, I had already asked one lady to dinner that night when I met the other who I was immediately interested in. As previously mentioned, while my date for the evening was sitting there i gave the other girl money for a hotel room as the other choice would have been foe her to immediately return by bus to Chisinau Moldova that night (Chisinau is quite a distance from Odessa Ukraine). I went out for dinner with my dinner date and was not particularly impressed by her. She explained that she was a regular of the Socials and she went several times a year. The next morning I met the other lady, the one from Moldova and continued to date her for the rest of the trip.
I attended the second Social (of the three) briefly and did not attent the third at all.
The lady and I did not prepare fiance visa papers, nor did we make immediate plans to. The next April (the Social took place in October of 2003) I visted her in her home country of Moldova for three weeks. It was after that period and many phone calls and letter in between that we decided to apply for a fiance visa in November of 2004.
Do I know tha divorce rate among those who met this way? No. Sorry, but I have no such statistics available to quote.
I'm sorry, no offence intended, but I can just not get my head around the term 'interview', is there absolutely no romance involved and the lady is merely being interviewed for a position, a job?
Intitially its just an introductory meeting. We are talking about two seperate cultures here and two languages. There are a lot of barriers to overcome and the ladies in the room are all different types of course. You don't know their age even. Some have children. Some don't. Some have been married before. Some only want to live in urban settings and if you happen to live in a rural area. Any of these things could possibly derail a potential relationship.
When you look at profiles online, you are given a stat page, indicating the ladies age, her profession, how many children she has.
Since there are no stat pages available for these ladies, an informational interview is the first step. You have one Social of somewhat short duration with perhaps two hundred ladies, many of whom speak no English. You know absolitely nothing about them going in. And informational interview is neccessary.
Ladies from a seperate culture and a different language, to us Brits, could be a lady from any of the European countries which include FSU countries but we don't 'interview' them, talking as a man generally, we would 'chat them up', buy them drinks, romance them and most likely try to sleep with them, nobody could describe the such as an interview.
Two cultures, two languages, how does that differ from letter writing whereas you put it previously, to the effect, that only 'losers' communicate with such ladies of different cultures and languages?
You say that you don't even know their ages. Is their age ultimately important to you? She could have the best personality and the best appearance, the best lady a man could wish to meet but hey, how old are you?
I'm sorry, I just don't agree with these romance socials, a lady can do better for herself.
<Two cultures, two languages, how does that differ from letter writing whereas you put it previously, to the effect, that only 'losers' communicate with such ladies of different cultures and languages?>
Don't take it too personnally but what you actually wrote was the following, only a 'loser' would write the same and you know it:
"Hi! I saw your desperate ad. I am desperate too and living in a foreign country. I can find no women within country's borders so I thought I might try yours. I don't know if you are sending me real pictures of yourself that are current, or whicgh were taken when you were much younger. I don't know if you are actually an agency scam or a man posing as a woman, but I will continue to write to you until I either catch on or you ask for money. I might even try and visit you and then discover nothing about you was real."
As you say 'case closed', winners romance and win a lady's affection and subsequent love naturally, losers go to cattle markets whereas they may 'interview' one in two hundred, they find a need to be amongst two hundred to secure the attention of one, and interview them informally of course :)
Don't take it too personally either but you took a fictitious example letter from my post out of context. And I never said or implied that only losers do that as compared to those who attend socials.
What I said exactly on the first page of this thread was.
<Following this path is no more or less desperate than writing to "Lonely Hearts" in the Personals Section of any newspaper or an online service.
Don't they go, after all, something like this:
"Hi! I saw your desperate ad. I am desperate too and living in a foreign country. I can find no women within country's borders so I thought I might try yours. I don't know if you are sending me real pictures of yourself that are current, or whicgh were taken when you were much younger. I don't know if you are actually an agency scam or a man posing as a woman, but I will continue to write to you until I either catch on or you ask for money. I might even try and visit you and then discover nothing about you was real." >
And that was said in response to a post where Socials were havily criticised.
Actually many cities do have cattle markets. Just as they have fish markets and vegetable markets. If you spent your time looking for a lady there, Martin, especially conducting interviews (with ...cows I guess?) you are indeed a loser.
If you interview ladies at a social your are (capital letters here for those with reading problems) NO MORE OR LESS desperate than those who spend endless hours writing to Lonely Hearts on the internet.
This case was closed 25 times before it was closed:) anyhow, conclusion is as Martin put it and I am glad we can all agree to the following:
[Begin Quote]Winners romance and win a lady's affection and subsequent love naturally, losers go to cattle markets whereas they may 'interview' one in two hundred, they find a need to be amongst two hundred to secure the attention of one, and interview them informally of course :)[End Quote]
Excellent! Could not have been said better! – CASE CLOSED!
Ditto! and I might add that the stories of this social party goer are only a celebration of guilt-free laughter for the rest of us. This social party "adventurer" has been warned numerous times in this board the last four years. Despite all the warnings from fellow members as well as the results of his own experience, he keeps hitting his empty(?) head against the wall.
Because the entertainment value of his stories when reported in the forum is just phenomenal, I also concur with you that he should embark on his love tour as soon as it is humanly possible. I also offer my sympathy and encouragement to him with respect to his cause of finding a pretty, young (i.e. no older than 26), educated, fluent in English, submissive in all aspects, outstanding houswife, outstanding cook, without strong ties to her mother or demands for future visits whatsoever, FSU princess. Interviewing 200 prospective candidates in a well lit room after having checked them all out on the dancing floor, then taking plenty photos of them for futher evaluation after all interviews have consummated just sounds the right approach::))
Lest you forget again trav - this is a forum for people seeking Russian brides. Ultra socialist liberals discusiing fantasy politics. When this forum works, it works by people sharing their experiences. THAT is the reason for this forum and its purpose for being.
YOU act as if that's a secondary function. You seem to think that having found a bride from the FSU (which I am beginning to doubt anyway, since they tend to be fairly bright) that this is your personal playpen - and you ahve succeeded inc ahsing away the very people for whom this forum exists.
Back in the archives are several letters where you whine about "bullies" taking over the forum. Now you whine about people who disagree with you. Do you ever stop whining?
MBA (I start doubting that you have an MBA since you need to have an IQ of more than 50 to be admitted unless you received it in the mail ...), you cannot finish a sentence without putting in your mouth my wife. You're so desperate dude? Yes you are. The post below is one of tens in which you show who you really are and what you are really after, i.e. quickies with as many subjectively young, pretty eastern european women as he can possibly find ... enjoy:
Russian brides -> Main Forum ->
Kid In A Candy Shop
Author Post
Member Send: 14.03.2004 14:42:36
Well to those of you who have been following my story in other threads - you might be aware that I am traveling, this Spring, to an Eastern European country, where I am to meet two women, who are former friends. It is a ticklish situation - in that neither of them (of course) is crazy about me seeing the other. In fact one doesn't know I am going to see the other as well. Its a little difficult - because both could respond negatively, so I felt I needed a backup plan - in the event that the entire situation doesn't work out. So I bought about a dozen addresses and have contacted several ladies, asking if they might be interested in meeting me. Each lady is gorgeous. About half have already responded with telephone numbers and letters saying (in essence) 'Yes, call me when you get here, any time at all. I want to meet you.'
So far I could easily see a different gorgeous, interested woman. every night I intend to be there.
Suddenly my "backup plan" looks more appealing than my original plan. This is what I should have planned originally.
Guys, writing letters to beautiful women is great, and you cn use the "kid in a candy shop" idea if you want to. But in a short time I'm actually going to BE THERE. Not "writing" candy but "eating" it (bad and strange analogy - I know, but I don't care). And since I'm aranging the trip myself - its really not a lot of money.
Bottom line: this pretentious jack ass is in this business for the last four years looking for EASY and CHEAP CANDY TO "EAT" IT RATHER THAN "WRITE" TO IT. Further, he is giving the same advice to others. We're talking about a desperate jack ass of epic proportions with IQ of less than 50 who is drooling over the idea of meeting some pretty women ... there is an abundance of stupid posts, which I will resurrect and post as I see fit.